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Auto TimeBank Script for Poker Client

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I need a script that clicks the timebank button, as soon as it shows up.


I got an old one online but I believe it was created for a different skin, but within the same poker network, but it's clicking the call button instead. 


What do I have to do ?


Here's the script I got:




;Prima Auto Time Bank v0.1
;writen by boske @ 2+2 forums

clearChat := 1 ;set to 0 for use with the grabber

;start of code
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance Force
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

SysGet, border, 32
SysGet, caption, 4
caption := border + caption
tableSize := 0
SetControlDelay -1

player_action = bet, called, raised, went all-in, posted, wins, returned, folded, shows, mucked, checked

SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000

SetTitleMatchMode 2
winget, tables, list, ahk_class GFX_INT_DLG_WINDOW_GAME

loop, %tables%

 id := tables%a_index%
 clicked_%id% := clicked_%id%

 WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id%id%
        StringReplace, title, title, €, $, All
 StringReplace, title, title, £,$,All

   StringMid, hero, title, InStr(title, " - $")-1, , L

   StringTrimLeft, hero, hero, InStr(hero, " - ", true, 0)+2

 tablename := SubStr(title,Instr(title, "$"))
 tablename := SubStr(tablename,Instr(tablename, " ")+3)
 StringLeft, tablename, tablename, Instr(tablename,"[")-2

 WinGet, maximized, MinMax, ahk_id %id%
 if (maximized = -1)
  continue ;check other tables

 tablesize := GetTableSize(id)

 global tablesize, hero, player_action, ClearChat
 ControlGetText, hh, RichEdit20W1, ahk_id%id%
   ControlSetText, RichEdit20W1, , ahk_id%id% ; blank the chat so any changes to the chatbox can be easily detected and appended in future SetText commands

 loop, Parse, hh, `n
  if InStr(a_loopfield, "posted small blind")
   first_line := a_index ; first line of current hand

  if(InStr(a_loopfield, hero) && InStr(a_loopfield, "to respond"))
; > hero, you have 10 seconds to respond
   StringTrimLeft, timeleft, a_loopfield, InStr(a_loopfield, "have ")+4
   timeleft := SubStr(timeleft, 1, InStr(timeleft, " ")-1)
;msgbox %timeleft%
   if(timeleft == 10 && clicked_%id% == 0)
     timeNeeded := 1
  { ;only if last action
   if( a_loopfield contains player_action )
    timeNeeded := 0
    clicked_%id% := 0
  clicked_%id% := 1
  loop, Parse, hh, `n
   if(a_index >= first_line) ;current hand
    if (hh3 == "")
      hh3 := a_loopfield 
      hh3 := hh3 . "`n" . a_loopfield ; append lines of active hand

  ;detect changes to the chatbox since blanked
  ControlGetText, hh4, RichEdit20W1, ahk_id%id%
  If hh4 <> ""
    hh3 := hh3 . hh4 ; append any changes in the chatbox to hh3

  ControlSetText, RichEdit20W1, %hh3%, ahk_id%id%

 global tablesize, border

 if(tablesize == 2)
 if(tablesize == 3)
 if(tablesize == 1)
  x := 440
  y := 400
  WinGetPos, , ,w , , ahk_id %id%
  w := w - (2*border)
  factor := w/808

  x := Round(x*factor)
  y := Round(y*factor)


;returns 1 if normal table, 2 if mini table, 3 if large table
 WinGetPos, , ,w ,h , ahk_id %id%

 if (h == 367)
  return 2
 if (w == 1024)
  return 3
  return 1

;Juks rocks
PostLeftClick(x, y, table_id, activate=0) {
; ### JUK: Send the down left click, then the mouse-up messages.
; NOTE: This is relative to the top left of the client area and NOT the top left of the
;       window (ie: It *doesn't* include the title-bar like AHK's MouseClick does!!!).
If activate
 WinActivate, ahk_id%table_id%
PostMessage, 0x201, 0x0001, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id%
PostMessage, 0x202 , 0, ((y<<16)^x), , ahk_id%table_id%

Edited by GeekDude, 09 August 2015 - 05:20 PM.
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