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This is really simple and I don't know why its not working.

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I'm trying to setup a hotkey for the windows key for use on my steam controller because I find it basically useless without one, well getting into it I have poured over the documentation for hours and I can't see what I'm doing wrong

I'm trying to use Control + M for the Hotkey and the output to be the windows key

I have used the following commands although its probably not all of them.


^M:: SendEvent #

^M:: Send #

^M:: SendInput #


^M:: SendPlay #


^M:: SendPlay {LWin}


^M:: SendInput {LWin}


^M:: Send {LWin}


^M:: SendEvent {LWin}

I have tried testing that I am applying the changes by change the {LWin} or # with text and for those commands that send text like Send Event, Send and Send Input the plain text came out as extected I have basically given up for a few days and hope to have someone explain why I am such a baddy.



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On windows 8.1, it seems you need to run your script as an administrator to get it to perfectly copy an LWin.


It does appear, however, that you can use this script, and during the sleep period, other keys can be pressed plainly and it'll act like you pressed Win+That Key.


m:: ; requires administrator access to get a sole LWin event
Tooltip down
SendEvent {LWin down}
Sleep 500
Tooltip up
SendEvent {LWin up}


The final code i used was this and the "n" key was working to bring up my Metro start screen, but only if my script was launched as an administrator. (Right click it in Windows Explorer or your desktop, select "Run as Administrator".)


n::Send {LWin}

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On windows 8.1, it seems you need to run your script as an administrator to get it to perfectly copy an LWin.


It does appear, however, that you can use this script, and during the sleep period, other keys can be pressed plainly and it'll act like you pressed Win+That Key.

m:: ; requires administrator access to get a sole LWin event
Tooltip down
SendEvent {LWin down}
Sleep 500
Tooltip up
SendEvent {LWin up}

The final code i used was this and the "n" key was working to bring up my Metro start screen, but only if my script was launched as an administrator. (Right click it in Windows Explorer or your desktop, select "Run as Administrator".)


n::Send {LWin}

Well I'm using windows 10 got the Win key working and I can even get it to combine with things like Win + R, but what I was actually trying to do was do Win & + for zooming in on windows for the steam controller if I use 

	KeyWait Control
	SendEvent, {LWin Down}{LWin Up}

I can get it to combine with other things apart from + I haven't actually tried - but yeah its for use with the magnifier so I can use my controller from across the room to do fine controls, and dead small text, So basically want I want to do is this.


	KeyWait Control
	Send, {LWin Down}
	Sleep 100
	SendEvent {+}
	Send, {LWin Up}

But it just types out +, I also tried just.


	Send {LWin Down}{+}
	Sleep 50
	Send, {LWin Up}

And many others but I have to have a bath now before I go to work.

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What ever its working with 

	KeyWait Control
	SendEvent {LWin Down}{+}
	SendEvent {LWin Up}

	KeyWait Control
	SendEvent {LWin Down}{-}
	SendEvent {LWin Up}

I swear I had have arranged it like that before but really I don't care any more, it works and that's fine. This is exactly what I need to be able to setup my steam controller to be able to zoom in and out 

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And its broken again, I really don't know what changing... I have the Saved command right here so I know the script has not changed.

Edit for the moment it seems to just be a problem with using {+} as it also means shift without the {} because I kept getting the shift key coming up when the command wasn't working looking at the onscreen keyboard to see what was going on, also it may be because + on the number line is Shift & = where as Plus on the number pad is just + this may have been confusing things maybe also... i don't know.


It seems there's nothing I can do about it, but work around it by using = instead of + its something that the dev's should look into though as its definitely not user error.