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Show animated Gifs in your GUI

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Thanks smile.png

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I am trying to figure this out and I am lost!


I am working off of http://www.autohotke...-scripts/page-2 but I want to add a transparant GIF on the GUI Overlay ontop of the widowed game.


Could someone add a box of code of what needs to be put in at the top of the script for AHK_L and then help me add the GUI Control because it keeps opening a browser when I want it on the overlay.



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Can anyone help me please ? Now I can make this function display GIF image, but can get it background transparent, anyone know how to remove background to make gif image transparent ?



Image used in my code: http://l.yimg.com/us...oticons7/25.gif

AniGID.dll lastest version: https://www.dropbox....43/AniGIF.dll?m



Here is my code:

#Include AniGIF.ahk
;-----8<----- For real use, just remove the part below before 

including the file ----------
; Run test code only if the file is ran standalone

Gui, Margin , 0, 0
Gui, Add, Picture,, %Picture%
Gui, Color, ECE9D8
Gui, +LastFound -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Border

Winset, TransColor, ECE9D8

guiID := WinExist()

hAniGif1 := AniGif_CreateControl(guiID, 10, 10, 30, 18)
If hAniGif1 is not integer
	MsgBox %hAniGif1%

hAniGif2 := AniGif_CreateControl(guiID, 70, 10, 38, 28)
If hAniGif2 is not integer
	MsgBox %hAniGif2%

hAniGif3 := AniGif_CreateControl(guiID, 120, 10, 80, 50, 

"hyperlink center")
If hAniGif3 is not integer
	MsgBox %hAniGif3%

hAniGif4 := AniGif_CreateControl(guiID, 220, 10, 150, 150, 

If hAniGif4 is not integer
	MsgBox %hAniGif4%

Gui Add, Button, x10 y200 w50 gControl_AniGif_Show Default, 

Gui Add, Button, x+20 w50 gControl_AniGif_Exit, Cancel
Gui Add, Button, x200 y200 w20 gControl_AniGif_ZoomIn, +
Gui Add, Button, x+10 w20 gControl_AniGif_ZoomOut, -

Gui Show, w500, AniGif demo

;~ AniGif_LoadGifFromFile(hAniGif1, A_ScriptDir . "\Gif-

AniGif_LoadGifFromFile(hAniGif1, "Gif-1.gif")

AniGif_LoadGifFromFile(hAniGif2, A_ScriptDir . "\Gif-1.gif")
AniGif_SetBkColor(hAniGif2, 0xECE9D8)

AniGif_LoadGifFromFile(hAniGif3, A_ScriptDir . "\Gif-1.gif")
AniGif_SetBkColor(hAniGif3, 0xefefef)
AniGif_SetHyperlink(hAniGif3, "http://www.AutoHotkey.com")

AniGif_LoadGifFromFile(hAniGif4, A_ScriptDir . "\Gif-1.gif")
AniGif_SetBkColor(hAniGif4, 0)
Winset, TransColor, ECE9D8

	AniGif_Zoom(hAniGif4, 1)

	AniGif_Zoom(hAniGif4, 0)


	MsgBox (%hAniGifModule%) %hAniGif1% %hAniGif2% 

%hAniGif3% %hAniGif4%

FIXED version of AniGIF wrapper:


Add a AniGif control to your AHK Gui.
AniGif by akyprian: http://www.winasm.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=279
From his source file:
;|AniGIF is a copyright of Antonis Kyprianou.                             |
;|                                                                        |
;|You can use AniGIF for NON commercial purposes provided you             |
;|have the following information on your application's about box:         |
;|AniGIF control is copyright of Antonis Kyprianou (http://www.winasm.net)|
;|                                                                        |
;|You need my WRITTEN permission to use AniGIF in commercial applications |

// by Philippe Lhoste <PhiLho(a)GMX.net> http://Phi.Lho.free.fr
// File/Project history:
 1.03.000 -- 2007/05/17 (PL) -- Total encapsulation.
 1.02.000 -- 2007/05/16 (PL) -- Changed functions names (thanks majkinetor), added more wrappers, freed correctly DLL.
 1.01.000 -- 2007/05/16 (PL) -- Update to with WAGM_SETBKCOLOR.
 1.00.000 -- 2007/05/16 (PL) -- Creation.
/* Copyright notice: For details, see the following file:
This program is distributed under the zlib/libpng license.
Copyright (c) 2007 Philippe Lhoste / PhiLhoSoft

 * Control creation: you have to provide the ID of the GUI in which the control goes,
 * its position (_x, _y) and size (_w, _h) and optionally additional styles,
 * made of a string with keywords:
 * - autosize to make the control adapts to the Gif size
 * - center to center the Gif in the control
 * - hyperlink to allow clicking on the control and opening the URL defined later
 * Note that the required DLL is loaded automatically on first call.
AniGif_CreateControl(_guiHwnd, _x, _y, _w, _h, _style="")
	local hAniGif, agHwnd
	local msg, style
	static $bFirstCall := true

	If ($bFirstCall)
		$bFirstCall := false
		; It will be unloaded at script end
		hAniGif := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "AniGif.dll")

	style := 0
	If (_style != "")
		If _style contains autosize
			style |= 1	; WAGS_AUTOSIZE
		If _style contains center
			style |= 2	; WAGS_CENTER
		If _style contains hyperlink
			style |= 4	; WAGS_HYPERLINK
	style := 0x50000000 | style

	; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/windows/windowreference/windowfunctions/createwindowex.asp
	agHwnd := DLLCall("CreateWindowEx"
			, "UInt", 0                     ; Style, can be WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE = 0x200
			, "Str", "AniGIF"               ; Class Name
			, "Str", "AnimatedGif"          ; Window name
			, "UInt",  style                ; Window style
			, "Int", _x                     ; X position
			, "Int", _y                     ; Y position
			, "Int", _w                     ; Width
			, "Int", _h                     ; Height
			, "UInt", _guiHwnd              ; Handle of parent
			, "UInt", 0                     ; Menu
			, "UInt", 0               ; hInstance of the module registering the component's class
			, "UInt", 0)                    ; User defined style
	If (ErrorLevel != 0 or agHwnd = 0)
		msg = %msg% Cannot create AniGif control (%ErrorLevel%/%A_LastError%)
		Gosub AniGif_CreateControl_CleanUp
		Return msg

	Return agHwnd

AniGif_CreateControl_CleanUp:	; In case of error
	; Nothing to do here

 * Function to call before exiting or destroying the GUI.
	If (_agHwnd != 0)
		DllCall("DestroyWindow", "UInt", _agHwnd)

;AniGIF control messages
; WM_USER := 0x400 ; 1024
; WAGM_BASE := WM_USER+1000 ; 2024

 * After control creation, allows to load the indicated file.

AniGif_LoadGifFromFile(_agHwnd, _gifFile)
VarSetCapacity(var, StrPut(_gifFile, "cp0") * 2)
StrPut(_gifFile, &var, "cp0")
SendMessage, 2024, 0, &var, , ahk_id %_agHwnd%

; Skipped WAGM_LOADGIFFROMRESOURCE	EQU WAGM_BASE+1	;wParam:hInstance,	lParam:ResourceID

 * Probably free memory used by the loaded Gif.
	SendMessage 2026, 0, 0, , ahk_id %_agHwnd%

 * Set the URL of the hyperlink called when clicking on the Gif.
 * The control must be created with the 'hyperlink' style.
AniGif_SetHyperlink(_agHwnd, _url)
	; WAGM_SETHYPERLINK EQU WAGM_BASE+3	;wParam:N/A,		lParam:lpszHyprelink
	SendMessage 2027, 0, &_url, , ahk_id %_agHwnd%

 * Zoom in (_bZoomIn = 1) or zoom out (bZoomIn = 0) the given Gif by steps of 10%.
AniGif_Zoom(_agHwnd, _bZoomIn)
	; WAGM_ZOOM EQU WAGM_BASE+4	;wParam:N/A,		lParam:TRUE(Zoom In by 10%)/FALSE(Zoom Out by 10%)
	PostMessage 2028, 0, _bZoomIn, , ahk_id %_agHwnd%

 * Change background color of the Gif (if it has transparency or if it is smaller than the control).
 * Color is in BGR format (ie. 0xFF8800 sets blue to FF, green to 88 and red to 00).
AniGif_SetBkColor(_agHwnd, _backColor)
	; WAGM_SETBKCOLOR EQU WAGM_BASE+5	;wParam:N/A,		lParam:BkColor
	PostMessage 2029, 0, _backColor, , ahk_id %_agHwnd%

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You can change the Background (If the Background color doesnt change) Trasparancy of the Background on this Website.



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As I cannot seem to get this to work (despite having the newest Autohotkey version):


Could anyone please put up a zip file containing a working example (and animated gif in a subdir) to test this with ?


Thanks in advance.