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I've modified the page, BoBo had uploaded to the Server a little
bit. and I've uploaded a new site.

is it possible, to link thr URL: autohotkey.de to the
pages avaliable at the FTP-Server?
I've linked them, if the german site was avaliable.

You can download the full German site at the FTP server.

Thx for listening, I'm going to eat sth. now, think I'll be back in a hour or 2.


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Ok, I'll start prove reading:
O = Original
V = Verbesserungsvorschlag (suggestion of changes)
NEW = Einfügung (new Section)

But who is putting the suggestions into the pages? The authors? Me?
What ever is the case, it would help if jonny sends the current version of the page to that person as a ZIP file. So that the links he has already fixed, do not get screwed up again. The updated page we can again put on the ftp site for jonny to put it to the web site.

It's only suggestions of changes, if you disagree let me (us) know.

Page: Home

Some line breaks are wrong. Shrink the browser to a find them yourself.

O (Wenn sie noch nicht mit Scripts vertraut sind, wird es möglicherweise einfacher als sie denken; einfach hier klichen -->quick-start tutorial).
V (Keine Angst, wenn sie noch nicht mit Skripten zu tun hatten, es ist einfacher als Sie denken; einfach hier klicken -->quick-start tutorial).

O [...]AutoScriptWriter, der Tastatur- und Mausaktionen aufnimmt.
V [...]AutoScriptWriter, der Tastatur- und Mausaktionen aufnimmt (geschrieben von Larry Keys).

O Die, die Anwendungen automatisieren wollen.
V Die, die wiederkehrende Aufgaben automatisieren wollen.

NEW: Die, die Skripte mit einer graphischen Oberfläche (GUI) und Benutzerinteraktion erstellen wollen.

O [...] fähiger für komlexe Anwendungen als die meisten anderen Hotkey Applikationen;
V [...] fähiger für komplexe Anwendungen als die meisten anderen Hotkey Applikationen sind;

O Jeder der sich sorgen über Wiederholte Stress Verletzungen macht,
V Jeder der sich Sorgen über "Wiederholte Stress Verletzungen" (Repetitive Stress Injury, RSI) macht,

O [...] kommerziellen Hotkey programme
V [...] kommerziellen Hotkey-Programme

O [...] (virtuelle elimination von Goto-Befehlen).
V [...] (Vermeidet Goto-Befehle).

O [...] (Ein anderer Weg Goto-Befehle zu eliminieren).
V [...] (Ein anderer Weg Goto-Befehle zu vermeiden).

O [...] Entdecken sie unnötige- und Script Fehler lieber Früher (beim Start des Scriptes) als Später (während der Ausführung) wenn sie nicht darauf vorbereitet sind: Syntax Fehler werden während des optimierungs Prozesses erkannt.
V [...] Entdecken sie Schreib- und unnötige Fehler lieber Früher (beim Start des Skriptes) als Später (während der Ausführung) wenn sie nicht darauf vorbereitet sind: Syntax-Fehler werden während des Optimierungsprozesses erkannt.
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I couldn't find more web pages then HOME. Please post when more is available.
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Sorry to all, I haven't had time to get more than Arne's temporary index up. I hope to have some more time this afternoon.

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O Jeder der sich sorgen über Wiederholte Stress Verletzungen macht,
V Jeder der sich Sorgen über "Wiederholte Stress Verletzungen" (Repetitive Stress Injury, RSI) macht,

how about "Jeder, der [...]"?


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But who is putting the suggestions into the pages? The authors? Me?

I would suggest that the person that changes s.th in the translation would do that in the concerning htm file and give the changes a different color. After that he saves the changed file with some kind of timestamp oder version number. S.th. like 0502141500_home_de.htm

The timestamp in above example builds as:
where Y = year; M = month; D = day; h = hour; m = minute
It's just a suggestion. May you'll find a better readable stamp.

And about the color thing I mentioned. You could either add style="color:#FF0000"(red) to the concerning HTML element


original sentence


style="color:#FF0000">new sentence

or if you just edited a small part of a sentence you could enclose that part in a span element with the same color attribute


This is the original sentence


This is the overworked part of thesentence

btw. what about BoBo's translated paragraph of home/index.htm. It reads much better than the actual one


+ ist kostenlos und Open Source (GNU General Public License).
+ ermöglicht Tastatur-, Joystick- und Mausfunktionen zu ändern.
+ ist eine Texterkennung welche Abkürzungen noch während der Eingabe durch Textbausteine ersetzen kann (Auto-Replace).
+ ist eine einfache und doch mächtige Windows Scriptsprache. Unterstützt sowohl Maus- als auch Tastaturmakros (HotKeys). Und das geht leichter als Sie denken, selbst wenn Sie noch nie ein Script geschrieben haben. Überzeugen sie sich --> [Quick-Start-Tutorial].
+ ist eine echte Scriptsprache. Das Program beinhaltet einen Script-Compiler zur Konvertierung eines Scripts in ein ausführbares Programm sowie AutoScriptWriter, einen Makrorekorder programmiert von Larry Keys.

Und wann profitiere ich davon ?

+ wenn Sie sich ständig wiederholende Aufgaben automatisieren wollen.
+ sobald Sie Interesse daran haben eigene Hotkeys zu erstellen, um:
- nicht ausschließlich auf die Standard Windows Tastaturkombinationen festgelegt zu sein.


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Like I've said, the current "actual" one is a temporary one written by Arne. And no, I haven't gotten to it yet.

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I've reviewed the pages which have been uploaded already. And yes I agree that some of the wording needs a l'ill fine-tuning. :wink:

Nevertheless, I think its amazing that you've taken the time to make this happen. Thx a lot to all of you (btw: @ toralf hast du deiner Frau heute Blumen gekauft ? :p)

Till the end of the week :shock: I will provide a basic set of pages which will be plain 1:1 translations (yes, yours!) of the current www.autohotkey.com. No extra animated blink blink etc and of course using Chris' CI (css).

Guess you'll agree that our main focus is on having fun with AHK, and not on 24/7 support and/or maintenance of a parallel AHK web with the standard HTML/CSS/Java-/VBScript/PHP/... hassle. :)


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Well, I started to work on the site, when I realized the work would be for nothing if we realized the dream of getting a wiki up. Well, some clever googling allowed me to wade through the thousands upon thousands of Wiki opinions and narrow it down to a few [semi-] objective opinions. As I [kind of] understand it, MediaWiki is the sleekest, most intuitive, and stablest system out there, but it is also notorious for being difficult to set up (being partly based on MySQL). As this description was coined by a person very literate in the language of web servers, I decided to avoid MediaWiki completely. I redirected my search to one easier to set up, and I came across UseMod. Turns out it's pretty easy, as long as you know what the f*** you're doing! :x Seriously, I came this close to figuring it all out. But even as easy as it is, it still says it requires Apache, Perl, and various methods of configuration and setup.

I think I have to admit to myself that I'm not up to this. I've never done anything like this before. I had some basic html and xml self-tutoring two years ago, and that's the only glance under the internet's hood I've ever had. I'm still a little befuddled even working with pages as simple as the ones on the ftp; however, those are simple enough for even me to at least work with. I think if we are going to get a wiki running, I need some outside help. I've heard some here mention they have experience with web programming; even if you don't know much about wiki's or servers, I would really appreciate any help you could offer. If you're interested, I'll open up an account for you on the main domain and we can try to sort this thing out. Our goal should be MediaWiki, but if noone has the know-how, anything will be sufficient.

In the meantime, I'll be tinkering with the sites you've all worked so hard on and try to get them up and working. I have an English framework on my system with relative urls already in place, so I think what I'll do is ditch the "DE" extensions I've seen in some places and make them all the same as on the English page. This is keeping with my theme of consistency, and it would be very error-prone if I went through and manually edited each link. Anyway, I'll stop babbling now and actually do some work here. :)

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O Jeder der sich sorgen über Wiederholte Stress Verletzungen macht,
V Jeder der sich Sorgen über "Wiederholte Stress Verletzungen" (Repetitive Stress Injury, RSI) macht,

how about "Jeder, der [...]"?

Yeep..... *shame*

I would suggest that the person that changes s.th in the translation would do that in the concerning htm file and give the changes a different color. After that he saves the changed file with some kind of timestamp oder version number. S.th. like 0502141500_home_de.htm

No, I disagree. This would make it very complicated (don't forget: KISS [© BoBo]). I think we just improve the current page. I do not think that we have to mark every change or have a history tracking system. Once it is fine tuned we can stop working on it.

btw. what about BoBo's translated paragraph of home/index.htm. It reads much better than the actual one

Yes, in some paragraphs it reads better. But the current translation isn't bad and ther is no sence in redoing the whole page. Someone (I suppose it was Arne) has done a good job in translating it (remind yourself he's 14! I wasn't that good at english at that age).

But feel free to suggest and make changes yourself. :)
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GAAAH! I am so freakin sorry, but there's too much to do and too little time. I won't say anything else, only that I am working on it, and I will eventually get it up. Thanks, bye.

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does your webspace at least support MYSQL and PHP?

This is basically needed to setup a MediaWiki. If this is not the case, we mustn't dream of a media wiki any further.

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Yes, of course it does. It's a professional domain I got for free in a fluke bargain a few years ago.

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I mentioned s.th about html programming. But I'm sorry to say that doesn't include knowledge about PHP, MYSQL, Linux or the Apache Webeserver. All I would do would be installing by trial'n'error.

Of course I offer you any help I can give you. But does that make sense when nobody knows anything about these things? What if s.th goes wrong. Who would manage the wiki later?

I've read the adminstrators guide of mediawiki. Have you read it already?
http://meta.wikimedi... ... nistrators

Do you know anything about creating sql tables or giving write or read permissions? All I could do would be giving it a try and looking what happens.

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No, I have no clue about anything in that area, sorry. But I have some good news too. I just talked to one of my friends and he has some experience with MySQL. Later on this week he's gonna look at MediaWiki with me and we'll see if we can make something happen. But again, no promises. :?