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OpenGL DllCalls

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EDIT 4/26/08: Cleaned up the script a bit.

After much headache I finally tracked down most of the problems.

For anyone interested, I've updated the script and 2 include files below (be sure to grab the newest include files below or you will be missing some needed constants if you want to test it).

It is now a working example of OpenGL in AHK. The code is a mess and all. If I ever do anything useful with it, I'll clean it up and put it in the Scripts section.

To test it you'll need:

Here is the script:
;	This script is based off of Nehe's First Polygon Tutrorial, which can be found at
;	http://nehe.gamedev.net

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.   ;//
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.   ;//
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.                    ;//

#include WINDERS.ahk
#include GL.ahk

OnExit, Exit

hOpenGL := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "opengl32.dll")
hGlu32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "glu32.dll")
hGdi32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "gdi32.dll")

hInstance := 0
hWnd := 0
ATOM := 0
hDC := 0
hRC := 0
F1 := 0
active := 1
fullscreen := 1
lpszClassName := "OpenGL"


; ==============================================================================================



	If height = 0					;Prevent divide by 0
		height := 1

	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glViewport", Int, 0, Int, 0, Int, width, Int, height)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_PROJECTION)

	; Calculate aspect ratio of the window
	DllCall("glu32.dll\gluPerspective", Double, 45.0, Double, width/height, Double, 0.1, Double, 100.0)

	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_MODELVIEW)





	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glShadeModel", UInt, GL_SMOOTH)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearColor", Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.5)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearDepth", Double, 1.0)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glEnable", UInt, GL_DEPTH_TEST)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glDepthFunc", UInt, GL_LEQUAL)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glHint", UInt, GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, UInt, GL_NICEST)

	Return 1




	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClear", Int, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, -1.5, Float, 0.0, Float, -6.0)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", UInt, GL_TRIANGLES)

		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)
		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)


	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, 3.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", UInt, GL_QUADS)

		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)
		DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)


	DllCall("gdi32.dll\SwapBuffers", UInt, hDC)

	Return 1




	If fullscreen
		DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
		DllCall("ShowCursor", Int, 1)

	If hRC
		If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
			MsgBox, Release of DC and RC failed.`nError: %A_LastError%

		If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglDeleteContext", UInt, hRC)
			MsgBox, Release rendering context failed.`nError: %A_LastError%

	If hDC
		If !DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, hWnd, UInt, hDC)
			MsgBox, Release device context failed.`nError: %A_LastError%

	If hWnd
		If !DllCall("DestroyWindow", UInt, hWnd)
			MsgBox, Could not release hWnd.`nError: %A_LastError%

		If !DllCall("UnregisterClass", UInt, &lpszClassName, UInt, hInstance)
			MsgBox, Could not unregister class.`nError: %A_LastError%

	hInstance := 0
	hWnd := 0
	ATOM := 0
	hDC := 0
	hRC := 0

CreateGLWindow(title, width, height, bits)


	VarSetCapacity(wc, 40, 0)
	VarSetCapacity(WindowRect, 16, 0)
	VarSetCapacity(pfd, 40, 0)

	NumPut(0, WindowRect, 0, "Int")
	NumPut(0, WindowRect, 4, "Int")
	NumPut(width, WindowRect, 8, "Int")
	NumPut(height, WindowRect, 12, "Int")

	lpfnWndProc := RegisterCallback("WndProc", "", 4)
	cbClsExtra := 0
	cbWndExtra := 0
	hInstance := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", UInt, 0)
	hbrBackground := 0
	hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", UInt, 0, UInt, IDC_ARROW)
	hIcon := DllCall("LoadIcon", UInt, 0, UInt, IDI_APPLICATION)
	lpszMenuName := 0

	NumPut(Style, wc, 0, "UInt")
	NumPut(lpfnWndProc, wc, 4, "UInt")
	NumPut(cbClsExtra, wc, 8, "UInt")
	NumPut(cbWndExtra, wc, 12, "UInt")
	NumPut(hInstance, wc, 16, "UInt")
	NumPut(hIcon, wc, 20, "UInt")
	NumPut(hCursor, wc, 24, "UInt")
	NumPut(hbrBackground, wc, 28, "UInt")
	NumPut(&lpszMenuName, wc, 32, "UInt")
	NumPut(&lpszClassName, wc, 36, "UInt")

	ATOM := DllCall("RegisterClass", UInt, &wc)
		MsgBox, Failed to register class.`nError: %A_LastError%

	If fullscreen
		; DEVMODE size: 156 ANSI, 220 UNICODE
		VarSetCapacity(dmScreenSettings, 156, 0)


		NumPut(156, dmScreenSettings, 0, "UShort")

		Result := DllCall("EnumDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, &dmScreenSettings)

		NumPut(width, dmScreenSettings, 108, "UInt")
		NumPut(height, dmScreenSettings, 112, "UInt")
		NumPut(bits, dmScreenSettings, 104, "UInt") ;bits
		NumPut(dmFields, dmScreenSettings, 40, "UInt")

		Result := DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, &dmScreenSettings, UInt, CDS_FULLSCREEN)
			MsgBox,4, Error, The requested fullscreen mode is not supported by`nyour video card. Use windowed mode instead?
			IfMsgBox Yes
				fullscreen := 0
				; Let the user know the program is closing
				MsgBox, The program will now close.

	If fullscreen
		dwExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW
		dwStyle := WS_POPUP
		DllCall("ShowCursor", Int, 0)

	DllCall("AdjustWindowRectEx", UInt, &WindowRect, UInt, dwStyle, UInt, 0, UInt, dwExStyle)

	hWnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", UInt, dwExStyle
					, UInt, &lpszClassName
					, "Str", title
					, Int, 0
					, Int, 0
					, Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 8, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 0, "Int")
					, Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 12, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 4, "Int")
					, UInt, 0
					, UInt, 0
					, UInt, hInstance
					, UInt, 0
					, UInt)
	If !hWnd
		MsgBox, Window creation error.`nError: %A_LastError%


	NumPut(40, pfd, 0, "UShort")
	NumPut(1, pfd, 2, "UShort")
	NumPut(dwFlags, pfd, 4, "UInt")
	NumPut(PFD_TYPE_RGBA, pfd, 8, "UChar")
	NumPut(bits, pfd, 9, "UChar")
	NumPut(16, pfd, 23, "UChar")
	NumPut(PFD_MAIN_PLANE, pfd, 26, "UChar")

	hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, hWnd)
	If !hDC
		MsgBox, Can't create GL device context.`nError: %A_LastError%

	PixelFormat := DllCall("gdi32.dll\ChoosePixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, &pfd)
	If !PixelFormat
		MsgBox, Can't find a suitable pixel format.`nError: %A_LastError%

	If !DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetPixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, PixelFormat, UInt, &pfd)
		MsgBox, Can't set the pixel format.`nError: %A_LastError%

	hRC := DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglCreateContext", UInt, hDC)
	If !hRC
		MsgBox, Can't create GL rendering context.`nError: %A_LastError%

	If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, hDC, UInt, hRC)
		MsgBox, Can't activate the GL rendering context.`nError: %A_LastError%

	DllCall("ShowWindow", UInt, hWnd, Int, SW_SHOW)
	DllCall("SetForegroundWindow", UInt, hWnd)
	DllCall("SetFocus", UInt, hWnd)

	If !InitGL()
		MsgBox, Initialization failed.

	Return 1


WndProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)


	If uMsg = %WM_ACTIVATE%
		If !(wParam >> 16)
			active := 1
			active := 0

		Return 0

		If wParam = %SC_SCREENSAVE%
			Return 0

			Return 0

	If uMsg = %WM_CLOSE%

	If uMsg = %WM_SIZE%
		width := lParam & 0x0ffff
		height := lParam >> 16
		Return 0

	Return DllCall("DefWindowProc", UInt, hwnd, UInt, uMsg, UInt, wParam, UInt, lParam)




	MsgBox, 4, Start Fullscreen?, Would you like to run in fullscreen mode?
	IfMsgBox No
		fullscreen := 0

	CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Polygon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16)

		If F1
			F1 := 0
			fullscreen := !fullscreen
			CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Polygon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16)

		If active
		If !DrawGLScene()



; ==============================================================================================



If hOpenGL
	DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, hOpenGL)
If hGlu32
	DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, hGlu32)
If hGdi32
	DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, hGdi32)

F1 toggles fullscreen, Escape to exit.

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Well, thinking the thread created by SetTimer might be causing problems, I removed the timer and used a loop in its place. No change.

I went back and checked the PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure to verify the sizes, looks right to me:
Base: 1569792

nSize: 1569792
nVersion: 1569794
dwFlags: 1569796
iPixelType: 1569800
cColorBits: 1569801
cRedBits: 1569802
cRedShift: 1569803
cGreenBits: 1569804
cGreenShift: 1569805
cBlueBits: 1569806
cBlueShift: 1569807
cAlphaBits: 1569808
cAlphaShift: 1569809
cAccumBits: 1569810
cAccumRedBits: 1569811
cAccumGreenBits: 1569812
cAccumBlueBits: 1569813
cAccumAlphaBits: 1569814
cDepthBits: 1569815
cStencilBits: 1569816
cAuxBuffers: 1569817
iLayerType: 1569818
bReserved: 1569819
dwLayerMask: 1569820
dwVisible: 1569824
dwDamageMask: 1569828

Total Size: 40

Nothing I do with the cColorBits member makes any difference. Windows should choose the closest match for the entire structure when I call ChoosePixelFormat, so I don't think it really matters.

I've tried handling the WM_PAINT messages and returning 0. I don't see any special handling in the message loop or WndProc function in any of the tutorials I've read that would account for the problem.

Guess I'll have to break down and watch how AHK is handling the floats and doubles. I've tried playing with the padding but I'm a little lost on what excatly OpenGL is expecting. I don't get any parameter errors on any of the calls. I've tried padding width/height before sending it to gluPerspective and it didn't work.

Bah I guess I'll end up wrapping it in a dll. I started to do that in the first place but it looks simple enough to pull off with AHK alone. :(

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*laces out*

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wow, realy amazing ;)

I've changed your code, so the Triangle and the Quad rotating :D

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.   ;//
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.   ;//
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.                    ;//

#include %A_ScriptDir%\WINDERS.ahk
#include %A_ScriptDir%\GL.ahk

hInstance := 0
hWnd := 0
hDC := 0
hRC := 0
hOpenGL := 0
hGlu32 := 0
hGdi32 := 0
Escape := 0
F1 := 0
active := 1
fullscreen := 1
lpszClassName := "OpenGL"

;mod to rotate 
fRotation := 10.0


; ==============================================================================================


   If height = 0               ;Prevent divide by 0
      height := 1

    DllCall("opengl32.dll\glViewport", Int, 0, Int, 0, Int, width, Int, height)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_PROJECTION)

   ; Calculate aspect ratio of the window
   DllCall("glu32.dll\gluPerspective", Double, 45.0, Double, width/height, Double, 0.1, Double, 100.0)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_MODELVIEW)




   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glShadeModel", UInt, GL_SMOOTH)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearColor", Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.5)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearDepth", Double, 1.0)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glEnable", UInt, GL_DEPTH_TEST)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glDepthFunc", UInt, GL_LEQUAL)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glHint", UInt, GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, UInt, GL_NICEST)

   Return 1



   Global ;hDC, fRotation
;mod to rotate
   SetFormat, float, 0.2
   fRotation -= 0.4

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClear", Int, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, -1.5, Float, 0.0, Float, -6.0)

;mod to rotate

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_TRIANGLES)

      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, 3.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_QUADS)

      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)


/********** doesn't work yet... *********
;mod to rotate -

   DllCall("gdi32.dll\SwapBuffers", UInt, hDC)

   Return 1



   Global ;lpszClassName, hDC, hRC, hWnd, hInstance

   If fullscreen
      DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
      DllCall("ShowCursor", Int, 1)

   If hRC
      If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
         MsgBox, Release of DC and RC failed.

      If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglDeleteContext", UInt, hRC)
         MsgBox, Release rendering context failed.

      hRC := 0

   If hDC
      If !DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, hWnd, UInt, hDC)
         MsgBox, Release device context failed.

      hDC := 0

   If hWnd
      If !DllCall("DestroyWindow", UInt, hWnd)
         MsgBox, Could not release hWnd.

      hWnd := 0

   If !DllCall("UnregisterClass", UInt, &lpszClassName, UInt, hInstance)
      MsgBox, Could not unregister class. %A_LastError%

   hInstance := 0

CreateGLWindow(title, width, height, bits, fullscreenflag)

   Global ;lpszClassName, hDC, hRC, hInstance, hWnd, fullscreen
   ;Static pfd

   VarSetCapacity(wc, 40, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(WindowRect, 16, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(pfd, 40, 0)

   NumPut(0, WindowRect, 0, "Int")
   NumPut(0, WindowRect, 4, "Int")
   NumPut(width, WindowRect, 8, "Int")
   NumPut(height, WindowRect, 12, "Int")

   lpfnWndProc := RegisterCallback("WndProc", "", 4)
   cbClsExtra := 0
   cbWndExtra := 0
   hInstance := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", UInt, 0)
   hbrBackground := 0
   hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", UInt, 0, UInt, IDC_ARROW)
   hIcon := DllCall("LoadIcon", UInt, 0, UInt, IDI_APPLICATION)
   lpszMenuName := 0

   NumPut(Style, wc, 0, "UInt")
   NumPut(lpfnWndProc, wc, 4, "UInt")
   NumPut(cbClsExtra, wc, 8, "UInt")
   NumPut(cbWndExtra, wc, 12, "UInt")
   NumPut(hInstance, wc, 16, "UInt")
   NumPut(hIcon, wc, 20, "UInt")
   NumPut(hCursor, wc, 24, "UInt")
   NumPut(hbrBackground, wc, 28, "UInt")
   NumPut(&lpszMenuName, wc, 32, "UInt")
   NumPut(&lpszClassName, wc, 36, "UInt")

   If !DllCall("RegisterClass", UInt, &wc)
      MsgBox, Failed to register class.
      Return 0

   If fullscreen
      ; DEVMODE size: 156 ANSI, 220 UNICODE
      VarSetCapacity(dmScreenSettings, 156, 0)


      NumPut(156, dmScreenSettings, 0, "UShort")

      Result := DllCall("EnumDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, &dmScreenSettings)

      NumPut(width, dmScreenSettings, 108, "UInt")
      NumPut(height, dmScreenSettings, 112, "UInt")
      NumPut(bits, dmScreenSettings, 104, "UInt") ;bits
      NumPut(dmFields, dmScreenSettings, 40, "UInt")

      Result := DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, &dmScreenSettings, UInt, CDS_FULLSCREEN)
         MsgBox,4,, The requested fullscreen mode is not supported by`nyour video card. Use windowed mode instead?
         IfMsgBox Yes
            fullscreen := 0
            ; Let the user know the program is closing
            MsgBox, The program will now close.
            Return 0

   If fullscreen
      dwExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW
      dwStyle := WS_POPUP
      DllCall("ShowCursor", UInt, 0)

   DllCall("AdjustWindowRectEx", UInt, &WindowRect, UInt, dwStyle, UInt, 0, UInt, dwExStyle)

   hWnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", UInt, dwExStyle
               , UInt, &lpszClassName
               , "Str", title
               , UInt, dwStyle | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN
               , Int, 0
               , Int, 0
               , Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 8, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 0, "Int")
               , Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 12, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 4, "Int")
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt, hInstance
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt)
   If !hWnd
      MsgBox, Window creation error. %A_LastError% : %ErrorLevel%
      Return 0


   NumPut(40, pfd, 0, "UShort")
   NumPut(1, pfd, 2, "UShort")
   NumPut(dwFlags, pfd, 4, "UInt")
   NumPut(PFD_TYPE_RGBA, pfd, 8, "UChar")
   NumPut(bits, pfd, 9, "UChar")
   NumPut(16, pfd, 23, "UChar")
   NumPut(PFD_MAIN_PLANE, pfd, 26, "UChar")

   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, hWnd)
   If !hDC
      MsgBox, Can't create GL device context.
      Return 0

   PixelFormat := DllCall("gdi32.dll\ChoosePixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, &pfd)
   If !PixelFormat
      MsgBox, Can't find a suitable pixel format.
      Return 0

   If !DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetPixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, PixelFormat, UInt, &pfd)
      MsgBox, Can't set the pixel format.
      Return 0

   hRC := DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglCreateContext", UInt, hDC, Int)
   If !hRC
      MsgBox, Can't create GL rendering context.
      Return 0

   If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, hDC, UInt, hRC)
      MsgBox, Can't activate the GL rendering context.
      Return 0

   DllCall("ShowWindow", UInt, hWnd, Int, SW_SHOW)
   ;DllCall("UpdateWindow", UInt, hWnd)
   DllCall("SetForegroundWindow", UInt, hWnd)
   DllCall("SetFocus", UInt, hWnd)

   If !InitGL()
      MsgBox, Initialization failed.
      Return 0

   Return 1


WndProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)

   VarSetCapacity(ps, 64, 0)

   If uMsg = %WM_ACTIVATE%
      If !(wParam >> 16)
         active := 1
         active := 0

      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_SYSCOMMAND%
      If (wParam = %SC_SCREENSAVE% or wParam = %SC_MONITORPOWER%)
         Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_PAINT%
      DllCall("BeginPaint", UInt, hwnd, UInt, &ps)
      DllCall("EndPaint", UInt, hwnd, UInt, &ps)
      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_CLOSE%
      DllCall("PostQuitMessage", UInt, 0)
      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_SIZE%
      width := lParam & 0x0ffff
      height := lParam >> 16
      ReSizeGLScene() ;lParam & 0x0ffff, lParam >> 16)
      Return 0

   Return DllCall("DefWindowProc", UInt, hwnd, UInt, uMsg, UInt, wParam, UInt, lParam)



   Global ;fullscreen, F1, Escape

   ; Load required libs
   hOpenGl := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "opengl32.dll")
   If !hOpenGl
      MsgBox, OpenGl32.dll could not be loaded.

   hGlu32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "glu32.dll")
   If !hGlu32
      MsgBox, Glu32.dll could not be loaded.

   hGdi32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "gdi32.dll")
   If !hGlu32
      MsgBox, Gdi32.dll could not be loaded.

   MsgBox, 4, Start Fullscreen?, Would you like to run in fullscreen mode?
   IfMsgBox No
      fullscreen := 0

   If CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Poylgon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen)

         If Escape

         If F1
            F1 := !F1
            fullscreen := !fullscreen
            If !CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Poylgon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen)

         If active
            If !DrawGLScene()

         Sleep, 50


   If hOpenGL
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, OpenGL)

   If hGlu32
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, hGlu32)

   If Gdi32
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, 0)

   Return 0


; ==============================================================================================

Esc::Escape := !Escape
F1::F1 := !F1
Are there any other working AHK Examples of OpenGL? I will try to create 3d volumes...


Z Gecko
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really, really cool! :O

I strongly recommend that you put these scripts in the Scripts&Functions section NOW, no matter if it´s "a mess" or not!

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rotating 3d pyramid :D

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.   ;//
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.   ;//
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.                    ;//

#include %A_ScriptDir%\WINDERS.ahk
#include %A_ScriptDir%\GL.ahk

hInstance := 0
hWnd := 0
hDC := 0
hRC := 0
hOpenGL := 0
hGlu32 := 0
hGdi32 := 0
Escape := 0
F1 := 0
active := 1
fullscreen := 1
lpszClassName := "OpenGL"

;mod to rotate 
fRotation := 10.0


; ==============================================================================================


   If height = 0               ;Prevent divide by 0
      height := 1

    DllCall("opengl32.dll\glViewport", Int, 0, Int, 0, Int, width, Int, height)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_PROJECTION)

   ; Calculate aspect ratio of the window
   DllCall("glu32.dll\gluPerspective", Double, 45.0, Double, width/height, Double, 0.1, Double, 100.0)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_MODELVIEW)




   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glShadeModel", UInt, GL_SMOOTH)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearColor", Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.5)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearDepth", Double, 1.0)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glEnable", UInt, GL_DEPTH_TEST)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glDepthFunc", UInt, GL_LEQUAL)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glHint", UInt, GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, UInt, GL_NICEST)

   Return 1



   Global ;hDC, fRotation
;mod to rotate - IsNulll  
   SetFormat, float, 0.2
   fRotation -= 0.4

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClear", Int, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, -1.5, Float, -0.8, Float, -6.0)

;mod to rotate

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_TRIANGLES)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0) ;blau
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (vorderes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;links (vorderes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;rechts (vorderes Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0) ;ROT
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (rechtes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;links (rechtes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;rechts (rechtes Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;Grün
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (hinteres Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;links (hinteres Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;rechts (hinteres Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;GELB
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (linkes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;links (linkes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;rechts (linkes Dreieck)



   DllCall("gdi32.dll\SwapBuffers", UInt, hDC)

   Return 1



   Global ;lpszClassName, hDC, hRC, hWnd, hInstance

   If fullscreen
      DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
      DllCall("ShowCursor", Int, 1)

   If hRC
      If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
         MsgBox, Release of DC and RC failed.

      If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglDeleteContext", UInt, hRC)
         MsgBox, Release rendering context failed.

      hRC := 0

   If hDC
      If !DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, hWnd, UInt, hDC)
         MsgBox, Release device context failed.

      hDC := 0

   If hWnd
      If !DllCall("DestroyWindow", UInt, hWnd)
         MsgBox, Could not release hWnd.

      hWnd := 0

   If !DllCall("UnregisterClass", UInt, &lpszClassName, UInt, hInstance)
      MsgBox, Could not unregister class. %A_LastError%

   hInstance := 0

CreateGLWindow(title, width, height, bits, fullscreenflag)

   Global ;lpszClassName, hDC, hRC, hInstance, hWnd, fullscreen
   ;Static pfd

   VarSetCapacity(wc, 40, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(WindowRect, 16, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(pfd, 40, 0)

   NumPut(0, WindowRect, 0, "Int")
   NumPut(0, WindowRect, 4, "Int")
   NumPut(width, WindowRect, 8, "Int")
   NumPut(height, WindowRect, 12, "Int")

   lpfnWndProc := RegisterCallback("WndProc", "", 4)
   cbClsExtra := 0
   cbWndExtra := 0
   hInstance := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", UInt, 0)
   hbrBackground := 0
   hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", UInt, 0, UInt, IDC_ARROW)
   hIcon := DllCall("LoadIcon", UInt, 0, UInt, IDI_APPLICATION)
   lpszMenuName := 0

   NumPut(Style, wc, 0, "UInt")
   NumPut(lpfnWndProc, wc, 4, "UInt")
   NumPut(cbClsExtra, wc, 8, "UInt")
   NumPut(cbWndExtra, wc, 12, "UInt")
   NumPut(hInstance, wc, 16, "UInt")
   NumPut(hIcon, wc, 20, "UInt")
   NumPut(hCursor, wc, 24, "UInt")
   NumPut(hbrBackground, wc, 28, "UInt")
   NumPut(&lpszMenuName, wc, 32, "UInt")
   NumPut(&lpszClassName, wc, 36, "UInt")

   If !DllCall("RegisterClass", UInt, &wc)
      MsgBox, Failed to register class.
      Return 0

   If fullscreen
      ; DEVMODE size: 156 ANSI, 220 UNICODE
      VarSetCapacity(dmScreenSettings, 156, 0)


      NumPut(156, dmScreenSettings, 0, "UShort")

      Result := DllCall("EnumDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, &dmScreenSettings)

      NumPut(width, dmScreenSettings, 108, "UInt")
      NumPut(height, dmScreenSettings, 112, "UInt")
      NumPut(bits, dmScreenSettings, 104, "UInt") ;bits
      NumPut(dmFields, dmScreenSettings, 40, "UInt")

      Result := DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, &dmScreenSettings, UInt, CDS_FULLSCREEN)
         MsgBox,4,, The requested fullscreen mode is not supported by`nyour video card. Use windowed mode instead?
         IfMsgBox Yes
            fullscreen := 0
            ; Let the user know the program is closing
            MsgBox, The program will now close.
            Return 0

   If fullscreen
      dwExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW
      dwStyle := WS_POPUP
      DllCall("ShowCursor", UInt, 0)

   DllCall("AdjustWindowRectEx", UInt, &WindowRect, UInt, dwStyle, UInt, 0, UInt, dwExStyle)

   hWnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", UInt, dwExStyle
               , UInt, &lpszClassName
               , "Str", title
               , UInt, dwStyle | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN
               , Int, 0
               , Int, 0
               , Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 8, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 0, "Int")
               , Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 12, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 4, "Int")
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt, hInstance
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt)
   If !hWnd
      MsgBox, Window creation error. %A_LastError% : %ErrorLevel%
      Return 0


   NumPut(40, pfd, 0, "UShort")
   NumPut(1, pfd, 2, "UShort")
   NumPut(dwFlags, pfd, 4, "UInt")
   NumPut(PFD_TYPE_RGBA, pfd, 8, "UChar")
   NumPut(bits, pfd, 9, "UChar")
   NumPut(16, pfd, 23, "UChar")
   NumPut(PFD_MAIN_PLANE, pfd, 26, "UChar")

   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, hWnd)
   If !hDC
      MsgBox, Can't create GL device context.
      Return 0

   PixelFormat := DllCall("gdi32.dll\ChoosePixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, &pfd)
   If !PixelFormat
      MsgBox, Can't find a suitable pixel format.
      Return 0

   If !DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetPixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, PixelFormat, UInt, &pfd)
      MsgBox, Can't set the pixel format.
      Return 0

   hRC := DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglCreateContext", UInt, hDC, Int)
   If !hRC
      MsgBox, Can't create GL rendering context.
      Return 0

   If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, hDC, UInt, hRC)
      MsgBox, Can't activate the GL rendering context.
      Return 0

   DllCall("ShowWindow", UInt, hWnd, Int, SW_SHOW)
   ;DllCall("UpdateWindow", UInt, hWnd)
   DllCall("SetForegroundWindow", UInt, hWnd)
   DllCall("SetFocus", UInt, hWnd)

   If !InitGL()
      MsgBox, Initialization failed.
      Return 0

   Return 1


WndProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)

   VarSetCapacity(ps, 64, 0)

   If uMsg = %WM_ACTIVATE%
      If !(wParam >> 16)
         active := 1
         active := 0

      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_SYSCOMMAND%
      If (wParam = %SC_SCREENSAVE% or wParam = %SC_MONITORPOWER%)
         Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_PAINT%
      DllCall("BeginPaint", UInt, hwnd, UInt, &ps)
      DllCall("EndPaint", UInt, hwnd, UInt, &ps)
      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_CLOSE%
      DllCall("PostQuitMessage", UInt, 0)
      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_SIZE%
      width := lParam & 0x0ffff
      height := lParam >> 16
      ReSizeGLScene() ;lParam & 0x0ffff, lParam >> 16)
      Return 0

   Return DllCall("DefWindowProc", UInt, hwnd, UInt, uMsg, UInt, wParam, UInt, lParam)



   Global ;fullscreen, F1, Escape

   ; Load required libs
   hOpenGl := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "opengl32.dll")
   If !hOpenGl
      MsgBox, OpenGl32.dll could not be loaded.

   hGlu32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "glu32.dll")
   If !hGlu32
      MsgBox, Glu32.dll could not be loaded.

   hGdi32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "gdi32.dll")
   If !hGlu32
      MsgBox, Gdi32.dll could not be loaded.

   MsgBox, 4, Start Fullscreen?, Would you like to run in fullscreen mode?
   IfMsgBox No
      fullscreen := 0

   If CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Poylgon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen)

         If Escape

         If F1
            F1 := !F1
            fullscreen := !fullscreen
            If !CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Poylgon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen)

         If active
            If !DrawGLScene()

         Sleep, 50


   If hOpenGL
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, OpenGL)

   If hGlu32
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, hGlu32)

   If Gdi32
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, 0)

   Return 0


; ==============================================================================================

Esc::Escape := !Escape
F1::F1 := !F1
A collection of these scriptlets would be great. 8)

EDIT: 2 Pyramdys who rotate on diffrent places on diffrent Axes.: (Only the important Draw function. To run, take the code above and replace this function with the old one)[/b]


   Global ;hDC, fRotation
;mod to rotate - IsNulll  
   SetFormat, float, 0.2
   fRotation -= 0.4

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClear", Int, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

;************************************ Start OF 1th Pyramid *********************************************

DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, +1.5, Float, -1.0, Float, -6.0)
;mod to rotate

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_TRIANGLES)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0) ;blau
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (vorderes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;links (vorderes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;rechts (vorderes Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0) ;ROT
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (rechtes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;links (rechtes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;rechts (rechtes Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;Grün
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (hinteres Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;links (hinteres Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;rechts (hinteres Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;GELB
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (linkes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;links (linkes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;rechts (linkes Dreieck)


;************************************ END OF 1th Pyramid ***********************************************

;************************************ Start OF 2th Pyramid *********************************************
DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, -1.5, Float, 0.0, Float, -6.0)

;mod to rotate

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_TRIANGLES)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0) ;blau
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (vorderes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;links (vorderes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;rechts (vorderes Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0) ;ROT
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (rechtes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;links (rechtes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;rechts (rechtes Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;Grün
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (hinteres Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;links (hinteres Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;rechts (hinteres Dreieck)

   	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;GELB
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0) ;oben (linkes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0) ;links (linkes Dreieck)
	DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0) ;rechts (linkes Dreieck)


;************************************ END OF 2th Pyramid ***********************************************

   DllCall("gdi32.dll\SwapBuffers", UInt, hDC)

   Return 1


Z Gecko
  • Guests
  • Last active:
  • Joined: --
you´re really turned on by this, IsNull, aren´t you? :lol:

Me too! 8)

Next example:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.   ;//
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.   ;//
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.                    ;//

#include %A_ScriptDir%\WINDERS.ahk
#include %A_ScriptDir%\GL.ahk

hInstance := 0
hWnd := 0
hDC := 0
hRC := 0
hOpenGL := 0
hGlu32 := 0
hGdi32 := 0
Escape := 0
F1 := 0
active := 1
fullscreen := 1
lpszClassName := "OpenGL"

;mod to rotate 
f1Rotation := 0.0
b1Rotation := 0.0
f2Rotation := 0.0
b2Rotation := 0.0


; ==============================================================================================


   If height = 0               ;Prevent divide by 0
      height := 1

    DllCall("opengl32.dll\glViewport", Int, 0, Int, 0, Int, width, Int, height)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_PROJECTION)

   ; Calculate aspect ratio of the window
   DllCall("glu32.dll\gluPerspective", Double, 45.0, Double, width/height, Double, 0.1, Double, 100.0)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glMatrixMode", UInt, GL_MODELVIEW)




   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glShadeModel", UInt, GL_SMOOTH)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearColor", Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.5)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClearDepth", Double, 1.0)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glEnable", UInt, GL_DEPTH_TEST)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glDepthFunc", UInt, GL_LEQUAL)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glHint", UInt, GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, UInt, GL_NICEST)

   Return 1



   Global ;hDC, fRotation
;mod to rotate
   SetFormat, float, 0.2
   f1Rotation -= 0.8
   b1Rotation += 0.8
   f2Rotation -= 1.2
   b2Rotation += 1.2

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glClear", Int, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_QUADS)   
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.8, Float, 0.3, Float, 0.1)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -15.0, Float, -1.2, Float, -15.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -15.0, Float, -1.5, Float, 15.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 15.0, Float, -1.5, Float, 15.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 15.0, Float, -1.2, Float, -15.0)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_QUADS)   
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.4, Float, 0.5, Float, 1.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -15.0, Float, -15.0, Float, -15.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -15.0, Float, 15.0, Float, -15.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 15.0, Float,  15.0, Float, -15.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 15.0, Float,  -15.0, Float, -15.0)
   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, -1.5, Float, 0.0, Float, -6.0)


   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_TRIANGLES)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0)   
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)


   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glTranslatef", Float, 3.0, Float, 0.0, Float, 0.0)

   DllCall("opengl32.dll\glBegin", Int, GL_QUADS)   
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glColor3f",  Float, 0.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, 1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, 1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)
      DllCall("opengl32.dll\glVertex3f", Float, -1.0, Float, -1.0, Float, 0.0)


   DllCall("gdi32.dll\SwapBuffers", UInt, hDC)

   Return 1



   Global ;lpszClassName, hDC, hRC, hWnd, hInstance

   If fullscreen
      DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
      DllCall("ShowCursor", Int, 1)

   If hRC
      If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, 0, UInt, 0)
         MsgBox, Release of DC and RC failed.

      If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglDeleteContext", UInt, hRC)
         MsgBox, Release rendering context failed.

      hRC := 0

   If hDC
      If !DllCall("ReleaseDC", UInt, hWnd, UInt, hDC)
         MsgBox, Release device context failed.

      hDC := 0

   If hWnd
      If !DllCall("DestroyWindow", UInt, hWnd)
         MsgBox, Could not release hWnd.

      hWnd := 0

   If !DllCall("UnregisterClass", UInt, &lpszClassName, UInt, hInstance)
      MsgBox, Could not unregister class. %A_LastError%

   hInstance := 0

CreateGLWindow(title, width, height, bits, fullscreenflag)

   Global ;lpszClassName, hDC, hRC, hInstance, hWnd, fullscreen
   ;Static pfd

   VarSetCapacity(wc, 40, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(WindowRect, 16, 0)
   VarSetCapacity(pfd, 40, 0)

   NumPut(0, WindowRect, 0, "Int")
   NumPut(0, WindowRect, 4, "Int")
   NumPut(width, WindowRect, 8, "Int")
   NumPut(height, WindowRect, 12, "Int")

   lpfnWndProc := RegisterCallback("WndProc", "", 4)
   cbClsExtra := 0
   cbWndExtra := 0
   hInstance := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", UInt, 0)
   hbrBackground := 0
   hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", UInt, 0, UInt, IDC_ARROW)
   hIcon := DllCall("LoadIcon", UInt, 0, UInt, IDI_APPLICATION)
   lpszMenuName := 0

   NumPut(Style, wc, 0, "UInt")
   NumPut(lpfnWndProc, wc, 4, "UInt")
   NumPut(cbClsExtra, wc, 8, "UInt")
   NumPut(cbWndExtra, wc, 12, "UInt")
   NumPut(hInstance, wc, 16, "UInt")
   NumPut(hIcon, wc, 20, "UInt")
   NumPut(hCursor, wc, 24, "UInt")
   NumPut(hbrBackground, wc, 28, "UInt")
   NumPut(&lpszMenuName, wc, 32, "UInt")
   NumPut(&lpszClassName, wc, 36, "UInt")

   If !DllCall("RegisterClass", UInt, &wc)
      MsgBox, Failed to register class.
      Return 0

   If fullscreen
      ; DEVMODE size: 156 ANSI, 220 UNICODE
      VarSetCapacity(dmScreenSettings, 156, 0)


      NumPut(156, dmScreenSettings, 0, "UShort")

      Result := DllCall("EnumDisplaySettings", UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, &dmScreenSettings)

      NumPut(width, dmScreenSettings, 108, "UInt")
      NumPut(height, dmScreenSettings, 112, "UInt")
      NumPut(bits, dmScreenSettings, 104, "UInt") ;bits
      NumPut(dmFields, dmScreenSettings, 40, "UInt")

      Result := DllCall("ChangeDisplaySettings", UInt, &dmScreenSettings, UInt, CDS_FULLSCREEN)
         MsgBox,4,, The requested fullscreen mode is not supported by`nyour video card. Use windowed mode instead?
         IfMsgBox Yes
            fullscreen := 0
            ; Let the user know the program is closing
            MsgBox, The program will now close.
            Return 0

   If fullscreen
      dwExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW
      dwStyle := WS_POPUP
      DllCall("ShowCursor", UInt, 0)

   DllCall("AdjustWindowRectEx", UInt, &WindowRect, UInt, dwStyle, UInt, 0, UInt, dwExStyle)

   hWnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", UInt, dwExStyle
               , UInt, &lpszClassName
               , "Str", title
               , UInt, dwStyle | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN
               , Int, 0
               , Int, 0
               , Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 8, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 0, "Int")
               , Int, NumGet(WindowRect, 12, "Int")-NumGet(WindowRect, 4, "Int")
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt, hInstance
               , UInt, 0
               , UInt)
   If !hWnd
      MsgBox, Window creation error. %A_LastError% : %ErrorLevel%
      Return 0


   NumPut(40, pfd, 0, "UShort")
   NumPut(1, pfd, 2, "UShort")
   NumPut(dwFlags, pfd, 4, "UInt")
   NumPut(PFD_TYPE_RGBA, pfd, 8, "UChar")
   NumPut(bits, pfd, 9, "UChar")
   NumPut(16, pfd, 23, "UChar")
   NumPut(PFD_MAIN_PLANE, pfd, 26, "UChar")

   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", UInt, hWnd)
   If !hDC
      MsgBox, Can't create GL device context.
      Return 0

   PixelFormat := DllCall("gdi32.dll\ChoosePixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, &pfd)
   If !PixelFormat
      MsgBox, Can't find a suitable pixel format.
      Return 0

   If !DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetPixelFormat", UInt, hDC, UInt, PixelFormat, UInt, &pfd)
      MsgBox, Can't set the pixel format.
      Return 0

   hRC := DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglCreateContext", UInt, hDC, Int)
   If !hRC
      MsgBox, Can't create GL rendering context.
      Return 0

   If !DllCall("opengl32.dll\wglMakeCurrent", UInt, hDC, UInt, hRC)
      MsgBox, Can't activate the GL rendering context.
      Return 0

   DllCall("ShowWindow", UInt, hWnd, Int, SW_SHOW)
   ;DllCall("UpdateWindow", UInt, hWnd)
   DllCall("SetForegroundWindow", UInt, hWnd)
   DllCall("SetFocus", UInt, hWnd)

   If !InitGL()
      MsgBox, Initialization failed.
      Return 0

   Return 1


WndProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)

   VarSetCapacity(ps, 64, 0)

   If uMsg = %WM_ACTIVATE%
      If !(wParam >> 16)
         active := 1
         active := 0

      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_SYSCOMMAND%
      If (wParam = %SC_SCREENSAVE% or wParam = %SC_MONITORPOWER%)
         Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_PAINT%
      DllCall("BeginPaint", UInt, hwnd, UInt, &ps)
      DllCall("EndPaint", UInt, hwnd, UInt, &ps)
      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_CLOSE%
      DllCall("PostQuitMessage", UInt, 0)
      Return 0

   If uMsg = %WM_SIZE%
      width := lParam & 0x0ffff
      height := lParam >> 16
      ReSizeGLScene() ;lParam & 0x0ffff, lParam >> 16)
      Return 0

   Return DllCall("DefWindowProc", UInt, hwnd, UInt, uMsg, UInt, wParam, UInt, lParam)



   Global ;fullscreen, F1, Escape

   ; Load required libs
   hOpenGl := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "opengl32.dll")
   If !hOpenGl
      MsgBox, OpenGl32.dll could not be loaded.

   hGlu32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "glu32.dll")
   If !hGlu32
      MsgBox, Glu32.dll could not be loaded.

   hGdi32  := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "gdi32.dll")
   If !hGlu32
      MsgBox, Gdi32.dll could not be loaded.

   MsgBox, 4, Start Fullscreen?, Would you like to run in fullscreen mode?
   IfMsgBox No
      fullscreen := 0

   If CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Poylgon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen)

         If Escape

         If F1
            F1 := !F1
            fullscreen := !fullscreen
            If !CreateGLWindow("Nehe's First Poylgon Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen)

         If active
            If !DrawGLScene()

         Sleep, 50


   If hOpenGL
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, OpenGL)

   If hGlu32
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, hGlu32)

   If Gdi32
      DllCall("FreeLibrary", UInt, 0)

   Return 0


; ==============================================================================================

Esc::Escape := !Escape
F1::F1 := !F1

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you´re really turned on by this, IsNull, aren´t you?

definitely :D
Well, ago 1 year, I tried to use the openGL dll too. But I failed. But then, a realy good solution crop up, u know... 8)

Z Gecko
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yeah, i noticed. :D

Z Gecko
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btw i found some nice OpenGL tutorials, they might help.
http://www.codeworx....opengl_tuts.php this on is in german language.

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Amazing! This will hopefully open some very interesting doors for us.

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Hi somebody pointed me to this thread, from my expose-clone-thread...

looks nice what you did with your implementation. this means i can backport my experiments on : <!-- m -->http://community.thi... ... 0.msg12301<!-- m -->
and do it in AHK again ;)

some suggestion for your code, you should define all DllCalls as separate functions (Wrapper) which makes the code much more readable, and in best case you can even nearly copy/paste basic or c-code from other examples.

with the help of thinbasic, i learned enough opengl. to do it now in any language ;)

eg. similar to this, and you can even #include the file similar to gdi_plus_helper.ahk, you can mapp all GLU functions.

-- mfc wrapper
GetDC( hw ) {
   return DLLCall("GetDC", UInt, hw )

CreateDC( driver,device,output,mode  ) {
   return DLLCall("GetDC", UInt, driver, UInt, device, UInt, output, UInt, mode )

SetStretchBltMode( hdc , value ) {
     return DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetStretchBltMode", UInt,hdc, "int",value)

CreateCompatibleDC( hdc ) {
   return DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", UInt,hdc)

CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc , w, h ) {
     return DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", UInt,hdc, Int,w, Int,h)

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with the help of thinbasic, i learned enough opengl. to do it now in any language Wink

great :D

Can you explain, how to create and atach a texture for a 3d volume?

In fact, I tried this tutorial: <!-- m -->http://www.codeworx....opengl_tut6.php<!-- m -->

But the part with the Bitmap loading, I doesn t understand. There is a Funtion who returns a pointer. Ok. After that, these calls follow:
glGenTextures(1, &texture[0]); 
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]);
In the first call the param is a pointer to the other pointer!? And in the second call, the param is our pointer to the texture data... so I don't understand this step...

AUX_RGBImageRec *LoadBMP(char *Filename) // Lädt ein BMP
  FILE *File=NULL; // Das File Handle

  if (!Filename) 
  // Ist ein Dateiname übergeben worden?

    return NULL; // offenbar nicht... Abbruch

  // Versuch die Datei zu öffnen

  if (File) // Existiert die Datei?
    fclose(File); // Datei schließen
    return auxDIBImageLoad(Filename); 
    // BMP laden und Zeiger (Pointer) zurückgeben, 
    // der auf die Bilddaten verweist
  return NULL; // Laden hat nicht geklappt

int LoadGLTextures() // Bitmaps laden und konvertieren
  int Status=FALSE; 
  // Status ersteinmal auf FALSE setzen

  AUX_RGBImageRec *TextureImage[1]; 
  // Speicherplatz für die Textur schaffen

  memset(TextureImage,0,sizeof(void *)*1); 
  //Vorher sichergehen das dieser auch leer ist

Das Bitmap "Data/codeworx.bmp" wird mit Hilfe von LoadBMP geladen und konvertiert. Falls das geklappt hat, wird Status auf TRUE gesetzt.

  if (TextureImage[0]=LoadBMP("Data/codeworx.bmp"))
  // Bitmap laden
    Status=TRUE; // hat geklappt.

Aus den gespeicherten Bilddaten in TextureImage[0] wird jetzt mit Hilfe von glGenTextures() in texture[0] eine Textur erstellt. glBlindTexture() teilt OpenGL mit, das es sich bei texture[0] um eine 2D-Textur handelt.

    glGenTextures(1, &texture[0]); // Textur wird erstellt

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]);
    //Es handelt sich um eine 2D Textur

Wirklich fertig ist die Textur leider noch nicht, wieder muss "mitgeteilt" werden, das es sich um eine 2D-Textur handelt, der übergebene Wert 0 ist vorerst unwichtig, repräsentiert den Grad derDetails, 3 steht für die 3 Farbkanäle Rot, Grün und Blau in denen das Bild als BMP vorliegt. Die Abmessungen werden automtisch mit sizeX und sizeY ermittelt, die nächste Null gibt die Rahmenbreite an, was ersteinmal vernachläßigt werden kann, der Farmodus ist RGB, die Bildinformationen bestehen aus unsigned Bytes und mit TextureImage[0]->data werden die Bilddaten letztendlich ausgelesen.

    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TextureImage[0]->sizeX, 
                 TextureImage[0]->sizeY, 0, GL_RGB, 
                 GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, TextureImage[0]->data);

Die nächsten Zeilen legen fest, welche Filter benutzt werden sollen um die Textur zu verzerren. GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER steht für den Filter der verwendet werden soll wenn die Textur zusammengedrückt werden soll, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER wird genutzt wenn die Textur auseinandergezerrt wird. Die Filtermethode GL_LINEAR sieht sehr schön aus, belastet aber den Prozessor recht stark. GL_NEAREST kann ebenfalls genutzt werden, was zwar Ressourcen spart, leider aber recht pixelig wirkt.

    // GL_LINEAR wird für GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER genutzt
    // GL_LINEAR wird für GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER genutzt

Abschließend sollte der durch TextureImage[0] belegte RAM wieder freigegeben werden

  if (TextureImage[0]) // Existiert TextureImage[0]?
    if (TextureImage[0]->data) // enthält sie Bilddaten?
      // wenn ja, dann diese Bilddaten löschen

    // Und auch die Struktur an sich löschen.

Und der Status wird zurückgegen, ist dieser TRUE, hat alles geklappt.

  return Status; // Status zurückgeben
sry for german comments...

And btw, wrapping this dllcalls would be great. Maby I will try it and share here :wink:

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Hi IsNull, your posted code looks "obvious" to me, what is your question?

I try what i understand. (no problem with the german comments, as i am native german speaking)
glGenTextures(1, &texture[0]); 
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[0]);

glGenTextures( -number of texture- , -texture data)
loads a string or stream of data (pixels) into a opengl-"variable" and stores it into position=1.
then the Texture is "mapped" "linked" "applied" onto the next polygones until glDraw... is called. the &...

the thinbasic code for this example can be found in my flip3d-example and is perhaps more understandable. (see links in the previous post to thinbasic).

Gen-Texture normally only returns a "Number" of a Texture, so i am wondering why this is a pointer. (which means this is a region in the memory where the texture-pixels are stored).

Bind-Texture only says the open-gl engine to apply or copy the texture-data for position x to the vectors.

you first call bindtexture and this will be applied to the next "polygon drawing" commands.

perhaps you should read the thinbasic code with the flip3d experiment, for me the code is quite readable in thinbasic and also the code is working. (you only need to install the free thinbasic -programm/ide to run it, you find the software at <!-- m -->http://www.thinbasic.com<!-- m --> ).

i also got a notice from psch at the thinbasic forum, who supports the efforts. (and he has way more experience in opengl, and is really helpful with questions). he managed to build a function to convert a hdc into a string and then load this into a opengl texture, which means to load the contents of a normal windows-window into a texture.

but if you only want to load a bmp into a texture there is a simple function (at least in thinbasic TBGL , but i guess this is only a dll call) TBGL_loadtexture or similar.

the only tricky part is to handle returnvalues, but opengl in nature is not objectoriented but works with simple function-calls and behaves more like (c and not c++) so returnvalues should not be too complex.

there will be ways to find a syntax we can copy/paste from TBGL (or simple DLLCalls) in thinbasic vs. AHK.

In essence, opengl with dllcalls are only Windows-API calls (or similar) and are therefore exactly the same in thinbasic or AHK (or c++ or c or VBasic or c# ) if you will. basic or AHK is only the GLUE to these DLL-Calls. This also means even if AHK or thinbasic are interpreted the programm will still be fast, because there is way more time spent in the dll-call than the basic or AHK program.

I see some fun coming, programming AHK and thinbasic in parallel with mostly compatible code (copy/paste). Combining the users and community of AHK with the knowledge of not so many but smart people in thinbasic.

you should try the TBGL (thinBasicGL) demos on the thinbasic webpage, and you will learn to programm OpenGL quickly whithout the hassle C or C++ involve.

I will also use the AHK- DllCall Wrapper functions, and name it in a way it will be matching with the existing functions in thinbasic. either with TBGL_-Prefix or als real DLL-Calls there , which is also possible.

Psch gives the right comments at the right time. fabulous ;)

<!-- m -->http://community.thi... ... icseen#new<!-- m -->

Perhaps this example also helps. ( simply execute the thinbasic code to see what happens, thinbasic is as simple to use as ahk...)
<!-- m -->http://community.thi... ... 90#msg6490<!-- m -->

Hope this gives some hints.

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Glad to see others with an interest in OpenGL. Overall much nicer interface than what DirectX has become IMO :)

But that script above is very buggy... please don't use it as it is :D

some suggestion for your code, you should define all DllCalls as separate functions (Wrapper) which makes the code much more readable, and in best case you can even nearly copy/paste basic or c-code from other examples.

Erm, I don't have a bit of problem reading the code. That's what AHK code looks like. You're already calling a high-performance graphics library from a scripting language. I can't see wrapping all the calls and making performance worse (an extra function call for every DllCall?).

You can make it a little better by calling something like glGenTextures := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hOpenGL, Str, "glGenTextures"), and then you can use it like DllCall(glGenTextures, UInt, 1, UInt, &texture).

That's just my opinion. Do what you want.

And I'll clean it up here in a while and post in the Scripts and Functions section, unless a mod wouldn't mind sticking it there now?

One last thing: can anyone explain why the first script has a memory leak and the modified ones do not?
