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[stdlib] SB_SetProgress

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Here is a full synopsis:


Creates and controls a progressbar placed atop the last known AHK Gui's Statusbar control.

SB_SetProgress([param1 [, segment [, options]]])


Needs to be a number in the given range of the progressbar, its bar's position is changed to that value.
The default range can be changed with the method described below. By default it is from 0 to 100.

Specify the segment you wish to attach the Progressbar to. If you want only to change it's appearance with the options, and no segments are defined, use 1 which is also the default value.

A string of zero or more options from the list further below.


Usable Options

+/-Smooth: Displays a length of segments rather than a smooth continuous bar. Specifying -Smooth is also one of the requirements to show a themed progress bar on Windows XP or later. The other requirement is that the bar not have any custom colors; that is, that the C and Background options be omitted. Windows 95 and NT4 require Internet Explorer 3.0 or later to support this option.

+/-Range: Sets the range to be something other than 0 to 100. After the word Range, specify the minimum, a dash, and maximum. For example, Range0-1000 would allow a numbers between 0 and 1000; Range-50-50 would allow numbers between -50 and 50; and Range-10--5 would allow numbers between -10 and -5. On Windows 95 and NT4, negative ranges and ranges beyond 65535 will not behave correctly unless Internet Explorer 3.0 or later is installed.
Using -Range (minus range) will reset the range to standard defaults.

Cn: Changes the bar's color. Specify for n one of the 16 primary HTML color names or a 6-digit RGB color value. Examples: cRed, cFFFF33, cDefault. If the C option is never used (or cDefault is specified), the system's default bar color will be used.

BackgroundN: Changes the bar's background color. Specify for n one of the 16 primary HTML color names or a 6-digit RGB color value. Examples: BackgroundGreen, BackgroundFFFF33, BackgroundDefault. If the Background option is never used (or BackgroundDefault is specified), the background color will be that of the window or tab control behind it.

Enable: Enables a control if it was previously disabled. On by default.

Disable: Disables or "grays out" a control.

Show: Shows a control if it was previously hidden.

Hide: Hides the progressbar control.



In case an error happens, The ErrorLevel will contain informations about what went wrong. All Descriptions start with the word "FAIL:" written in caps. Possible contents and a brief explanation:

No StatusBar Control

Wrong Segment Parameter
Will be set when Segment parameter is smaller or equal zero.

Wrong Segment Count
Will be set when higher Segment number is given than actual segements exist. Exception: When operating with just a standard statusbarcontrol and no segments at all, a given Segment parameter can be used to have more than just one Progressbar of which only the latest according to its z-Order will be displayed.

The function was unable to determine given Segment's dimensions (x/y of upper left corner and x/y of lower right corner)

On success the ErrorLevel will contain 1



When an Error of the pervious described occurs, the returnvalue will be set to -1. On success to the progressbar's WindowHandle (hWnd).


Allthough it works, it is better not to supply options directly at a loop which will permanently update the statusbar. This may result in flickering of the progressbar due to parsing all comments on each run. Better is to use Seperate commands, and have just passed Param1 and Segemt to update the progressbar. See the example below how to use this properly.



Currently the so called marqueestyle (that is no given size, but a contantly moving part of the bar) is not functional.
The -Smooth/+Smooth parameter will only be evaluated upon Progressbar creation and cannot be changed from within the function lateron.

Using the PBM_DELTAPOS message to increment the Bar by a given step and not by an absolute number is not implemented yet.
So something comparable to
GuiControl,, MyProgress, +20  ; Increase the current position by 20.
won't work at the moment.

To get the current's Progressbar value (if ever needed) a SendMessage must be used like this:
hwnd := SB_SetProgress(50,3,"BackgroundYellow cBlue") ; This is the way to obtain the handle to the control
SendMessage, PBM_GETPOS:=0x408, wParam:=0, lParam:=0,,ahk_id %hWnd% ; wParam, and lParam needs to be zero in this case
MsgBox %ErrorLevel% ; The ErrorLevel contains the current position


StatusBar, Progress, Styles



Progress Bar Control Reference > Messages

[ahksushi] Statusbar with Progressbar and animated Icon
<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...pic.php?t=37674<!-- m -->

[Solved] How to send an array with SendMessage
<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke.../topic6017.html<!-- m -->

[tutorial] Creating windows without GUI commands
<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...pic.php?t=22904<!-- m -->



SB_SetProgress(10) ; will create a progress onto entire statusbar showing 10% bar

A little working example:

Gui,add,text,w280 center,Some text for the gui!
Gui,show,w300,Statusbar with Progress

SB_SetParts(20,200,100) ; Make 3 different parts
SB_SetText("demotext",2) ; Set a text segment 2
SB_SetIcon(A_AhkPath,1,1) ; Set an Icon to 1st segment
; create a 50% progressbar with yellow background and blue bar
hwnd := SB_SetProgress(50,3,"BackgroundYellow cBlue") 

This example shows advanced features of the SB_SetProgress function

; ahk-Sushi: Anime Icon + Progressbar in Statusbar
; (w) Nov 2008 by DerRaphael(at)oleco.net
; modified for SB_SetProgress demonstration

gui,add,text,w180 center y10,Demo anime Icon`n+ Progressbar in StatusbarControl
gui,add,button,x+10 yp-3 w90 gRestart vBtn1 default, Restart!
Gui,add,statusbar, hwndhwndBar
gui,show,w300,[ahksushi] Statusbar Demo

hIS     := SB_SetIcon(A_AhkPath,1,1)
hwnd := SB_SetProgress(50,3,"BackgroundGreen cLime")
Gosub, Prep_Animation

   pp := 0

   R := mod(pp,8)//2+1
   SendMessage, 0x40F, 0, hI%R%,, ahk_id %hwndBar%     ; SB_SETICON := (WM_USER:=0x400) + 15 - icon animation!
   if (pp=100) {
      SendMessage, 0x40F, 0, hIS,, ahk_id %hwndBar%    ; StandardIcon hIS
      SB_SetText("`tEat mo' sushi!",2,0)               ; update Text
      SetTimer,ProgressAnimation,Off                   ; Timer OFF
      SB_SetText("`tDone!",3,0)                        ; update Text
      SB_SetProgress(0,3,"hide")                       ; hide the progress
   } else  ; update Text
      SB_SetText("`tLala lala la: " pp " %",2,0)

; Prepare Animation - Load 4 Icons and make their handle available
hInst := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "shell32.dll")
   hI%A_index% := DllCall("LoadImage", "Uint", hInst, "Uint", 3+A_index, "Uint", 1
                        , "int", 16, "int", 16, "Uint", 0x8000)


The code for the function - include this either in every script u decide to use it, or put it directly into your StdLib (e.g. Path\To\Ahk.exe\lib\SB.ahk) with the desired filename SB.ahk

; SB_SetProgress
; (w) by DerRaphael / Released under the Terms of EUPL 1.0 
; see http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/7330 for details

   ; Definition of Constants   
   Static SB_GETRECT      := 0x40a      ; (WM_USER:=0x400) + 10
        , SB_GETPARTS     := 0x406
        , SB_PROGRESS                   ; Container for all used hwndBar:Seg:hProgress
        , PBM_SETPOS      := 0x402      ; (WM_USER:=0x400) + 2
        , PBM_SETRANGE32  := 0x406
        , PBM_SETBARCOLOR := 0x409
        , PBM_SETBKCOLOR  := 0x2001 
        , dwStyle         := 0x50000001 ; forced dwStyle WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|PBS_SMOOTH

   ; Find the hWnd of the currentGui's StatusbarControl

   if (!StrLen(hwndBar)) { 
      rErrorLevel := "FAIL: No StatusBar Control"     ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
   } else If (Seg<=0) {
      rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Wrong Segment Parameter"  ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
   } else if (Seg>0) {
      ; Segment count
      SendMessage, SB_GETPARTS, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hwndBar%
      SB_Parts :=  ErrorLevel - 1
      If ((SB_Parts!=0) && (SB_Parts<Seg)) {
         rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Wrong Segment Count"  ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
      } else {
         ; Get Segment Dimensions in any case, so that the progress control
         ; can be readjusted in position if neccessary
         if (SB_Parts) {
            VarSetCapacity(RECT,16,0)     ; RECT = 4*4 Bytes / 4 Byte <=> Int
            ; Segment Size :: 0-base Index => 1. Element -> #0
            SendMessage,SB_GETRECT,Seg-1,&RECT,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
            If ErrorLevel
                  n%A_index% := NumGet(RECT,(a_index-1)*4,"Int")
               rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Segmentdimensions" ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
         } else { ; We dont have any parts, so use the entire statusbar for our progress
            n1 := n2 := 0
            ControlGetPos,,,n3,n4,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
         } ; if SB_Parts

         If (InStr(SB_Progress,":" Seg ":")) {

            hWndProg := (RegExMatch(SB_Progress, hwndBar "\:" seg "\:(?P<hWnd>([^,]+|.+))",p)) ? phWnd :

         } else {

            If (RegExMatch(Ops,"i)-smooth"))
               dwStyle ^= 0x1

            hWndProg := DllCall("CreateWindowEx","uint",0,"str","msctls_progress32"
               ,"uint",0,"uint", dwStyle
               ,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0 ; segment-progress :: X/Y/W/H
               ,"uint",DllCall("GetAncestor","uInt",hwndBar,"uInt",1) ; gui hwnd

            SB_Progress .= (StrLen(SB_Progress) ? "," : "") hwndBar ":" Seg ":" hWndProg

         } ; If InStr Prog <-> Seg

         ; HTML Colors

         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bBackground(?P<C>[a-z0-9]+)\b",bg)) {
              if ((strlen(bgC)=6)&&(RegExMatch(bgC,"i)([0-9a-f]{6})")))
                  bgC := "0x" bgC
              else if !(RegExMatch(bgC,"i)^0x([0-9a-f]{1,6})"))
                  bgC := %bgC%
              if (bgC+0!="")
                  SendMessage, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0
                      , ((bgC&255)<<16)+(((bgC>>8)&255)<<8)+(bgC>>16) ; BGR
                      ,, ahk_id %hwndProg%
         } ; If RegEx BGC
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bc(?P<C>[a-z0-9]+)\b",fg)) {
              if ((strlen(fgC)=6)&&(RegExMatch(fgC,"i)([0-9a-f]{6})")))
                  fgC := "0x" fgC
              else if !(RegExMatch(fgC,"i)^0x([0-9a-f]{1,6})"))
                  fgC := %fgC%
              if (fgC+0!="")
                  SendMessage, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0
                      , ((fgC&255)<<16)+(((fgC>>8)&255)<<8)+(fgC>>16) ; BGR
                      ,, ahk_id %hwndProg%
         } ; If RegEx FGC

         If ((RegExMatch(ops,"i)(?P<In>[^ ])?range((?P<Lo>\-?\d+)\-(?P<Hi>\-?\d+))?",r)) 
              && (rIn!="-") && (rHi>rLo)) {    ; Set new LowRange and HighRange
              SendMessage,0x406,rLo,rHi,,ahk_id %hWndProg%
         } else if ((rIn="-") || (rLo>rHi)) {  ; restore defaults on remove or invalid values
              SendMessage,0x406,0,100,,ahk_id %hWndProg%
         } ; If RegEx Range
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bEnable\b"))
            Control, Enable,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bDisable\b"))
            Control, Disable,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bHide\b"))
            Control, Hide,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bShow\b"))
            Control, Show,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%

         ControlGetPos,xb,yb,,,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
         ControlMove,,xb+n1,yb+n2,n3-n1,n4-n2,ahk_id %hwndProg%
         SendMessage,PBM_SETPOS,value,0,,ahk_id %hWndProg%

      } ; if Seg greater than count
   } ; if Seg greater zero

   If (regExMatch(rErrorLevel,"^FAIL")) {
      ErrorLevel := rErrorLevel
      Return -1
   } else 
      Return hWndProg


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I haven't figured out where I'm gonna use it yet but it's way cool. Thanks for sharing. 8)

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seems like the RegEx for the range is case-sensitive by accident,
( http://www.autohotke...topic45296.html )
the SB_SetProgress-function should probably be:
; SB_SetProgress
; (w) by DerRaphael / Released under the Terms of EUPL 1.0
; see http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/7330 for details

   ; Definition of Constants   
   Static SB_GETRECT      := 0x40a      ; (WM_USER:=0x400) + 10
        , SB_GETPARTS     := 0x406
        , SB_PROGRESS                   ; Container for all used hwndBar:Seg:hProgress
        , PBM_SETPOS      := 0x402      ; (WM_USER:=0x400) + 2
        , PBM_SETRANGE32  := 0x406
        , PBM_SETBARCOLOR := 0x409
        , PBM_SETBKCOLOR  := 0x2001
        , dwStyle         := 0x50000001 ; forced dwStyle WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|PBS_SMOOTH

   ; Find the hWnd of the currentGui's StatusbarControl

   if (!StrLen(hwndBar)) {
      rErrorLevel := "FAIL: No StatusBar Control"     ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
   } else If (Seg<=0) {
      rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Wrong Segment Parameter"  ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
   } else if (Seg>0) {
      ; Segment count
      SendMessage, SB_GETPARTS, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hwndBar%
      SB_Parts :=  ErrorLevel - 1
      If ((SB_Parts!=0) && (SB_Parts<Seg)) {
         rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Wrong Segment Count"  ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
      } else {
         ; Get Segment Dimensions in any case, so that the progress control
         ; can be readjusted in position if neccessary
         if (SB_Parts) {
            VarSetCapacity(RECT,16,0)     ; RECT = 4*4 Bytes / 4 Byte <=> Int
            ; Segment Size :: 0-base Index => 1. Element -> #0
            SendMessage,SB_GETRECT,Seg-1,&RECT,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
            If ErrorLevel
                  n%A_index% := NumGet(RECT,(a_index-1)*4,"Int")
               rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Segmentdimensions" ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
         } else { ; We dont have any parts, so use the entire statusbar for our progress
            n1 := n2 := 0
            ControlGetPos,,,n3,n4,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
         } ; if SB_Parts

         If (InStr(SB_Progress,":" Seg ":")) {

            hWndProg := (RegExMatch(SB_Progress, hwndBar "\:" seg "\:(?P<hWnd>([^,]+|.+))",p)) ? phWnd :

         } else {

            If (RegExMatch(Ops,"i)-smooth"))
               dwStyle ^= 0x1

            hWndProg := DllCall("CreateWindowEx","uint",0,"str","msctls_progress32"
               ,"uint",0,"uint", dwStyle
               ,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0 ; segment-progress :: X/Y/W/H
               ,"uint",DllCall("GetAncestor","uInt",hwndBar,"uInt",1) ; gui hwnd

            SB_Progress .= (StrLen(SB_Progress) ? "," : "") hwndBar ":" Seg ":" hWndProg

         } ; If InStr Prog <-> Seg

         ; HTML Colors

         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bBackground(?P<C>[a-z0-9]+)\b",bg)) {
              if ((strlen(bgC)=6)&&(RegExMatch(bgC,"i)([0-9a-f]{6})")))
                  bgC := "0x" bgC
              else if !(RegExMatch(bgC,"i)^0x([0-9a-f]{1,6})"))
                  bgC := %bgC%
              if (bgC+0!="")
                  SendMessage, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0
                      , ((bgC&255)<<16)+(((bgC>>8)&255)<<8)+(bgC>>16) ; BGR
                      ,, ahk_id %hwndProg%
         } ; If RegEx BGC
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bc(?P<C>[a-z0-9]+)\b",fg)) {
              if ((strlen(fgC)=6)&&(RegExMatch(fgC,"i)([0-9a-f]{6})")))
                  fgC := "0x" fgC
              else if !(RegExMatch(fgC,"i)^0x([0-9a-f]{1,6})"))
                  fgC := %fgC%
              if (fgC+0!="")
                  SendMessage, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0
                      , ((fgC&255)<<16)+(((fgC>>8)&255)<<8)+(fgC>>16) ; BGR
                      ,, ahk_id %hwndProg%
         } ; If RegEx FGC

         If ((RegExMatch(ops,"[color=red]i)[/color](?P<In>[^ ])?range((?P<Lo>\-?\d+)\-(?P<Hi>\-?\d+))?",r))
              && (rIn!="-") && (rHi>rLo)) {    ; Set new LowRange and HighRange
              SendMessage,0x406,rLo,rHi,,ahk_id %hWndProg%
         } else if ((rIn="-") || (rLo>rHi)) {  ; restore defaults on remove or invalid values
              SendMessage,0x406,0,100,,ahk_id %hWndProg%
         } ; If RegEx Range
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bEnable\b"))
            Control, Enable,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bDisable\b"))
            Control, Disable,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bHide\b"))
            Control, Hide,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bShow\b"))
            Control, Show,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%

         ControlGetPos,xb,yb,,,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
         ControlMove,,xb+n1,yb+n2,n3-n1,n4-n2,ahk_id %hwndProg%
         SendMessage,PBM_SETPOS,value,0,,ahk_id %hWndProg%

      } ; if Seg greater than count
   } ; if Seg greater zero

   If (regExMatch(rErrorLevel,"^FAIL")) {
      ErrorLevel := rErrorLevel
      Return -1
   } else
      Return hWndProg


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thx z_gecko,

i just updated the main script :)


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i dont know if im missing something here but this is supposed to work on other guis than the first too right?

i tried this but it wont show up
Gui 3: Default
  SB_SetParts(80,200), SB_SetProgress(10,2)

if i remove Gui 3: Default it shows up just fine in the statusbar on my 1st gui
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this actually just works fine, with the code from above;

Gui,Add,Button, gGoGui3, Go GUI 3!
Gui,Show, h50 w200, Demo Gui 1

	Gui,add,text,w280 center,Some text for the gui!
	Gui,show,w300,Statusbar with Progress

	SB_SetParts(20,200,100) ; Make 3 different parts
	SB_SetText("demotext",2) ; Set a text segment 2
	SB_SetIcon(A_AhkPath,1,1) ; Set an Icon to 1st segment
	; create a 50% progressbar with yellow background and blue bar
	hwnd := SB_SetProgress(50,3,"BackgroundYellow cBlue") 



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looks like it had something to do with gui, show

i used to have gui, shot afer sb_setprogress and for some reason when i moved it before it it worked

thanks anyway for your quick reply
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i got a little problem with your awesome function :D
its propably something simple but i cant figure it out

i have sb_setprogress on my gui n6 ( i dont know if this matters)
the progress bar shows up just fine but when i exit the gui with gui, destroy and then start gui n6 up again it doesnt show up anymore
i have tried to use the "show" option but that doesnt seem to work either

keep up the great work i really love this!

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Options like color are not working on windows 7

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i got a little problem with your awesome function :D
its propably something simple but i cant figure it out

i have sb_setprogress on my gui n6 ( i dont know if this matters)
the progress bar shows up just fine but when i exit the gui with gui, destroy and then start gui n6 up again it doesnt show up anymore
i have tried to use the "show" option but that doesnt seem to work either

keep up the great work i really love this!

I'm having this same issue...any resolution? Here's a test script. The Return Value is blank after re-creating the GUI, while the ErrorLevel is always 0. Please help!

#Include bin\SB_SetProgress.ahk

Gui, 55:Add, Text, w70 h20 , This is a test.
Gui, 55:Add, Button, x+10 y+-20 w105 h20 gReloadGui, Click to reload Gui.
Gui, 55:Add, StatusBar
Gui, 55:Show, w200 h60, Testing Progress Bar

Gui, 55:Default
hwnd := SB_SetProgress(10,2,"show")
MsgBox, Return Value = %hwnd%`nErrorLevel = %ErrorLevel%

Gui, 55:Destroy
GoTo, ShowGui


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The issue has to do with the "SB_PROGRESS" variable. I guess it stores a list of "hwndBar:Seg:hProgress" strings to avoid recreating a progress bar in the same StatusBar segment. However, once a GUI has been destroyed and rebuilt, the progress control doesn't exist in that numbered segment yet to be updated. The following code change resolves this issue:

Change line 48

If (InStr(SB_Progress, ":" Seg ":")) {


If (InStr(SB_Progress, [color=red]hwndBar[/color] ":" Seg ":")) {

This takes into consideration the unique ID of the window, as well as the segment number. For a new window (recreated GUI), the progress bar will first be created before being updated.

Hope this helps someone out.

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Ive tested sucessfully this func, but seems it take more than 16 milliseconds to work.

Please can be possible to speedup this progress? Maybe regex is very CPU hard...

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Hello!  This is really awesome!  I am creating a list-searcher, and this is perfect.


My only complaint is that when I resize the window (I added "gui, new, +resize" to the top of the basic example), it doesn't move with the statusbar.  You can see what happens when I resize the window.  Weird.  It leaves the statusbar in its original place in the window where it was before the window was resized, but it also creates a mini-version of it and draws it in the statusbar where it should appear.



gui, new, +resize
Gui,add,text,w280 center,Some text for the gui!
Gui,show,w300,Statusbar with Progress

SB_SetParts(20,200,100) ; Make 3 different parts
SB_SetText("demotext",2) ; Set a text segment 2
SB_SetIcon(A_AhkPath,1,1) ; Set an Icon to 1st segment
; create a 50% progressbar with yellow background and blue bar
hwnd := SB_SetProgress(50,3)


This seems to work (make sure not to enquote the hwnd):

    anchor(hwnd, "y", "r")

Autohotkey on Windows 7 Pro x64

(AutoHotkey on Windows 7 Pro x64)