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[Solved]DLLCall(SetParent) problems with displaying windows

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Zed Gecko
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When i display other top-level windows in an AHK-GUI,
severe displaying/redrawing problems occur on the contained windows.
The happen randomly
when either the contained or the containing windows are resized, minimized or restored.

i tried several workarounds (e.g Winset, Redraw or adding the WS_CHILD-style to the contained windows) but nothing solved this problem completely.

this script "adds" other windows to it´s own GUI,
when you Ctrl-Click on the windows TitleBar.
It "releases" them when close the AHK-GUI.
Pressing Ctrl+1 will start some of the fixes i tried:
;Gui, 1: +E0x00010000L
Gui, 1: Show, x0 y0 w800 h600
Gui, 1: +LastFound
GUI_id := WinExist()

~^LButton:: ;add the window under the mouse to the ahk-GUI
hk_result =
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, hk_x, hk_y, hk_id, hk_control
if IsOverTitleBar(hk_x, hk_y, hk_id)
	hk_result := Set_Parent(hk_id, GUI_id)
	if (hk_result = "")
;		WinSet, Style, +0x40000000,  ahk_id %hk_id%
		capturelist .= hk_id . "-" . hk_result . "`n`r"
		Gui, 1: Show

^1:: ; try to fix the redrawing problem
Winset, Redraw, , ahk_id %GUI_id%
tmp_cl_1 =
tmp_cl_2 =
loop, parse, capturelist, `n, `r 
	StringSplit, tmp_cl_, A_LoopField, -,
	Winset, Redraw, , ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
;	WinHide, ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
;	WinShow, ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%

Set_Parent(Child_Handle, Parent_Handle) 
  Return DllCall( "SetParent", "uint", Child_Handle, "uint", Parent_Handle ) ; success = handle to previous parent, failure =null

IsOverTitleBar(x, y, hWnd)
   SendMessage, 0x84,, (x & 0xFFFF) | (y & 0xFFFF) << 16,, ahk_id %hWnd%
   if ErrorLevel in 2,3,8,9,20,21
      return true
      return false

tmp_cl_1 =
tmp_cl_2 =
loop, parse, capturelist, `n, `r 
	StringSplit, tmp_cl_, A_LoopField, -,
;	WinSet, Style, -0x40000000,  ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
	Set_Parent(tmp_cl_1, tmp_cl_2)

Does anybody know, why it happens or how it can be solved?
(i´m running on Win2K here, not tested on other versions)
code removed due to protest.

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i also tried:
assign the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style to the ahk_GUI
sending the WM_PAINT Message to the contained windows
assign the WM_CHILD style to the contained windows
all without success.

I´m out of options now and still got no clue.

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impatient *BUMP*

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i also tried:
assign the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style to the ahk_GUI

For me on XP SP2, WS_CLIPCHILDREN seems to solve the problem. Without that, the child is apparently painted over.
;Gui, 1: +E0x00010000L 
Gui, +0x2000000               ; +WS_CLIPCHILDREN
Gui, 1:Show, x0 y0 w800 h600
Gui, 1:+LastFound 
GUI_id := WinExist() 

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For me on XP SP2, WS_CLIPCHILDREN seems to solve the problem.

thanks, that is interesting.
I will try to find me a XP-machine myself to try this out.
Does someone know why or how this happens.

And could someone test the script on other windows versions, please.

Zed Gecko
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i finally got it to work properly:
; http://support.microsoft.com/kb/112181/en-us/
Gui, 1: [color=red]+0x16000000[/color] +Resize
;Gui, 1: +0x02000000L +Resize
Gui, 1: Show, x0 y0 w800 h600
Gui, 1: +LastFound
GUI_id := WinExist()

hk_result =
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, hk_x, hk_y, hk_id, hk_control
if IsOverTitleBar(hk_x, hk_y, hk_id)
	hk_result := Set_Parent(hk_id, GUI_id)
	if (hk_result = "")
;		WinSet, Style, +0x40000000,  ahk_id %hk_id%
		capturelist .= hk_id . "-" . hk_result . "`n`r"
;		Gui, 1: Show

Winset, Redraw, , ahk_id %GUI_id%
tmp_cl_1 =
tmp_cl_2 =
loop, parse, capturelist, `n, `r 
	if (A_LoopField = "")
	StringSplit, tmp_cl_, A_LoopField, -,
	SendMessage, 0x0F, , , , ahk_id %tmp_cl_1% ; send WM_PAINT	
	Winset, Redraw, , ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
;	WinHide, ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
;	WinShow, ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
;Winset, Redraw, , ahk_id %GUI_id%
Gui, 1: Restore

Set_Parent(Child_Handle, Parent_Handle) 
  Return DllCall( "SetParent", "uint", Child_Handle, "uint", Parent_Handle ) ; success = handle to previous parent, failure =null

IsOverTitleBar(x, y, hWnd)
   SendMessage, 0x84,, (x & 0xFFFF) | (y & 0xFFFF) << 16,, ahk_id %hWnd%
   if ErrorLevel in 2,3,8,9,20,21
      return true
      return false

tmp_cl_1 =
tmp_cl_2 =
loop, parse, capturelist, `n, `r 
	if (A_LoopField = "")
	StringSplit, tmp_cl_, A_LoopField, -,
;	WinSet, Style, -0x40000000,  ahk_id %tmp_cl_1%
	Set_Parent(tmp_cl_1, tmp_cl_2)

googling for WS_CLIPCHILDREN i found this page: http://support.micro...b/112181/en-us/
it says:

NOTE: Microsoft recommends that you always include the WS_VISIBLE, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, and WS_CLIPCHILDREN styles in the new value. This means the value of nVal would always be at least 0x16000000.

And exactly this did the trick.
code removed due to protest.