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Mouse Wheel Emulator

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How many people out there are stuck with a laptop with no scroll wheel, or an old but comfortable two-button mouse they refuse to let go? Here's a treat for you.

This script combines the functionality of TheGood's AHKHID and ManaUser's MakeChord libraries to provide emulated middle-click and scroll wheel abilities to users of mice, trackpads and trackballs without a scroll wheel.

I've included this script, along with the necessary AHK libraries in the ZIP file linked above. Extract all 3 files to the same folder and run MouseWheelEmulator.ahk. You can also use AHK's script compiler to make an EXE out of it that you can run from any folder without the library dependencies.

For more information and instructions see the comments in the script. Enjoy!

;; MouseWheelEmulator.ahk



Created by Blahman (blah238 at gmail dot com)



Summary: This script combines the functionality of TheGood's AHKHID and ManaUser's MakeChord libraries to provide emulated middle-click and scroll wheel abilities to users of mice, trackpads and trackballs without a scroll wheel.


-Allows middle clicks and mouse wheel scrolling to be performed on hardware without a physical scroll wheel

-Freezes the mouse cursor in place during virtual mouse wheel scrolling

-Sends scroll wheel messages to window or control under cursor, not just the active window (in supported applications; see note about different scroll modes below)


1) Download the AHKHID and MakeChord libraries and place the AHKHID.ahk and MakeChord.ahk files in the same folder as this script.

AHKHID: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic41397.html

MakeChord (just the second half that starts with the MakeChord() function): http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic44399.html

2) Run this script.


By default there are two ways to activate a middle click or scroll the virtual mouse wheel:

To perform middle-click:

Click the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously (often referred to as "chording").


Hold Alt and right click.

To scroll the virtual mouse wheel:

Click and hold the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously and move the mouse in the direction you wish to scroll.


Hold Alt, click and hold the right mouse button, and move the mouse in the direction you wish to scroll.

Note: If you need to terminate the script you can use Ctrl-Alt-Break.

About the different scroll modes:

There are several different ways that any given program may implement mouse scrolling. AHK has built-in WheelUp and WheelDown functions, but not all applications respond to them.

Some applications respond to WM_VSCROLL/WM_HSCROLL messages, while others respond to WM_MOUSEWHEEL/WM_HSCROLL messages.

If you find an application you use doesn't work with this script out of the box, you can probably fix it yourself by adding that application's process name to the conditional statements in the GetScrollMode() function.

The default scroll mode, 0, is AHK's built-in WheelUp and WheelDown commands. This does not support horizontal scrolling or scrolling the window or control under the cursor, while the other two modes do.

Some applications respond to more than one scroll mode, so you can try them all and decide which works best for you.

Finally, to further muddy the waters, some applications have frames within them that respond to scroll messages differently to the rest of the application. An example of this is the AHK help file, which uses the Internet Explorer_Server1 control to display HTML pages in one frame, and standard Windows controls to display the table of contents, index, etc. in another frame, and each responds to different scroll modes. I have tried to account for this in the GetScrollMode() function as well, but there may be other implementations I have not covered. You can use AHK's Window Spy to determine the name of the non-conforming control and write an exception for it, similar to the examples I have provided.


;; Configuration

mouse_Threshold = 3 ; the number of pixels the mouse must move for a scroll tick to occur

MakeChord("LButton", "RButton", "scrollChord", 20) ; Chord to activate middle click or scrolling. See MakeChord.ahk for instructions

scroll_Hotkey = !RButton ; Hotkey to activate middle click or scrolling

;; End Configuration

#SingleInstance Force



SendMode Input

Process, Priority, , Realtime

#Include %A_ScriptDir%\AHKHID.ahk

;Create GUI to receive messages

Gui, +LastFound

hGui := WinExist()

;Intercept WM_INPUT messages

OnMessage(0x00FF, "InputMsg")

SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0

scrollMode = 0 ; 0 = MouseClick, WheelUp/WheelDown, 1 = WM_VSCROLL/WM_HSCROLL, 2 = WM_MOUSEWHEEL/WM_HSCROLL

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

HotKey, %scroll_Hotkey%, scrollChord

HotKey, %scroll_Hotkey% Up, scrollChord_Up



mouse_Moved = n

BlockInput, MouseMove

MouseGetPos, m_x, m_y, winID, control

WinGet, procName, ProcessName, ahk_id %winID%

hw_m_target := DllCall( "WindowFromPoint", "int", m_x, "int", m_y )


HID_Register(1, 2, hGui, RIDEV_INPUTSINK)




BlockInput, MouseMoveOff


if mouse_Moved = n

MouseClick, Middle


InputMsg(wParam, lParam) {

local x, y


x := HID_GetInputInfo(lParam, II_MSE_LASTX)

y := HID_GetInputInfo(lParam, II_MSE_LASTY)

If ((Abs(x) > 0.0) or (Abs(y) > 0.0))

mouse_Moved = y

if y > %mouse_Threshold%




else if y < -%mouse_Threshold%


if x > %mouse_Threshold%




else if x < -%mouse_Threshold%


;ToolTip, % "dX = " . x . " " . "dY = " . y . a_tab . winID . a_tab . control . a_tab . procName . a_tab . hw_m_target . a_tab . scrollMode

;; Uncomment the above line for handy debug info shown while scrolling





local ctl_x, ctl_y, ctl_w, ctl_h, ctl_hwnd, win_x, win_y

if (procName = "hh.exe" or procName = "iexplore.exe" or procName = "dexplore.exe" or procName = "OUTLOOK.EXE")


scrollMode = 1

WinGetPos, win_x, win_y, , , ahk_id %WinID%

ControlGetPos, ctl_x, ctl_y, ctl_w, ctl_h, Internet Explorer_Server1, ahk_id %WinID%

if (((m_x >= win_x + ctl_x) and (m_x <= win_x + ctl_x + ctl_w)) and ((m_y >= win_y + ctl_y) and (m_y <= win_y + ctl_y + ctl_h)))

control = Internet Explorer_Server1



ControlGetPos, ctl_x, ctl_y, ctl_w, ctl_h, NETUIHWND1, ahk_id %WinID%

if (((m_x >= win_x + ctl_x) and (m_x <= win_x + ctl_x + ctl_w)) and ((m_y >= win_y + ctl_y) and (m_y <= win_y + ctl_y + ctl_h)))

scrollMode = 2



else if (procName = "firefox.exe" or procName = "notepad.exe" or procName = "explorer.exe" or procName = "EXCEL.exe")

scrollMode = 2


scrollMode = 0






if (scrollMode = 0)

MouseClick, WheelDown

else if (scrollMode = 1)

PostMessage, 0x115, 1, 0, %control%, ahk_id %winID%





PostMessage, 0x20A, -120 << 16, ( m_y << 16 )|m_x,, ahk_id %hw_m_target%






if (scrollMode = 0)

MouseClick, WheelUp

else if (scrollMode = 1)


PostMessage, 0x115, 0, 0, %control%, ahk_id %winID%


else if (scrollMode = 2)




PostMessage, 0x20A, 120 << 16, ( m_y << 16 )|m_x,, ahk_id %hw_m_target%






if (scrollMode <> 0)

loop, 2

SendMessage, 0x114, 1, 0, %control%, ahk_id %winID%





if (scrollMode <> 0)

loop, 2

SendMessage, 0x114, 0, 0, %control%, ahk_id %winID%



#Include %A_ScriptDir%\MakeChord.ahk

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Don't think I'm doing anything wrong, but maybe I'm missing something obvious. I can reload this script to get the chording or alt scrolling working... until the very first time I press the left or right mouse button by itself. After that the script appears to do nothing even though it's still ostensibly running. Any clues would be great.

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Hmm that is odd.

I have tested the script in the ZIP file with the libraries I used to create it. I have also tested under Windows 7 RC1 64-bit and Windows XP 32-bit and have never seen that problem. I have also tested with the latest version of AHK as well as an older version.

I would say if you are familiar with AHK code to try debugging it yourself. First thing to try is to uncomment the ToolTip line that shows some useful info, and see if any of the values are different between when it works and when it doesn't.

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This script looks very good.
But I don't see download link :(

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This script looks very good.
But I don't see download link :(

It's at the very top in big bold blue letters :p

But here it is again: <!-- m -->https://ahknet.autoh... ... r-v1-0.zip<!-- m -->

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how change LButton & RButon to MButton.

I want to use this script on LENOVO NB .

NB have Middle .

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how change LButton & RButon to MButton.

I want to use this script on LENOVO NB .

NB have Middle .

Try changing the line:
scroll_Hotkey = !RButton ; Hotkey to activate middle click or scrolling
To this:
scroll_Hotkey = MButton ; Hotkey to activate middle click or scrolling

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Thanks! Blahman

It's work fine.

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Same problem as Scrolless above.
Works perfectly, but either a left or right click will stop it responding, and it requires a restart before it responds again.
Your tooltip suggestion doesn't really help.
This would be a great tool if it worked consistently. As it is, unfortunately it's kind of useless. If I can help, I'd be delighted to do what I can, but the code means very little to me - if I could manage more complex debugging, I would!
I'm left thanking you for your efforts and hoping you can fix this nagging problem.

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Is it possible to scroll when I click the right mouse button and move the mouse in the direction i wish to scroll ? But when I click the right mouse button and don't move the mouse, the popup menu should be visible ;)

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Hi, I've just started using Railworks2 with a trackerball. Unfortunately a mouse wheel is mandatory for zoom in the map screen. I've tried your script, in all 3 scrollmodes, and there's no effect - the screen simply scrolls, as would be expected if I just held down the right button and moved the ball.

Tried it in Firefox and it functions ok, so the script is working.

I'm using Win 7 (x64). Any ideas ?

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Will not work in games as they typically use low level mouse hook APIs that AHK can't really work with.

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I suspected it might something (nasty) like that. Thanks for your quick response.

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How can I deactivate the ALT Hotkey ?

Using ALT -> Right Click for another Action.



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Also sometimes it stuck a little bit with down scrolling.

Up scrolling works without problems.

Thx again