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Favorite Folders popup menu that you can change on the fly.

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@SryMyEng: this script is written for AutoHotkey basic, so if you would like to use it you can run it using AutoHotkey basic (just download the zip file <!-- m -->http://www.autohotkey.com/download/<!-- m --> and extract AutoHotkey.exe)

OR you could try:

- Open script in your text editor (notepad)
- Do a find & replace: find [ replace _
- Do another find & replace: find ] replace _
- Save and try to run the script, it might work.

The main reason it doesn't work with ahk_l is the use of [] in the variable names. They are now reserve for true arrays and objects so by replacing them with _ it should work. Good luck.

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Thank you for your reply!
I've tried to do as you say, but, unfortunately, it does not work.

Sorry for my English!

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Any ideas on how to get the menu to show the full path of shortcuts in the favorites folder, instead of just the filename of the shortcuts?

I spent about 30 minutes looking at the script, but I couldn't begin to figure it out. It seems like this may be possible with only a few changes, though.

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Guys, long time user of this script. I depend on it, but I just upgraded to Windows 7 and it seems to not work on new explorer windows opened. How do I fix this?

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Oh, btw I am using AHKL 64.

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I think it has something to do with the breadcrumb bar/explorer address bar.
If i click on the breadcrumb bar and it shows the full path/or I press ALT+D, I am able to use the FavFolder pop up on that new explorer window again. Anyway to fix this?

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I'm using Windows 7 64 bit and AHK_L. I'm not using Favorite Folders at this time. I think I pulled the bits out of it that I needed. Could you add a send command to automate the clicking on the explorer window? This is what I ended up with (might help give you some ideas):

OpenPath( target )
sleep 200
	  ; WinGetActiveTitle, CUR 
	  ; msgbox class 32770, %CUR%
	  ; class 32770, Enter name of file to save to…

  WinGet, f_window_id, ID, A
  WinGet, f_window_min, MinMax
  If ( f_window_min == -1 ) ; Only detect windows not Minimized.
      f_window_id =
  WinGetClass, f_class, ahk_id %f_window_id%
  If f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass,dopus.lister  ; Dialog or Explorer.
      ControlGetPos, f_Edit1Pos,,,, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
  If f_AlwaysShowMenu = n  ; The Menu should be shown only selectively.
      If f_class in #32770,ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass  ; Dialog or Explorer.
          If f_Edit1Pos =  ; The Control doesn't Exist, so don't display the Menu
		  ;msgbox here
      Else If f_class <> ConsoleWindowClass
          IfNotInString, f_class, bosa_sdm_  ; Microsoft Office application
		  ;msgbox there
              Return ; Since it's some other window type, don't display Menu.
    ; It's a dialog.
    If f_class = #32770
	   		[color=#FF0000]Send {F4}[/color]
			[color=#FF0000]sleep 100[/color]
			send ^a%target%{Enter}
        If f_Edit1Pos <>   ; And it has an Edit1 Control.
            ; Activate the window so that if the user is middle-clicking
            ; outside the dialog, subsequent clicks will also work:
            WinActivate ahk_id %f_window_id%
            ; Retrieve any filename that might already be in the field so
            ; that it can be restored after the switch to the new folder:
            ControlGetText, text, Edit1, ahk_id %f_window_id%
            ControlSetText, Edit1, %target%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
            ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
            Sleep, 100  ; It needs extra time on some dialogs or in some cases.
            ControlSetText, Edit1, %text%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
        ; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
    ; In Explorer, switch folders.
    Else If f_class in ExploreWClass,CabinetWClass,dopus.lister
	 ;msgbox lister
        If f_Edit1Pos <>   ; And it has an Edit1 Control.
            ;ControlSetText, Edit1, %target%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
            ; Tekl reported the following: "If I want to change to Folder L:\folder
            ; then the addressbar shows http://www.L:\folder.com. To solve this,
            ; I added a {right} before {Enter}":
            ;ControlSend, Edit1, {Right}{Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
			[color=#FF0000]Send {F4}[/color]
			[color=#FF0000]sleep 100[/color]
			send ^a%target%{Enter}
			[color=#FF0000]Send {F4}[/color]
			[color=#FF0000]sleep 100[/color]
			send ^a%target%{Enter}
        ; else fall through to the bottom of the subroutine to take standard action.
    ; Microsoft Office application
    Else IfInString, f_class, bosa_sdm_
	  sleep 100
	 ; msgbox f_class, bosa_sdm_
        ; Activate the window so that if the user is middle-clicking
        ; outside the dialog, subsequent clicks will also work:
        WinActivate ahk_id %f_window_id%
        ; Retrieve any file name that might already be in the File name
        ; control, so that it can be restored after the switch to the new
        ; folder.
        ControlGetText, text, RichEdit20W2, ahk_id %f_window_id%
        ControlClick, RichEdit20W2, ahk_id %f_window_id%
        ControlSetText, RichEdit20W2, %target%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
        ControlSend, RichEdit20W2, {Enter}, ahk_id %f_window_id%
        Sleep, 100  ; It needs extra time on some dialogs or in some case
        ControlSetText, RichEdit20W2, %text%, ahk_id %f_window_id%
    ; In a console window, CD to that directory
    Else If f_class in ConsoleWindowClass,Console Main Command Window
	 ; msgbox Main Command Window
        WinActivate, ahk_id %f_window_id% ; Because sometimes the mClick deactivates it.
        SetKeyDelay, 1  ; This will be in effect only for the duration of this ThRead.
        IfInString, target, :  ; It Contains a Drive letter
            StringLeft, target_Drive, target, 1
            Send %target_Drive%:{Enter}
        Send, cd %target%{Enter}

    ; Since the above didn't return, one of the following is true:
    ; 1) It's an unsupported window type but f_AlwaysShowMenu is y (yes).
    ; 2) It's a supported type but it lacks an Edit1 control to facilitate the custom
    ;    action, so instead do the default action below.
    Run, %target%,, UseErrorLevel
    StringUpper, tmp, ErrorLevel
    If ( tmp == "ERROR" )
        MsgBox, 4096, Error, Could not open: %target%, 30