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Include virtually any file in a script (exe/zip/dll/etc....)

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I currently use a temporary workaround. The extract functions empty the static variables once they are complete. This can be done as I use the functions only once in my script.


The functions already automatically do that the first time you call them. Further if you want to dump the binary version of the file it stores after it compiles it from the static variables you can call the function like this: Extract_Name(*Path*, 1) ;the 1 saying erase the data once you write it.

Rijul Ahuja
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The functions already automatically do that the first time you call them. Further if you want to dump the binary version of the file it stores after it compiles it from the static variables you can call the function like this: Extract_Name(*Path*, 1) ;the 1 saying erase the data once you write it.


Thank you! Can I include this in a program that I wish to distribute? I have already added this line to the top of my code.

;Thanks to Rseding91's function to "Include virtually any file in a script"
;                 www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/64481-include-virtually-any-file-in-a-script-exezipdlletc/

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Thank you! Can I include this in a program that I wish to distribute? I have already added this line to the top of my code.

;Thanks to Rseding91's function to "Include virtually any file in a script"
;                 www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/64481-include-virtually-any-file-in-a-script-exezipdlletc/


Yeah that's fine.

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Hey Rseding91, just coming to say thank you :)

I made a GUI out of your script in order to accelerate the workflow. Hope you don't mind.


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Hello Rseding91,

Could you add a function that return the extract data to a variable but the file on the disk.

Here is the reson. :)

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I hate to ressurect this old thread but this seems like a great tool that i'd like to deploy but am having trouble. I guess its with the syntax.



I copy pasted the entire output of the script (long wall of gibberish which is the hash or whatever)


Then after i put this:




where acdcapp is the name of the function and acdc is the name of the exe.


It gives me:  Duplicate function definition.


and exits


What is the proper syntax for calling the function to extract the file?


Rijul Ahuja
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Extract_acdcapp( A_WorkingDir . (SubStr(A_WorkingDir)="\") ? "acdc.exe" : "\acdc.exe")

Read on A_WorkingDir, and expressions. Parameters passed to a function are expressions.

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Extract_acdcapp( A_WorkingDir . (SubStr(A_WorkingDir)="\") ? "acdc.exe" : "\acdc.exe")

Read on A_WorkingDir, and expressions. Parameters passed to a function are expressions.



I appreciate the response but I don't quite understand. I guess my fundamental problem is lack of knowledge on how to work with functions.
I put your code into my script and got "too few parameters" error.
I'll read up on your suggestions.

Rijul Ahuja
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Apologies, my mind was not working.

Extract_acdcapp( A_WorkingDir . (SubStr(A_WorkingDir,1,0)="\") ? "acdc.exe" : "\acdc.exe")

If you would like, I can try and explain how this works, PM me.

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Wow, thanks for the script i was just looking for a way to embed files into my scriptsgrin.png

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this is what i been looking for to make a single exe but , because im just newbie in ahk i dont get it how exactly the code to extract the file that have already been pack?


for example i pack the main.png to main.ahk my problem is how to unpack using the code extract?? please someone can enlighten  me  really appreciate it .. and sorry for my bad english.

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Yes please this definitely needs some documentation and examples! 

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I'll try to help...

I'm going to assume that you put all files in the same folder. Recommended until you get things figured out. 


First the file to embed - HelloWorld.ahk

MsgBox Hello World!



Second we run Rseding91's script

  1. Select HelloWorld.ahk
  2. In the InputBox enter "HelloWorld_Embedded" ( without quotes )
  3. Select YES to save code as HelloWorld_Embedded.ahk in scripts current directory
  4. Select NO when it asks if you want to copy code to clipboard ( you can figure that out later )



	Static Size = 31, Name = "HelloWorld.ahk", Extension = "ahk", Directory = "C:\Users\US\Desktop"
	;This function returns the size(in bytes), name, filename, extension or directory of the file stored depending on what you ask for.
	If What = Size
		Return Size
	Else If What = Name
		Return Name
	Else If What = Extension
		Return Extension
	Else If What = Directory
		Return Directory

Extract_HelloWorld_Embedded(Filename,DumpData = 0)
	;This function "extracts" the file to the location+name you pass to it.
	Static HasData = 1, Base64Decode, Out_Data, Hex_Mcodex86 = "558bec518365fc00568b75088a1684d20f86ac000000578b7d0c5333db33c084d2764d32c984c975318aca80e92b4680f94f770c0fb6ca8b55108a4c11d5eb02b1240fb6d180ea3d80f9240f94c1fec923ca8a1684d277cd84c9760943fec9884c0508eb05c6440508004083f8047caf83fb027c4b8a45098a4d08c0e102c0e8040ac18a4d0a88074783fb027e108a55098ac1c0e802c0e2040ac288074783fb037e09c0e1060a4d0b880f478b45fc8a1684d28d4418ff8945fc0f875bffffff5b5f8b45fc5ec9c3"
	Static Hex_Mcodex64 = "48895C241048897C2418440FB60933DB488BFA4C8BD14584C90F84BC000000904533DB33C94584C9744F32C00F1F400084C0752C418D41D549FFC23C4F7712410FB6C1420FB64400D53C24740404C3EB0232C0450FB60A4584C975D484C0740B41FFC3FEC888440C08EB05C6440C080048FFC14883F9047CAC4183FB027C5C0FB65424090FB644240848FFC7C0E0020FB6CAC0E9040AC8884FFF0FB64C240A4183FB027E11C0E2040FB6C1C0E8020AC248FFC78847FF4183FB037E0DC0E1060A4C240B48FFC7884FFF450FB60A428D5C1BFF4584C90F8545FFFFFF488B7C24188BC3488B5C2410C3"
	Static CD = "|$$$}rstuvwxyz{$$$$$$$>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW$$$$$$XYZ[\]^_``abcdefghijklmnopq"
	Static 1="77u/TXNnQm94IEhlbGxvIFdvcmxkIQ0KRXhpdEFwcA=="
	If (!HasData)
		Return -1
	If (CD){
		VarSetCapacity(TD,43 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
		Loop,% 1
			TD .= %A_Index%, %A_Index% := ""
		Hex_Mcode := A_PtrSize = 8 ? Hex_Mcodex64 : Hex_Mcodex86
		Loop % StrLen(Hex_Mcode)//2
			NumPut("0x" . SubStr(Hex_Mcode,2*A_Index-1,2),Base64Decode,A_Index-1,"Char")
		DllCall("VirtualProtect",A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",&Base64Decode,A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",VarSetCapacity(Base64Decode),"uint",0x40,"uint*",0)
		, DllCall(&Base64Decode,A_IsUnicode ? "AStr" : "Str",TD,A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",&Out_Data,A_IsUnicode ? "AStr" : "Str",CD,"CDECL UINT")
		, Base64Decode := ""
		, TD := ""
		, CD := ""
		, Hex_Mcodex86 := ""
		, Hex_Mcodex64 := ""
		, Hex_Mcode := ""
	h := DllCall("CreateFile","str",Filename,"Uint",0x40000000,"Uint",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",4,"Uint",0,"UInt",0)
	DllCall("WriteFile","UInt",h,A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",&Out_Data,"UInt",31,"UInt",0,"UInt",0)
	DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
	If (DumpData)
		, VarSetCapacity(Out_Data,0)
		, HasData := 0



Third we need a script to extract the embedded code ( save as Extract.ahk in the same dir as HelloWorld_Embedded.ahk )

#Include HelloWorld_Embedded.ahk

SplashTextOn 200, 200, Extracting, Please Wait...
Extract_HelloWorld_Embedded( A_ScriptDir "\HelloWorld_Extracted.ahk" )
while !FileExist( A_ScriptDir "\HelloWorld_Extracted.ahk" )
    Sleep 100
Sleep 1000
ControlSetText Static1, Done!, Extracting
Sleep 1000



Run Extract.ahk and if all went well you should now have HelloWorld_Extracted.ahk in your script dir. 


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I'll try to help...

I'm going to assume that you put all files in the same folder. Recommended until you get things figured out. 


First the file to embed - HelloWorld.ahk

MsgBox Hello World!



Second we run Rseding91's script

  1. Select HelloWorld.ahk
  2. In the InputBox enter "HelloWorld_Embedded" ( without quotes )
  3. Select YES to save code as HelloWorld_Embedded.ahk in scripts current directory
  4. Select NO when it asks if you want to copy code to clipboard ( you can figure that out later )



	Static Size = 31, Name = "HelloWorld.ahk", Extension = "ahk", Directory = "C:\Users\US\Desktop"
	;This function returns the size(in bytes), name, filename, extension or directory of the file stored depending on what you ask for.
	If What = Size
		Return Size
	Else If What = Name
		Return Name
	Else If What = Extension
		Return Extension
	Else If What = Directory
		Return Directory

Extract_HelloWorld_Embedded(Filename,DumpData = 0)
	;This function "extracts" the file to the location+name you pass to it.
	Static HasData = 1, Base64Decode, Out_Data, Hex_Mcodex86 = "558bec518365fc00568b75088a1684d20f86ac000000578b7d0c5333db33c084d2764d32c984c975318aca80e92b4680f94f770c0fb6ca8b55108a4c11d5eb02b1240fb6d180ea3d80f9240f94c1fec923ca8a1684d277cd84c9760943fec9884c0508eb05c6440508004083f8047caf83fb027c4b8a45098a4d08c0e102c0e8040ac18a4d0a88074783fb027e108a55098ac1c0e802c0e2040ac288074783fb037e09c0e1060a4d0b880f478b45fc8a1684d28d4418ff8945fc0f875bffffff5b5f8b45fc5ec9c3"
	Static Hex_Mcodex64 = "48895C241048897C2418440FB60933DB488BFA4C8BD14584C90F84BC000000904533DB33C94584C9744F32C00F1F400084C0752C418D41D549FFC23C4F7712410FB6C1420FB64400D53C24740404C3EB0232C0450FB60A4584C975D484C0740B41FFC3FEC888440C08EB05C6440C080048FFC14883F9047CAC4183FB027C5C0FB65424090FB644240848FFC7C0E0020FB6CAC0E9040AC8884FFF0FB64C240A4183FB027E11C0E2040FB6C1C0E8020AC248FFC78847FF4183FB037E0DC0E1060A4C240B48FFC7884FFF450FB60A428D5C1BFF4584C90F8545FFFFFF488B7C24188BC3488B5C2410C3"
	Static CD = "|$$$}rstuvwxyz{$$$$$$$>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW$$$$$$XYZ[\]^_``abcdefghijklmnopq"
	Static 1="77u/TXNnQm94IEhlbGxvIFdvcmxkIQ0KRXhpdEFwcA=="
	If (!HasData)
		Return -1
	If (CD){
		VarSetCapacity(TD,43 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
		Loop,% 1
			TD .= %A_Index%, %A_Index% := ""
		Hex_Mcode := A_PtrSize = 8 ? Hex_Mcodex64 : Hex_Mcodex86
		Loop % StrLen(Hex_Mcode)//2
			NumPut("0x" . SubStr(Hex_Mcode,2*A_Index-1,2),Base64Decode,A_Index-1,"Char")
		DllCall("VirtualProtect",A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",&Base64Decode,A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",VarSetCapacity(Base64Decode),"uint",0x40,"uint*",0)
		, DllCall(&Base64Decode,A_IsUnicode ? "AStr" : "Str",TD,A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",&Out_Data,A_IsUnicode ? "AStr" : "Str",CD,"CDECL UINT")
		, Base64Decode := ""
		, TD := ""
		, CD := ""
		, Hex_Mcodex86 := ""
		, Hex_Mcodex64 := ""
		, Hex_Mcode := ""
	h := DllCall("CreateFile","str",Filename,"Uint",0x40000000,"Uint",0,"UInt",0,"UInt",4,"Uint",0,"UInt",0)
	DllCall("WriteFile","UInt",h,A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt",&Out_Data,"UInt",31,"UInt",0,"UInt",0)
	DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
	If (DumpData)
		, VarSetCapacity(Out_Data,0)
		, HasData := 0



Third we need a script to extract the embedded code ( save as Extract.ahk in the same dir as HelloWorld_Embedded.ahk )

#Include HelloWorld_Embedded.ahk

SplashTextOn 200, 200, Extracting, Please Wait...
Extract_HelloWorld_Embedded( A_ScriptDir "\HelloWorld_Extracted.ahk" )
while !FileExist( A_ScriptDir "\HelloWorld_Extracted.ahk" )
    Sleep 100
Sleep 1000
ControlSetText Static1, Done!, Extracting
Sleep 1000



Run Extract.ahk and if all went well you should now have HelloWorld_Extracted.ahk in your script dir. 


i would have been totally lost without this example. i tested with a Word file (.doc) and it performed FLAWLESSLY!

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I have always wanted a way to pack files into a script for portability but I have never been able to find one.

That came to this:

Store virtually any file in a .ahk script (or compiled .exe)
Download: Here
Current version: 2.5
Compatible with: AHK Basic, AHK L ANSI, AHK L Unicode (X86/X64)

File types i've tested and know work: .zip, .exe, .txt, .ahk, ...anything?

The .ahk size of the file is rougly 1.33x the normal filesize(s). The compiled .exe (without compression) is rougly 1-1.05x the included filesize(s).

If you find any bugs or have anything to suggest please feel free to post.

How to use!:
1. Download and save the .ahk to a directory of your choosing.
2. Run the script
3. Select a file you want to include with your script(s)
4. Enter a name for the function you call to recreate the file (valid function names only)
5. Wait for it to do its stuff
6. Answer the questions on how you want to save the script
7. Simply include the code via #include or pasting it into your script
8. Call the function with Extract_*name* and the path/name of the file you want it to save as and it will recreate the file


Hi Rseding91,


First of all thank you very much for this fine piece of coding, just awesome thanks !!!


I wonder if you could help me I am stuck on a problem.


When I extract the first time the file compared to the orginal its exactly the same.

But when repeating or using the same function again the new file created is corrupt.



example script;


IfNotExist, dummyfile_org.dat


Extract_dummyfile(_Filename, _DumpData = 0)
	;This function "extracts" the file to the location+name you pass to it.
	Static HasData = 1, Out_Data, Ptr
	If (!HasData)
		Return -1
	If (!Out_Data){
		Ptr := A_IsUnicode ? "Ptr" : "UInt"
		, VarSetCapacity(TD, 1768 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
		Loop, 1
			TD .= %A_Index%, %A_Index% := ""
		VarSetCapacity(Out_Data, Bytes := 1290, 0)
		, DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), Ptr, &TD, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 1, Ptr, &Out_Data, A_IsUnicode ? "UIntP" : "UInt*", Bytes, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "CDECL Int")
		, TD := ""
	IfExist, %_Filename%
		FileDelete, %_Filename%
	h := DllCall("CreateFile", Ptr, &_Filename, "Uint", 0x40000000, "Uint", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 4, "Uint", 0, "UInt", 0)
	, DllCall("WriteFile", Ptr, h, Ptr, &Out_Data, "UInt", 1290, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
	, DllCall("CloseHandle", Ptr, h)
	If (_DumpData)
		VarSetCapacity(Out_Data, 1290, 0)
		, VarSetCapacity(Out_Data, 0)
		, HasData := 0

So in other words if you put the above into a .ahk file and run it for the firsttime the second file is corrupt.

If the script is reloaded only the first time the function is used the first extraction is only okay :(


Note: deleting both testfiles while test script is already running and function is already used also results in the first file to be corrupt so compared to the second corrupt they are both equal and corrupt. also when the org file(extracted) exist and script skips to the corrupt file extraction its good only for the first time the function is used.


I.o.w. using the function more then once without reloading the script results in a corrupt extraction.


Using: Version v1.1.14.01

What can I do without reloading every time I use the function?




[quote name="Confucius ]And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.[/quote]