Test your Forum Posts

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Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by davidahlstroem » 19 Aug 2024, 15:07

Mouse drag rotate camera. Test post

Code: Select all

SendMode Input  
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  

; Speed settings in pixels per loop iteration
speeds := {1: 1, 2: 3, 3: 5, 4: 10}  ; Very slow, Slow, Normal, Fast
currentSpeed := 3  ; Default to normal speed
dragging := false
autoRotateLeft := false
autoRotateRight := false

; Toggle speed with F1 key
    currentSpeed := (currentSpeed + 1 > 4) ? 1 : currentSpeed + 1

; Rotate camera left with Left Arrow key
    dragging := true
    While dragging {
        MouseMove, -speeds[currentSpeed], 0, 0, R
        Sleep, 10  ; Control the smoothness of the rotation

; Rotate camera right with Right Arrow key
    dragging := true
    While dragging {
        MouseMove, speeds[currentSpeed], 0, 0, R
        Sleep, 10  ; Control the smoothness of the rotation

; Stop camera rotation when arrow keys are released
Left Up::dragging := false
Right Up::dragging := false

; Auto-rotate camera left with Shift + Left Arrow key
    autoRotateLeft := !autoRotateLeft
    if (autoRotateLeft) {
        SetTimer, AutoRotateLeft, 10
    } else {
        SetTimer, AutoRotateLeft, Off

; Auto-rotate camera right with Shift + Right Arrow key
    autoRotateRight := !autoRotateRight
    if (autoRotateRight) {
        SetTimer, AutoRotateRight, 10
    } else {
        SetTimer, AutoRotateRight, Off

; Function for auto-rotating left
    MouseMove, -speeds[currentSpeed], 0, 0, R

; Function for auto-rotating right
    MouseMove, speeds[currentSpeed], 0, 0, R

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by gregster » 20 Jun 2024, 13:48

Img-tags work only with direct image links, not with images embedded on html pages, like the link you used above (https://ibb.co/pvtvm1W). You could use img-tags with this direct link to the same picture though: https://i.ibb.co/mCLCxRv/DSCF0010.jpg

Or you upload it to the forum - see RussF's method or use the Attachments tab of the full editor.

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by RussF » 20 Jun 2024, 13:45

Simply copy the image into your clipboard and paste it directly into the message you are creating.
image.png (5.82 KiB) Viewed 3728 times

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by Peabianjay » 20 Jun 2024, 13:33

Does this work?

Nope. No it doesn't. How does one post an image? Perhaps not allowed?

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by joedf » 26 Apr 2024, 15:33

testing @joedf 123 :cookie: :rainbow:

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by V0RT3X » 25 Jul 2023, 16:00

That is it. Thank you!

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by gregster » 25 Jul 2023, 15:46

@V0RT3X, you can put codeboxes (or other things) behind a spoiler - are you looking for this?
There are three kinds of spoiler tags available in the editor. This one is [spoiler][/spoiler].

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by joedf » 25 Jul 2023, 15:30

No worries! :+1:

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by V0RT3X » 25 Jul 2023, 15:29

@joedf, sorry. I was just poking around in the editor as I have seen posts where code has been posted, but to see it you have to click a show button.
Of course now that I look for one on purpose, I can't find any of them as example. It was just a curiosity more than anything and I didn't think people paid much attention to this test section.
Thank you much for checking!!

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by joedf » 25 Jul 2023, 14:09

@V0RT3X What option?

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by V0RT3X » 25 Jul 2023, 09:03

Just working a couple things out...

Code: Select all

    +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Border +Owner
Gui, Margin, 25, 25
Gui, Color, 0D0D0D
WinSet, Transparent, 229
Gui, Add, Text, . How toggle Hide/Show code blocks???
Have to assume the "Digi" layout style doesn't show that option...?

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by joedf » 11 Jun 2023, 11:28

Not sure, those are built-in bbcodes... Maybe since the upgrade from phpbb v3.1 to v3.2?
We should probably upgrade to v3.3 at some point any way... :think:

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by jballi » 10 Jun 2023, 19:26

Problem with the List BBCode command when used within a Size BBCode command. Forum bug?

The List BBCode works in the following.

This is a major release with new functions and many changes. Please read these release notes carefully before using.

Bug fixes:
  • First bug. This bug was a bitch. I must have spent a week trying to figure this one out. I finally had to use magic to fix it. No other way to fix it.
  • Second bug. This was an easy one. Hardly worth mentioning it. I'm not sure why I did.

The List BBCode does not work in the following.

Bug fixes:
[list][*]First bug. This bug was a bitch. I must have spent a week trying to figure this one out. I finally had to use magic to fix it. No other way to fix it.
[*]Second bug. This was an easy one. Hardly worth mentioning it. I'm not sure why I did.[/list]

This used to work. I haven't posted anything in while that needed it so I don't know when it broke.

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by FordPerfect » 27 May 2023, 14:51


Code: Select all

msgBox % ((((false==0||true==0)==true)==0)==1)==false

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by Assight » 23 Apr 2023, 05:31

testing posting

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by joedf » 24 Mar 2023, 09:55

Testing posting speed...

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by guest3456 » 17 Mar 2023, 12:23

test reply to see if submitting forum replies is slow

edit: yep

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by RDC » 13 Mar 2023, 13:25

no longer needed

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by jNizM » 19 Dec 2022, 07:54

Code: Select all

x := "Say `"hello`""
x := 'Say "hello"'

Re: Test your Forum Posts

Post by joedf » 25 Nov 2022, 10:44


Code: Select all

