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by Osprey
21 May 2019, 16:32
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: rctrl button key hotkey
Replies: 2
Views: 842

Re: rctrl button key hotkey

Just map a key or key combination to RControl, like so: +^LControl::RControl. If that doesn't work, you might try using these key codes for RControl: vkA3, sc11D
by Osprey
20 May 2019, 17:21
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Mouse key toggle
Replies: 2
Views: 730

Re: Mouse key toggle

Try this:

Code: Select all

#ifWinActive BlaBlaBla
		send, {XButton1 down}
		KeyWait, XButton1
		send, {XButton1 up}		
by Osprey
13 May 2019, 05:15
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to use RawRead (a newbie question) Topic is solved
Replies: 2
Views: 1107

Re: How to use RawRead (a newbie question) Topic is solved

You don't have Size defined anywhere, so it's equal to 0 when VarSetCapacity() uses it, which makes Data too small of a variable. I think that what you meant to do was VarSetCapacity(Data, FileS), was it not? That makes your code work.
by Osprey
11 May 2019, 19:34
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Hold Control will not work
Replies: 2
Views: 1633

Re: Hold Control will not work

It works but is undone the moment that you release Ctrl. If you remove the ^ from the hotkey, it'll work.
by Osprey
11 May 2019, 15:43
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)
Replies: 22
Views: 6386

Re: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)

Yes, put it in place of your X1, Y1, X2 and Y2 assignments. Your INI file looks correct, as well.

Thanks, but my help is free.
by Osprey
10 May 2019, 20:54
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Hotkey should run ONLY in Fullscreen mode Topic is solved
Replies: 20
Views: 7564

Re: Hotkey should run ONLY in Fullscreen mode Topic is solved

I just noticed your MsgBox % isFullScreen ? "Full Screen" : "Windowed" line, which is probably messing it up. Either remove that or try: #If WinActive("ahk_exe XYplorer") and isFullScreen = "Full Screen" 1::F8 or #If WinActive("ahk_exe XYplorer") and isWindowFullScreen("ahk_exe XYplorer") 1::F8 The ...
by Osprey
10 May 2019, 20:09
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: GUI help
Replies: 4
Views: 1108

Re: GUI help

You will need to include the images when you distribute the script. You can either leave them as is or, if you plan to compile your script into an executable, you can use the FileInstall command to embed them in the executable and extract them when the executable is run.
by Osprey
10 May 2019, 20:06
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Hotkey should run ONLY in Fullscreen mode Topic is solved
Replies: 20
Views: 7564

Re: Hotkey should run ONLY in Fullscreen mode Topic is solved

You need to use the #If directives with hotkeys. Try this: #If WinActive("ahk_exe XYplorer") and isFullScreen 1::F8 Also, just FYI, when you use If(), what goes inside the parentheses must be in expression syntax, which means no % signs around variables (unless you're double dereferencing, but that'...
by Osprey
10 May 2019, 19:57
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)
Replies: 22
Views: 6386

Re: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)

If you mean that you're trying to do something like ra== in your INI file and it's not working, try replacing the Array := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "=") line with Array := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "=", , 2) . Yes, you can make the display area customizable according to values in an INI file. You can just ...
by Osprey
09 May 2019, 21:57
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Trying to combine 2 autohotkey scripts
Replies: 5
Views: 1434

Re: Trying to combine 2 autohotkey scripts

I didn't realize that, gregster. Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, it doesn't do my scripts any good because I use expressions and variables and can't convert my #If WinActive()s to #IfWinActive, but, for simple scripts, it might help (then again, for simple scripts, the performance impro...
by Osprey
09 May 2019, 18:24
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Trying to combine 2 autohotkey scripts
Replies: 5
Views: 1434

Re: Trying to combine 2 autohotkey scripts

I, personally, would use #If WinActive() instead of #IfWinActive . It uses expression syntax, which is forward planning, and the WinActive() function supports variables and the ExcludeTitle and ExcludeText parameters. BTW, when you use #Include, the included script is merged at that place and AHK tr...
by Osprey
09 May 2019, 18:05
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)
Replies: 22
Views: 6386

Re: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)

Yes, just remove your SPELL_KEYMAP := {stuff} assignment and put the code that I gave (or the simpler code that A_AhkUser gave) below it, like so: #NoEnv #SingleInstance Force SendMode Input SetBatchLines -1 CoordMode Pixel *1::SetTimer WatchSpells, 10 *1 Up::SetTimer WatchSpells, Off WatchSpells() ...
by Osprey
08 May 2019, 07:28
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: A_priorkey = "WheelDown"
Replies: 5
Views: 1802

Re: A_priorkey = "WheelDown"

Actually, not the most recent/button press, but " (t)he most recently executed hotkey or non-auto-replace hotstring ". Since there is no hotkey defined in the code in the first post, it would always be blank. So, we are back at using the Wheeldown hotkey in the first place (I am not sure, if the or...
by Osprey
08 May 2019, 01:33
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Trying to combine 2 autohotkey scripts
Replies: 5
Views: 1434

Re: Trying to combine 2 autohotkey scripts

If your WinWaits in the hotkeys script are just used to determine when the hotkeys trigger, you should use the #If directive, instead. For example: #If WinActive("My App") ; Put hotkeys for My App here #If WinActive("My Other App") ; Put hotkeys for My Other App here Those can be safely merged into ...
by Osprey
08 May 2019, 01:27
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: A_priorkey = "WheelDown"
Replies: 5
Views: 1802

Re: A_priorkey = "WheelDown"

It seems like what you need is A_ThisHotkey. It holds the most recent hotkey press. A_PriorKey, as gregster pointed out, holds the second most recent press. Edit: I was thinking of A_PriorHotkey. I mixed that up with A_PriorKey.
by Osprey
07 May 2019, 20:58
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Continue a loop from Function
Replies: 1
Views: 555

Re: Continue a loop from Function

Do you mean that, if the user chooses No, the call to Function3 should be skipped and the loop started from the top? If so, you can accomplish it like this: Loop, 5 { Function1() If Function2() Continue Function3() } Function1() { Msgbox, This is a good day. } Function2() { msgbox, 4,, Are you sure ...
by Osprey
07 May 2019, 19:19
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Press 1 key then another while in game.
Replies: 3
Views: 928

Re: Press 1 key then another while in game.

Is this all that you need?

Code: Select all

  Sleep, 5000
  Send, {F9}
by Osprey
07 May 2019, 17:10
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: cant open %appdata%
Replies: 4
Views: 2838

Re: cant open %appdata%

It's likely because you have #NoEnv at the top of your script. That's recommended for new scripts and is automatically added when you choose to create a new AutoHotkey script. %appdata% is an environment variable and #NoEnv disables direct support for them for performance reasons. Either remove that...
by Osprey
06 May 2019, 23:18
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)
Replies: 22
Views: 6386

Re: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)

I shoud mention the following a one-liner string hack by Helgef : SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir IniRead, SPELLS, SPELL_KEYMAP.ini, SPELL_KEYMAP SPELL_KEYMAP := Object(StrSplit(SPELLS, ["=", "`n"])*) MsgBox % That's quite nifty. I didn't realize that you could use Object that way. I'll...
by Osprey
06 May 2019, 18:55
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)
Replies: 22
Views: 6386

Re: How to incorporate .ini files? (Help please)

First, create the INI files, like so: [SPELL_KEYMAP] ra=1 sh=2 fe=3 re=4 ri=5 th=6 ti=7 Name that file SPELL_KEYMAP.ini (or change the filename in the following). Then, you could use the following to read all of the values at once: IniRead, SPELLS, SPELL_KEYMAP.ini, SPELL_KEYMAP ; Read all keys from...

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