trying to keep ie hidden during entire script

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trying to keep ie hidden during entire script

15 Feb 2018, 11:39

I am trying to find a way to keep the ie window that opens always hidden from the user.
I found the tutorial from tank, and it shows the script opening the window.
In my case the window will be opened by the startup.exe already on the computer.

Code: Select all

;Hide the ahk tray icon.

;The below command needed to ControlSend to hidden windows.
;SetTitleMatchMode, 2
DetectHiddenWindows, On   

;make sure the computer is connected before trying to login.
ConnectedToInternet(flag=0x40) { 
Return DllCall("Wininet.dll\InternetGetConnectedState", "Str", flag,"Int",0) 

While ConnectedToInternet()<>1
sleep, 1000

;open inb link hidden
;this command opens ie window visible to the user
;find a way to make the window stay hidden while logging in.
;Run, Target [, WorkingDir, Max|Min|Hide|UseErrorLevel, OutputVarPID]
Run, D:\navisys\fo\run\startup.exe -ini startup.ini -url http://localhost:30213/en/Login.jsp, D:\navisys\fo\run, Hide

;Make sure ie never displays and wait for login page to load. Replace with winwait.
WinWait, xxx - Log in  ahk_class IEFrame
;WinHide, xxx - Log in  ahk_class IEFrame

;enter the username and password and click login. Replace with controlsend

;WinGet, WinID, ID, ahk_class IEFrame
;ControlSend,ahk_parent, b,ahk_id %WinID% 
WinHide, xxx - Log in  ahk_class IEFrame

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