InStr() with negative occurence

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InStr() with negative occurence

08 Jul 2017, 20:00


InStr() Occurrence [v1.0.90+]:
If Occurrence is omitted, it defaults to the first match of the Needle in Haystack. Specify 2 for Occurrence to return the position of the second match, 3 for the third match, etc.
My suggestion: Support a negative number, -1 for the last match, -2 for the second last match and so on.

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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

08 Jul 2017, 20:29

It surprised me this, I don't know why it isn't like that, plus you have to specify the zero/negative offset from the end as the start position, instead of the positive offset from the start.

I'll probably add this to my strings tutorial:
jeeswg's strings tutorial - AutoHotkey Community

Code: Select all

q:: ;find the nth-to-last occurrence
vIsV1 := !!SubStr(1,0)
Loop, 5
	vNum := A_Index
	;MsgBox, % InStr("a a a a a", "a", 0, 0, vNum) ;AHK v1
	;MsgBox, % InStr("a a a a a", "a", 0, -1, vNum) ;AHK v2
	MsgBox, % InStr("a a a a a", "a", 0, vIsV1-1, vNum) ;AHK v1/v2 two-way compatible
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

12 Jul 2017, 05:07

Actually, that's what I've been missing for quite a few times too: a method to find the last occurence of string N before position X.
I believe that's what the negative offset should've done from the very beginning.

For example, in a large pseudo-INI file one might find much faster the key name that corresponds to value <val> by retrieving the last occurence of `n before position X (which is the beginning of the <val> string) than parsing each line in a loop or using the dreaded regular expressions (which I hate profoundly).
Unfortunately now it's way too late for such a change. Maybe in an additional function.
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

12 Jul 2017, 08:26

A bit more InStr:

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q:: ;nth/nth-to-last match starting at a point
vText := "a a a a a"
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, 1, 3) ;5 ;3rd match (start at 1)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, 2, 3) ;7 ;3rd match (start at 2)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, 3, 3) ;7 ;3rd match (start at 3)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, 4, 3) ;9 ;3rd match (start at 4)

vIsV1 := !!SubStr(1,0)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, vIsV1-1, 3) ;5 ;3rd-to-last match (start at -1)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, vIsV1-2, 3) ;3 ;3rd-to-last match (start at -2)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, vIsV1-3, 3) ;3 ;3rd-to-last match (start at -3)
MsgBox, % InStr(vText, "a", 0, vIsV1-4, 3) ;1 ;3rd-to-last match (start at -4)
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

12 Jul 2017, 10:36

I do not get this. Is this a feature request or a syntax request? If you specify InStr(hay,ned,, startPos:=0) you get the last match by finding the first match from the end, and stopping the search there. Should InStr(hay,ned,,1,-1) mean you find the same position but by going through the whole string from the beginning to the end?
a method to find the last occurence of string N before position X.
Maybe something like this?

Code: Select all

hay:="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
hay.=hay hay
MsgBox, % FindLastBeforePos(hay,N,,lengthOfOnePart*2) " " Instr(hay,N,,,2) 

FindLastBeforePos(hay,ned,case:=false, pos:=0,occurrence:=1){
	; "Last" can be changed via occurrence.
	return InStr(hay,ned,case,-(StrLen(hay)-pos),occurrence)
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

12 Jul 2017, 11:09

Well, kinda like that:

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X := InStr(hay, "val3")
r := FindLastBeforePos(hay,N,,X)
msgbox, % SubStr(hay, r+1, x-r-2) 

FindLastBeforePos(hay,ned,case:=false, pos:=0,occurrence:=1){
	; "Last" can be changed via occurrence.
	return InStr(hay,ned,case,-(StrLen(hay)-pos),occurrence)
Sure StrLen(hay)-pos is a working hack but it would've been a tad easier to just have InStr(hay,ned,case,-X) find it directly.

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; EXAMPLE (compatible AHK 1.0, no 'occurence' parameter)
s := "i1=v1`ni2=v2`ni3=v3`ni4=v4`ni5=v5", f := "`n", w := "v4"
p := InStr2(s, w, 0), r := InStr2(s, f, 0, -p), msg := Substr(s, r+1, p-r-2)
msgbox, p=%p% r=%r%`nresult=%msg%

InStr2(h, n, c=0, p=1, o=1)
if (p < 0)
	return InStr(SubStr(h, 1, Abs(p)), n, c, 0)
return InStr(h, n, c, p)
Nevertheless we'll have to work with what we have and hopefully I'll remember the above solution for the future. Thanks. :)
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

12 Jul 2017, 15:57

OK, here's InStr as I always envisaged it, and as a bonus, 'SubStrRange', which I've been 50/50 on for a long time, whether it should be a default function.

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w:: ;test 'SubStrRange'
vText := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
MsgBox, % JEE_SubStrRange(vText, 6, 10) ;fghij
MsgBox, % JEE_SubStrRange(vText, 6) ;fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz


q:: ;test 'InStrEx'
vText := "a a a a a"
vOcc := 1
;vOcc := 2

;note: values in comments are values when vOcc = 1
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, 1, vOcc) ;1
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, 2, vOcc) ;3
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, 3, vOcc) ;3

MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, -3, vOcc) ;7
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, -2, vOcc) ;9
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, -1, vOcc) ;9

MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, 1, -vOcc) ;1
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, 2, -vOcc) ;1
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, 3, -vOcc) ;3

MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, -3, -vOcc) ;7
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, -2, -vOcc) ;7
MsgBox, % JEE_InStrEx(vText, "a", 0, -1, -vOcc) ;9


;same as InStr with some slight differences:
;- vPos specifies the start position, but not the search direction
;e.g. vPos := 3 means search from 3rd char (forwards/backwards depending on vOcc)
;e.g. vPos := -3 means search from 3rd-to-last char (forwards/backwards depending on vOcc)
;- AHK v2 style is used, so: -1 means last char, -2 means 2nd-to-last char
;- vOcc specificies the occurrence, and the search direction
;use positive vOcc to search forwards, use negative vOcc to search backwards
;e.g. vOcc := 3 means 3rd occurrence at/after position (search forwards)
;e.g. vOcc := -3 means 3rd occurrence at/before position (search backwards)
JEE_InStrEx(vText, vNeedle, vCaseSen=0, vPos=1, vOcc=1)
	if (vPos = 0) || (vOcc = 0)
		return ""
	vIsV1 := !!SubStr(1,0)
	if (vOcc < 0) && (vPos > 0)
		vPos := - StrLen(vText) - !vIsV1 + vPos
	else if (vOcc > 0) && (vPos < 0)
		vPos := StrLen(vText) + vIsV1 + vPos
	else if (vOcc < 0) && (vPos < 0)
		vPos += vIsV1
	return InStr(vText, vNeedle, vCaseSen, vPos, Abs(vOcc))


;specify first and last chars of text to retrieve
JEE_SubStrRange(vText, vPos1, vPos2="")
	if (vPos2 = "")
		return SubStr(vText, vPos1)
		return SubStr(vText, vPos1, vPos2-vPos1+1)
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

13 Jul 2017, 08:42

That SubStrRange() would definitely be a useful shortcut. Seeing it I got bit by nostalgia from good ol' Z80 BASIC days: LET b$ = a$(x TO y) with variants LET b$ = a$(x TO), LET b$ = a$(TO y) and LET b$ = a$(x). :)
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

08 Sep 2017, 10:18

Looking for something starting at the end of a string made me think of reversing a string, looking from the beginning and reversing the result. A lot of reversing, and probably a horribly slow way to find something.

But, what prompts my response is SUBSTRRANGE. Since AHK has no REVERSE() function--at least one language I know (REXX) does--an interesting use of SUBSTRRANGE could be reversing.

a := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
b := substrrange(a,10,5)

b would now be: JIHGFE

yes, if REGEX does this, that's wonderful. But, I think learning REGEX is the equivalent of 4 years in medical school. At 66, I don't see myself becoming a REGEX guru. (It is, admittedly, truly awesomely powerful, however!)

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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

08 Sep 2017, 11:25

joefiesta, although a bit off topic, here are simple reverse functions,

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msgbox % str
msgbox % strrevcpy(str) "`n" str

strrev(byref str){
	return DllCall("MSVCRT.DLL\" . (A_IsUnicode ? "_wcsrev": "_strrev"), "ptr", &str, "ptr")
	return StrGet(DllCall("MSVCRT.DLL\" . (A_IsUnicode ? "_wcsrev": "_strrev"), "ptr", &str, "ptr"))
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Re: InStr() with negative occurence

08 Sep 2017, 20:29

That's an interesting idea for a SubStrRange function. It's interesting all these different classic string functions that aren't uniformly available across programming languages.

After I tried collecting various key RegEx scripts I'd found, and had a go at working out a few others, I acquired a critical mass of RegEx knowledge that made it seem relatively straightforward, culminating in this:
jeeswg's RegEx tutorial (RegExMatch, RegExReplace) - AutoHotkey Community

[EDIT:] I meant to say that it seems that you can do virtually anything in a RegEx one-liner, apart from repeating a string n times, and now I've found out, apart from reversing a string. However, not that there isn't some special workaround somehow.
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