Window Spy

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Window Spy

01 May 2018, 08:56

The December 2017 update disabled the ability to lock update suspension. This makes window spy useless since I can't use it as a reference when actually writing code, which is what it's for.

This is a double-whammy since Window Spy responds to ctrl and shift keys even when not the active window - so if ctrl or shift were switched to toggle, it would still wind up getting toggled on and off while typing in any text editor.

Ridiculous change; I can't see how anyone is satisfied with this.
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Re: Window Spy

01 May 2018, 09:39

It wasn't difficult to add the "freeze" functionality back into the current version (

Code: Select all

; Window Spy

#SingleInstance Ignore
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetBatchLines, -1
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen

Try {
	Hotkey, #a, FreezeDisplay
} Catch {
	Hotkey, #vk41, FreezeDisplay

isUpd := true

;txtNotFrozen := "(Hold Ctrl or Shift to suspend updates)"
;txtFrozen := "(Updates suspended)"
txtNotFrozen := "(Win+A to freeze display)"
txtFrozen := "(Win+A to unfreeze display)"
txtMouseCtrl := "Control Under Mouse Position"
txtFocusCtrl := "Focused Control"

Gui, New, hwndhGui AlwaysOnTop Resize MinSize
Gui, Add, Text,, Window Title, Class and Process:
Gui, Add, Checkbox, yp xp+200 w120 Right vCtrl_FollowMouse, Follow Mouse
Gui, Add, Edit, xm w320 r3 ReadOnly -Wrap vCtrl_Title
Gui, Add, Text,, Mouse Position:
Gui, Add, Edit, w320 r4 ReadOnly vCtrl_MousePos
Gui, Add, Text, w320 vCtrl_CtrlLabel, % txtFocusCtrl ":"
Gui, Add, Edit, w320 r4 ReadOnly vCtrl_Ctrl
Gui, Add, Text,, Active Window Position:
Gui, Add, Edit, w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_Pos
Gui, Add, Text,, Status Bar Text:
Gui, Add, Edit, w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_SBText
Gui, Add, Checkbox, vCtrl_IsSlow, Slow TitleMatchMode
Gui, Add, Text,, Visible Text:
Gui, Add, Edit, w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_VisText
Gui, Add, Text,, All Text:
Gui, Add, Edit, w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_AllText
Gui, Add, Text, w320 r1 vCtrl_Freeze, % txtNotFrozen
Gui, Show, NoActivate, Window Spy
GetClientSize(hGui, temp)
horzMargin := temp*96//A_ScreenDPI - 320
SetTimer, Update, 250

Gui %hGui%:Default
if !horzMargin
SetTimer, Update, % A_EventInfo=1 ? "Off" : "On" ; Suspend on minimize
ctrlW := A_GuiWidth - horzMargin
list = Title,MousePos,MouseCur,Pos,SBText,VisText,AllText,Freeze
Loop, Parse, list, `,
	GuiControl, Move, Ctrl_%A_LoopField%, w%ctrlW%

Gui %hGui%:Default
GuiControlGet, Ctrl_FollowMouse
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, msX, msY, msWin, msCtrl
actWin := WinExist("A")
if Ctrl_FollowMouse
	curWin := msWin
	curCtrl := msCtrl
	WinExist("ahk_id " curWin)
	curWin := actWin
	ControlGetFocus, curCtrl
WinGetTitle, t1
WinGetClass, t2
if (curWin = hGui || t2 = "MultitaskingViewFrame") ; Our Gui || Alt-tab
	GuiControl,, Ctrl_Freeze, % txtFrozen
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Freeze, % txtNotFrozen
WinGet, t3, ProcessName
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Title, % t1 "`nahk_class " t2 "`nahk_exe " t3
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
MouseGetPos, mrX, mrY
CoordMode, Mouse, Client
MouseGetPos, mcX, mcY
PixelGetColor, mClr, %msX%, %msY%, RGB
mClr := SubStr(mClr, 3)
GuiControl,, Ctrl_MousePos, % "Screen:`t" msX ", " msY " (less often used)`nWindow:`t" mrX ", " mrY " (default)`nClient:`t" mcX ", " mcY " (recommended)"
	. "`nColor:`t" mClr " (Red=" SubStr(mClr, 1, 2) " Green=" SubStr(mClr, 3, 2) " Blue=" SubStr(mClr, 5) ")"
GuiControl,, Ctrl_CtrlLabel, % (Ctrl_FollowMouse ? txtMouseCtrl : txtFocusCtrl) ":"
if (curCtrl)
	ControlGetText, ctrlTxt, %curCtrl%
	cText := "ClassNN:`t" curCtrl "`nText:`t" textMangle(ctrlTxt)
    ControlGetPos cX, cY, cW, cH, %curCtrl%
    cText .= "`n`tx: " cX "`ty: " cY "`tw: " cW "`th: " cH
    WinToClient(curWin, cX, cY)
	ControlGet, curCtrlHwnd, Hwnd,, % curCtrl
    GetClientSize(curCtrlHwnd, cW, cH)
    cText .= "`nClient:`tx: " cX "`ty: " cY "`tw: " cW "`th: " cH
	cText := ""
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Ctrl, % cText
WinGetPos, wX, wY, wW, wH
GetClientSize(curWin, wcW, wcH)
GuiControl,, Ctrl_Pos, % "`tx: " wX "`ty: " wY "`tw: " wW "`th: " wH "`nClient:`t`t`tw: " wcW "`th: " wcH
sbTxt := ""
	StatusBarGetText, ovi, %A_Index%
	if ovi =
	sbTxt .= "(" A_Index "):`t" textMangle(ovi) "`n"
StringTrimRight, sbTxt, sbTxt, 1
GuiControl,, Ctrl_SBText, % sbTxt
GuiControlGet, bSlow,, Ctrl_IsSlow
if bSlow
	DetectHiddenText, Off
	WinGetText, ovVisText
	DetectHiddenText, On
	WinGetText, ovAllText
	ovVisText := WinGetTextFast(false)
	ovAllText := WinGetTextFast(true)
GuiControl,, Ctrl_VisText, % ovVisText
GuiControl,, Ctrl_AllText, % ovAllText


	; WinGetText ALWAYS uses the "fast" mode - TitleMatchMode only affects
	; WinText/ExcludeText parameters.  In Slow mode, GetWindowText() is used
	; to retrieve the text of each control.
	WinGet controls, ControlListHwnd
	static WINDOW_TEXT_SIZE := 32767 ; Defined in AutoHotkey source.
	VarSetCapacity(buf, WINDOW_TEXT_SIZE * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1))
	text := ""
	Loop Parse, controls, `n
		if !detect_hidden && !DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "ptr", A_LoopField)
		if !DllCall("GetWindowText", "ptr", A_LoopField, "str", buf, "int", WINDOW_TEXT_SIZE)
		text .= buf "`r`n"
	return text

GetClientSize(hWnd, ByRef w := "", ByRef h := "")
	VarSetCapacity(rect, 16)
	DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", hWnd, "ptr", &rect)
	w := NumGet(rect, 8, "int")
	h := NumGet(rect, 12, "int")

WinToClient(hWnd, ByRef x, ByRef y)
    WinGetPos wX, wY,,, ahk_id %hWnd%
    x += wX, y += wY
    VarSetCapacity(pt, 8), NumPut(y, NumPut(x, pt, "int"), "int")
    if !DllCall("ScreenToClient", "ptr", hWnd, "ptr", &pt)
        return false
    x := NumGet(pt, 0, "int"), y := NumGet(pt, 4, "int")
    return true

	if pos := InStr(x, "`n")
		x := SubStr(x, 1, pos-1), elli := true
	if StrLen(x) > 40
		StringLeft, x, x, 40
		elli := true
	if elli
		x .= " (...)"
	return x

;SetTimer, Update, Off
;GuiControl, %hGui%:, Ctrl_Freeze, % txtFrozen

;~*Ctrl up::
;~*Shift up::
;SetTimer, Update, On

	Gui, %hGui%: Default
	isUpd := !isUpd
	SetTimer, Update, % (isUpd ? "On" : "Off")
	GuiControl,, Ctrl_Freeze, % (isUpd ? txtNotFrozen : txtFrozen)
Posts: 6222
Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: Window Spy

01 May 2018, 09:59

Code: Select all

	if (frozen := !frozen)
		SetTimer, Update, Off
		GuiControl, %hGui%:, Ctrl_Freeze, % txtFrozen
		SetTimer, Update, On

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