Func("ComObjTypeOrValue").IsBuiltIn returns true despite 'ComObjTypeOrValue' not being an AutoHotkey func. Topic is solved

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Func("ComObjTypeOrValue").IsBuiltIn returns true despite 'ComObjTypeOrValue' not being an AutoHotkey func.

18 Aug 2018, 23:13

Found this while I was messing around trying to parse the source code a bit.
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Re: Func("ComObjTypeOrValue").IsBuiltIn returns true despite 'ComObjTypeOrValue' not being an AutoHotkey func.  Topic is solved

18 Aug 2018, 23:15

This is not a bug.
In current versions, any function-call beginning with "ComObj" that does not match one of the other COM functions actually calls ComObjActive. For example, ComObjEnwrap(DispPtr) and ComObjActive(DispPtr) are both equivalent to ComObject(DispPtr) (VarType 9 is implied). However, this behaviour will be unavailable in a future release, so it is best to use only ComObject() and ComObjActive() as shown on this page.
Source: ComObjActive() - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey

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