What is your hotkey to increase the volume?

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What is your hotkey to increase the volume?

22 Aug 2017, 11:55

Or any other media function for that matter?

I used to use # + arrow keys, but now they move windows. Tried control + windows + arrow keys, now they control virtual desktops.

Must work on a laptop keyboard (No numpad), and not rely on appskey, or override an existing key combination.
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Re: What is your hotkey to increase the volume?

22 Aug 2017, 12:11

Now I have a keyboard with special keys for that but here is my code before I had it:

Code: Select all

It was convenient for me to use it with my thumb on the windows key and the pinky finger pressing on the other buttons.
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Re: What is your hotkey to increase the volume?

22 Aug 2017, 13:01

I have a magic InputBox that pops up when I press win+f, that does a lot of things. Then I type things in like v0, v30, v50, v100, vmax, to set the volume, it sets it and shows me a little Progress window saying something like 'VOLUME 50%'.

I use the arrow keys in something like Media Player Classic or YouTube. M to toggle mute in YouTube, ctrl+m to toggle mute in Media Player Classic.
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Delta Pythagorean
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Re: What is your hotkey to increase the volume?

14 Sep 2017, 08:04

I don't really use a hotkey, I use more of a user area. If I use the scrollwheel on the taskbar, it would change the volume accordingly.

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Re: What is your hotkey to increase the volume?

16 Sep 2017, 14:34

Hi Delta Pythagorean, that's a pretty cool idea. I've tried it and it works pretty well, I tried: if the cursor is over a title bar or over the taskbar, it sets the volume. Realistically though, if I was to use this regularly, I would probably make it trigger if on the left/right edges of the screen, it's easier to scroll left/right than up/down, although, I'd want to avoid interference with other programs.

I have been thinking it would be good to make more use of the mouse with AutoHotkey, perhaps I might get a mouse with extra buttons. I use the middle mouse button to open links in a new tab (ctrl+click), and right-click the Minimise button to minimise to the system tray.

Code: Select all

;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

~WheelUp:: ;set volume by scrolling over taskbar/title bar
oAcc := Acc_ObjectFromPoint(vChildId)
vAccRoleNum := oAcc.accRole(vChildId) ;1: title bar
oAcc := ""

MouseGetPos,,, hWnd
WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
WinGet, hWnd2, ID, A
WinGetClass, vWinClass2, % "ahk_id " hWnd2
if (vWinClass = "Shell_TrayWnd") || (vAccRoleNum = 1)
	if !(vWinClass2 = "Shell_TrayWnd")
		hWndProgressOff := hWnd2
		WinActivate, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
	SoundGet, vNum
	vNum := Round(vNum)
	vNum += 10*(InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "u")?1:-1)
	if (vNum >= 0) && (vNum <= 100)
		SoundSet, % vNum
		Progress, zh0 b fs18 w56, % vNum
		SetTimer, ProgressOff, -500
		Sleep 100

WinActivate, % "ahk_id " hWndProgressOff
Progress, Off
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