Game Emulators Controller Setup

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Game Emulators Controller Setup

26 May 2015, 22:13

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to get into adding game emulators to a HTPC running Kodi and my goal is to be able to control my entire system from just a PS3 controller but I have run into some problems.

From the research I have done, it seems that most that have encountered similar problems I am having seem to use AutoHotkey.

My HTPC allows me to launch games from it basically by opening up the desired game emulator in full screen.
I have setup my button mappings already that allow me to navigate through my Kodi, the problem with this is that I am not sure how AHK will know not to work when Kodi is active and to work when my game emulator is active? (This question is very similar to my question #3)

Most emulators allow you to setup the game console button mappings for your joystick, but many lack the ability to program button mapping for interface type commands, such as the following that I am looking to be able to do...
1.) Close the emulator (Would like this to be mapped to the PS button for example)
2.) Fast Forward / Rewind (Would like FF to be mapped to right trigger (R2) / and RW to be mapped to the left trigger (L2)
3.) Save State / Load Save State (Not sure yet how I would map these, maybe to analog stick buttons?)

Being that each emulator may use different keyboard hotkeys / key combinations to perform the desired actions from my question #2, how are people running AHK scripts to handle this?
For example maybe one emulator uses the ESC key to exit the emulator and another uses the ESC key to escape from Full Screen View?
Another example is some consoles have controllers that use more buttons then others for actual gameplay so how would AHK scripts know when to apply these assigned hotkeys for some emulators and when to not?

Some games/systems I would like to use the analog sticks for directional arrows, but other games/systems I would to use the digital pad for them. Some emulators only allow you to enter one option for each directional arrow, does anyone know of a way around this?

Does anyone have any scripts for AutoHokey that they could share to achieve my desired results?
I can come up with what joystick buttons I would like to assign based on my own personal preference, but does anyone have some kind of dummy script already created for a PS3 Controller, where I could basically fill in those fields for each button?

Thank You for reading this and for any help offered.

Re: Game Emulators Controller Setup

28 May 2015, 10:45

you could try this script to see/find out what buttons are who for example if X = joystick 3 or if is joystick 8 and then just add the button you want to do what you want

send, {L}
sleep, 200
send, {click}

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