ahk to alter mousespeed in fps while raw input impossible? Topic is solved

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ahk to alter mousespeed in fps while raw input impossible?  Topic is solved

25 Mar 2017, 22:07


I am playing H1Z1 king of the kill a lot lately. There is a free look function in game so that you can look around while running into another direction and as you can guess its hugely rewarding to spot other players before they spot you.
The problem is that free look uses the same sensitivity as the normal sensitivity and this one is pretty low for me because I adjusted it to be able to actually hit something.
Now XButton1 is my <fake dpi toggle> on my mouse, see this script:

Code: Select all

~*XButton1::DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", Int,SPI_SETMOUSESPEED, Int,0, UInt,20, Int,2)
~*XButton1 Up::DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", Int,SPI_SETMOUSESPEED, Int,0, UInt,10, Int,2)
Explanation: 10 is default sensitivity/multiplier and 20 is maximum sensitivity/multiplier.

Its working fine everywhere except where I need it and it surely has to do with the fact that the game is (at least when free looking or looking around normally) only reacting to MouseDelta (see links below).

My mouse dpi can only be switched with a hardware button on the bottom of my mouse, so using that is not an option (Zowie FK1). I need a solution with dpi untouched and most preferably with raw mouse input (I dont want to mess up my aim).
I found some hints at
https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... 19&t=10159
https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... 19&t=26137

How can I add a multiplier to low level input to the mouse?

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