Enabling/Disabling hotkeys with another one.

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Joined: 17 Feb 2017, 15:51

Enabling/Disabling hotkeys with another one.

20 Jul 2017, 17:51

I have kinda of a mess in my code, but it actually works so far.
I used some samples I saw in the forums but I'm kinda stuck now. I want the checkbox I've placed there to be able to enable/disable the norecoil.
thanks for the help!

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Gui,Show,w500 h500 Center,AlwaysOnTop Window
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y15 w105 h90 , Choose your weapon.
Gui, Show, x127 y87 h269 w246, Recoilbot
Gui, Add, DropDownList, x120 y10 w50 vList1 gOnSelect, Off|AK-47|M4A4

Gui, Add, Checkbox, vSjekkboksen, Status

;;;no reason to set the same info every time you click so define outside/before the label
active_pattern := ak_pattern ;semi-redundant and will make sense later

;instead of having 29 separate dllcalls with a bunch of if->elses, use an array so you can loop over them
no_pattern := {}
ak_pattern := {1: "-4,7",		2: "4,19",		3: "-3,29"
			  ,4: "-1,31",		5: "13,31",		6: "8,28"
			  ,7: "13,21",		8: "-17,12",	9: "-42,-3"
			  ,10: "-21,2",		11: "12,11",	12: "-15,7"
			  ,13: "-26,-8",	14: "-3,4",		15: "40,1"
			  ,16: "19,7",		17: "14,10",	18: "27,0"
			  ,19: "33,-10",	20: "-21,-2",	21: "7,3"
			  ,22: "-7,9",		23: "-8,4",		24: "19,-3"
			  ,25: "5,6",		26: "-20,-1",	27: "-33,-4"
			  ,28: "-45,-21",	29: "-14,1"}
;"another" pattern, just an example of adding more
m416_pattern := {1: "-4,7",		2: "4,19",		3: "-3,29"
			  ,4: "-1,31",		5: "13,31",		6: "8,28"
			  ,7: "13,21",		8: "-17,12",	9: "-42,-3"
			  ,10: "-21,2",		11: "12,11",	12: "-15,7"
			  ,13: "-26,-8",	14: "-3,4",		15: "40,1"
			  ,16: "19,7",		17: "14,10",	18: "27,0"}

active_pattern := no_pattern ;setting the ak_pattern as the default one at launch, demo purposes	  

1::active_pattern := ak_pattern
2::active_pattern := m416_patternpattern
3::active_pattern := no_pattern

#IfWInActive, Recoilbot
	ControlGet, outPutVar, Checked , , Button1, Recoilbot

	If outPutVar
		GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 0
		GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 1
	ControlGet, outPutVar, Checked , , Button1, Recoilbot

	If outPutVar
		GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 1
		GuiControl, , Sjekkboksen, 0
Gui, show

Gui, Submit, nohide
if (List1 = "AK-47") {
Else if (List1 = "M4A4") {
Else if (List1 = "Off") {
	active_pattern:= no_pattern
;using right button so I can close script easier (will change it once script is finished).
		DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 2, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) ;send the mouse down like in your script
		loop { ;loop "until" key_shoot is released or you've reached the end (empty mag) "a_index > active_pattern.maxindex()"
			x := strsplit(active_pattern[a_index],",")[1] ;get the "x" from the item at a_index in active_pattern
			y := strsplit(active_pattern[a_index],",")[2] ;get the "y" from the item at a_index in active_pattern
			dllcall("mouse_event","UInt",0x01,"UInt",x*modifier,"UInt",y*modifier) ;same relative dllcall like in your script
			sleep, 99 ;same...
		} until % !GetKeyState(key_shoot,"P") || a_index > active_pattern.maxindex() ;see loop comment
		DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 4, int, 0, int, 0, uint, 0, int, 0) ;send the mouse up like in your script

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