Need help with reduced recoil script Topic is solved

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Need help with reduced recoil script  Topic is solved

08 Aug 2017, 02:42

Ok, I am trying to learn autohotkey and make a kinda complex script, but it would be useful. I want to reduce recoil for a game I play. The spray pattern move straight up, then left and right back and forth Its like a T shape. This is the script I have so far, but I want to make it customizable some how. Like, where you can use hotkeys to change the values in game, or hit a key to select what gun you are using and it will use that spray pattern. Any help would be great.

Code: Select all

    SendMode Input
    MsgBox Recoil Reducer v0.2 by n3rHACK and Purse
    Insert:: Hotkey, *~$LButton, Toggle
        while GetKeyState("LButton")
            DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 1, uint, 0, int, 0)
            Sleep, 15
            DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 1, uint, 0, int, 0)
            Sleep, 5

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