MultiWindows. HELP! Thanks

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Joined: 18 Sep 2017, 15:12

MultiWindows. HELP! Thanks

18 Sep 2017, 15:29

Back in around 5-7years ago I made a script for MultiWindows. I'm back for a moment so maybe someone can help me or make a script for me? Thanks in advance.

I want MultiWindows for a game called Ragnarok. So let's us say RO1, RO2 and RO3 Windows are open and I want all windows to use a letter(let's say "Q") and use it in a specific time.
Example: RO1 for sleep 1000, RO1 for sleep 2000 and RO3 for sleep 3000 and letter to press in On/Off. Thanks guys. much love <3

I made it already before, tho I got a work to do so I left a Desktop/PC life for those years.
IfWinActive, SetTimer, GetKeyState. Are one of those commands I use for this script to work, :)
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Joined: 18 Sep 2017, 15:12

Re: MultiWindows. HELP! Thanks

19 Sep 2017, 19:05

Solved this problem already :).. Another question guys.
I tried the WinTitle but the script wont recognize the windowName.
I've got alot of window name such as " RO" or ________RO.

WinGetActiveTitle, Title
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Title,".*\[(.*?)\]","$1")

WinGetActiveTitle, Title
InputBox, UserInput, Change Title To..., Please enter new window title
MsgBox, Your active window is %Title%
MsgBox, %UserInput%
WinSetTitle, %Title%,,%UserInput%

Tried those script and it gives me Windowtitle but it doesn't recognize my IfWinActive script.
Or maybe some sort of protection to the game that's why it's giving me many Windowtitle?
Thanks. cheers~

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