Suggestions to enhance a simple AHK script

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Joined: 19 Sep 2017, 14:32

Suggestions to enhance a simple AHK script

19 Sep 2017, 14:38

So I have this AHK code that runs in loop all time.

Code: Select all

Loop {
	IfWinActive, Adobe Flash Player 23
		PixelGetColor, graycolor, 895, 347
		PixelGetColor, home, 1071, 302
		PixelGetColor, classicon, 912, 309
		PixelGetColor, hpcolor, 930, 347
		PixelGetColor, hpcolor2, 980, 347
		PixelGetColor, hpcolor3, 1020, 347
		PixelGetColor, hpcolor4, 1050, 347
		PixelGetColor, hpcolor5, 1075, 347
		PixelGetColor, hpendcolor, 1077, 347
		PixelGetColor, hppot, 940, 570
		if (graycolor = 0x363636) and (hpcolor2 = 0x545454) and (hpcolor3 = 0x545454){
			if (hppot = 0x0C0C0C) and (home= 0x070707)
				Send F
				Sleep 100
			else if (home= 0x070707)
				Send R
This basically checks my HP constantly and send R whenever it goes below some pixel. This works fine but it's very slow during execution. I believe there can be a better way since I am new with AHK and I know only limited functionalities.Any suggestions/improvements?


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