Possible Bug with Backslashes in notepad Topic is solved

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Possible Bug with Backslashes in notepad  Topic is solved

15 Jan 2018, 14:35

Hi, I have come across a rather interesting bug(well, what I think to be a bug). I was coding and I went to copy/paste something and where "\" were notepad had replaced them with a Chinese symbol (sorry if it's a different symbol) here are some screenshots!

(original code)
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Run, Battle.net Launcher.exe, D:\Games\Battle.net

WinWaitClose ahk_exe SC2_x64.exe

#IfWinActive ahk_exe SC2_x64.exe

Shift::Ctrl ; Shift = Control
Ctrl::Alt ; Control = Alt
AppsKey::Shift ; Windows or List (whichever is adjacent to Ctrl) = Shift


the code displayed in notepad

Any help would be appreciated!
Last edited by BEMZ on 17 Jan 2018, 13:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Possible Bug with Backslashes in notepad

15 Jan 2018, 17:54

I'm not sure about that sorry, however I would strongly recommend using a different editor.

Here are 2 great choices

Notepad++: https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=50
SciTE4AutoHotKey: https://fincs.ahk4.net/scite4ahk/

Normal Notepad isn't built for scripting, the 2 programs I've listed are much more convenient, and most likely will not have this issue that you have in normal notepad either. =P

Re: Possible Bug with Backslashes in notepad

15 Jan 2018, 18:07

¥ is how path separators are displayed in Japanese Windows, as opposed to the usual backslash.

Set your Notepad font to something like Consolas.
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Re: Possible Bug with Backslashes in notepad

16 Jan 2018, 13:32

Thanks Spawnova, I just installed SciTE4AutoHotKey and it's working fine. (I'm the guy who had the bug, BEMZ posted it in here.)

@BEMZ, shame on you, the Yen sign is Japanese in this case! XD
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Re: Possible Bug with Backslashes in notepad

17 Jan 2018, 13:07

PaterFrog wrote:@BEMZ, shame on you, the Yen sign is Japanese in this case! XD
sorry! ( This is now Closed)
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