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Browser - Which window?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 12:55
by Old Druid
I am using Chrome v. 63.0.3239.132 and Windows 10 (but I suspect my question is more generic.)

I am playing a browser game that displays several different screens that all have different URLs.
BUT they all have the same Window Title as displayed in the WindowsSpy.

How can I tell them apart?
I tried doing a color check on some pixels, but the color display is too variable. The content of the browser window itself it all graphics.

Is there a way to query the browser URL text box?

Re: Browser - Which window?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 14:52
by Old Druid
Turns out, the answer is "yes there is a way to get the URL"
and It is in the scripts forum, and it is a long thread that I'm working thru...

So ignore this thread and read that one.

Re: Browser - Which window?

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 15:20
by Guest2018
Mmmh, not really clear.
You have the same game in different tabs?
Or you have it in different windows?

Probably ImageSearch could help you.
If it's no secret, you might post a screenshot here.
(Crop it or cover any unnecessary parts of the sceenshot.)

Re: Browser - Which window?  Topic is solved

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 19:44
by Guest
No, The game is in one browser window. But it goes from one screen to aanother to another -- each with a different URL

Re: Browser - Which window?

Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 21:38
by eventhorizon
Every window has a unique id assigned to it by the operating system. That ID can be found using the WinGet command. Once you have the id you can talk directly to that window using the ControlSend command. See the help file for info on how to use these commands.