pausing ahk when out of a game Topic is solved

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Joined: 18 Jan 2018, 10:37

pausing ahk when out of a game

18 Jan 2018, 10:43

i just copied this rapid fire script and added the function to stop ahk script when i'm out of rainbow six, but adding this code makes the code don't working.

here's the code:

Code: Select all

setKeyDelay, 50, 50
setMouseDelay, 50

	while (getKeyState("lbutton", "P"))
		send, {lbutton}
		sleep, 40

#IfWinActive, ahk_class Notepad

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Re: pausing ahk when out of a game  Topic is solved

18 Jan 2018, 21:27

See if this works for you.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Event

settitlematchmode,2 ;<- so you don't need the whole nopad window title
detecthiddenwindows On ;<- so the script can detect the target window even if hidden

esc:: ;<- exits the script entirely
	tooltip ;<- turns off the tooltip message
	MsgBox,0x1000,Line%A_LineNumber%,Script Ended. ;<- signals the end of the script

; make sure the game is in windows mode so
; it shows a title bar on the screen. Change
; the tgtwin variable to reflect the game's
; displayed title from the titlebar. this routine
; does not exit the script, it simply stops the
; loop until the game window can become active
; again. It's been tested with the windows
; Notepad so i know it works with that
; window
	Suspend Permit
	tgtwin := "Rainbow Six"
	;tgtwin := "Untitled"
	while (getKeyState("lbutton", "P"))
	{	ifWinNotActive, %tgtwin% ;<- check the target window
		{	break ;<- break the loop if window is not active
		sleep, 40
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