Help with using Razer rebound keys and AHK

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Help with using Razer rebound keys and AHK

05 Feb 2018, 22:10

Hello all!

I've had a problem for a long time, and I've since abandoned trying to fix it, until recently.
I have a Razer Blackwidow Chroma, and a Razer Mamba TE mouse, which both light up. I place CS:GO, and when I press my mouse4 button (XButton1,) the voice chat toggles between on and off, allowing for me to silence the in-game voice chat.

My issue is, sometimes it'll be off without me knowing, so I wanted to turn my mouse or keyboard (even both,) red when its off, and green when its on. I've had various issues with this because Razers software (synapse) is garbage at doing these kinds of things. On idea I had was to set my page up and page down keys to switch my mouse and keyboard profiles. When I press page up, my mouse turns red, and when I press page down, my keyboard is red, and then back green if I press them again. So, all I'd have to do is bind my voice chat to toggle to some key (like 'o') and make a macro that, when I press my mouse button 4, send o, page up, and page down. That's all when and good, but the macro SENDS page up/down, but not 'presses' it. When *I* press PgUp, nothing onscreen happens, but my mouse changes color, whereas, with AHK, the page actually moves up. I'm very frustrated with Razers software, and I'm very hopeful someone will be able to help me out.

This is my current code:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Send {o}
Send {PgUp}
Send {PgDown}

I suspect that its because in razers synapse software, the pgup and pgdown keys aren't actually being sent, and synapse is listening for the key call event before AHK even sends it.

Thank you again!

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