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How to get Joystick to Track and Image  Topic is solved

Posted: 08 Mar 2018, 07:40
by xynkro
Hi All,

So I have an AHK Script that tracks an Image.bmp file for my game. Works perfectly Fine on Mouse and Keyboard.

I'm trying to get the same script to track when I'm using Joystick. Ive changed the variables and its not working. I'm hoping someone can help me.

1. I changed all the X and Y axis to Z and R Axis as per the Controller
2. Still not working

Here is a copy of the script I used:

; <COMPILER: v1.1.24.01>
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

DirZ := 0
DirR := 0

#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 9999
#SingleInstance, Force
SetKeyDelay,-1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Joystick, client
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High

AntiShakeZ := A_ScreenHeight/2
AntiShakeR := A_ScreenHeight/2
ZeroZ := A_Screenwidth/2
ZeroR := A_Screenheight/2
CFovZ := A_Screenwidth
CFovR := A_Screenheight
ScanL := ZeroZ
ScanT := ZeroR
ScanR := ZeroZ
ScanB := ZeroR
NearAimScanL := ZeroZ - AntiShakeZ
NearAimScanT := ZeroR - AntiShakeR
NearAimScanR := ZeroZ + AntiShakeZ
NearAimScanB := ZeroR + AntiShakeR
AScanL := ZeroZ - CFovZ
AScanR := ZeroZ + CFovZ
AScanT := ZeroR - CFovR
AScanB := ZeroR + CFovR
aim_lock := 1
inicount := 9


if !(fileexist("settings.ini")) || (settings0-3 != inicount)
iniread,rx,settings.ini,settings,sen, 9.5
iniread,xrange,settings.ini,settings,FovX, 4.5
iniread,yrange,settings.ini,settings,FovY, 3.5
iniread,xa,settings.ini,settings,AimX, 70
iniread,xy,settings.ini,settings,AimY, 41

Soundbeep, 750, 500
GetKeyState, Mouse1, RButton, P
GetKeyState("Joy1" , "D")
if ( Mouse1 == "D" )
GoSub JoyMoves1

GetKeyState, Key1, F5, P
if ( Key1 == "D")

imageSearch, AimPixelZ, AimPixelR, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), healthbar.bmp
if(AimPixelZ != "" && AimPixelR != "")
GoSub GetAimOffset
GoSub GetAimMoves
imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 2)), *4 orangehealthbar.bmp
if(AimPixelX != "" && AimPixelY != "")
GoSub GetAimOffset
GoSub GetAimMoves
imageSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, 0 + (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), 0 + (A_Screenheight * (yrange/10)), A_Screenwidth - (A_Screenwidth * (xrange/10)), A_Screenheight - (A_Screenheight * (yrange / 10)), yellowhealthbar.bmp
if(AimPixelX != "" && AimPixelY != "")
GoSub GetAimOffset
GoSub GetAimMoves

Gui,Submit, Nohide
AimZ := AimPixelZ - ZeroZ +xa
AimR := AimPixelR - ZeroR +xy

if ( AimZ+10 > 0)
DirZ := rx / 10
else if ( AimZ+5 > 0)
DirZ := rx / 15

if ( AimZ+10 < 0)
DirZ := (-rx) / 10
else if ( AimZ+5 < 0)
DirZ := (-rx) / 15

if ( AimR+.25 > 0 )
DirR := rx /13

if ( AimR+.25 < 0 )
DirR := (-rx) /13

AimOffsetZ := AimZ * DirZ
AimOffsetR := AimR * DirR

RootZ := Ceil(( AimOffsetZ ** ( 1 )))
RootR := Ceil(( AimOffsetR ** ( 1 )))
MoveZ := RootZ * DirR
MoveR := RootR * DirR
DllCall("joy_event", uint, 1, int, MoveZ*1.1, int, MoveR*1.1, uint, 0, int, 0)

F6:: exitapp

Re: How to get Joystick to Track and Image

Posted: 09 Mar 2018, 09:28
by evilC
DllCall("joy_event", uint, 1, int, MoveZ*1.1, int, MoveR*1.1, uint, 0, int, 0) Oh, we're just making up our own WinAPI calls now, are we? Or did I miss Microsoft adding joy_event to user32.dll ?
Seriously, you *make up* a command name, change the number of parameters passed, the script does not work, and then you paste a big ream of code, omitting to mention that you randomly picked a command name (how did you know joy_event would even be right and not say joystick_event?)
Who does that??

To answer your question - you cannot "Send" as a joystick in AHK without installing 3rd party applications.

See the stickied post in this forum entitled Trying to remap or "send" as a joystick? READ THIS BEFORE POSTING