A problem with remapping arrow keys Topic is solved

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A problem with remapping arrow keys

20 Mar 2018, 17:09

since one of my arrow keys broke on my laptop i had to rebind them.
I wanted to use 1,2,3,5 keys on numpad as arrows. Note, this was for a game where you have to keep "z" button pressed most of the time.
I've created 2 configurations, for when numlock is on and off, both of which have problems.
I know my explanation may be a bit complicated, but i try to be as specific as possible.

This is my script for when NumLock is on

Code: Select all

In this configuration I'd have to deal with removing interference of shift key with numpad keys, since it works like a mini numlock.
Second problem is that this confiiguration causes the character to lock into a certain direction which is caused by pressing shift and moving around for a bit(at the start it works fine). It behaves as if i was pressing arrow key without me actually pressing anything.
3rd problem is the exact same one that the configuration below suffers from. Because of that the one below will be my preferred since it has less problems
Numlock off configuration:

Code: Select all

Here for some reason i cannot go in Left-Upward direction while holding 'z' key.
If i press and hold 'z' and rebinded Numpad1(NumpadEnd) key, pressing Numpad5(NumpadClear) results in no action being taken, the character just keeps going left.
The same occurs with reversed order, Numpad5->Numpad1, The character just keeps going up.
Left-Downward direction works right and without problems.

The interesting thing is that this phenomenon occurs ONLY while holding z, x, c, v, m, ",",".","/", " ' ", Enter, RShift, RControl, LAlt keys.
Any other key (also LControl and RAlt) is unaffected.
Also, going right works just fine, so it can't be the fault of Numpad5(NumpadClear), I can go diagonally right up/down with z and the other keys pressed without any issues.

Please help i am losing my mind :P
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: A problem with remapping arrow keys  Topic is solved

20 Mar 2018, 18:11

Could be connected to phenomenons like Ghosting and N-Key Rollover on your keyboard, but it is just a guess. (See https://web.archive.org/web/20180107062 ... ained.mspx )

My pretty cheap keyboard, for example, won't register any 2, s, x and w keys (which are located in a vertical line) when I already hold Capslock and Shift (probably a rather unusual combination, but I have Capslock remapped to some kind of quicklauncher AHK script) - that is most probably because of electrical layout of the keyboard.

Re: A problem with remapping arrow keys

26 Mar 2018, 14:23

If not for your reply i would bang my head against this problem senselessly.
Now that i know i cannot force it, i found another configuration that works just fine.
Thanks for help :D

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