Trove - Click Multiple (Selected) Screens/Multiboxing Topic is solved

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Trove - Click Multiple (Selected) Screens/Multiboxing  Topic is solved

11 Jul 2018, 08:29

Hi, I've tried to look for a script but I didn't found the one I'm looking for.

I need to Click (Left Mouse Click) on a specific place (fixed) on multiple windows (selected ones, if possible)

If possible, change the Mouse Click to another key also... So I can keep playing on my "main" Screen, with my mouse button, and when I want to use the Macro, I press another key, like X (example)

I guess isn't too hard to do it, already got some macro with these things but on individual AHK Macro's.

I found this one, that have some Windows selection function and it clicks with the mouse where is programmed. But I don't know how to exclude everything and do only what I need and on the position that I need for the Mouse click

Code: Select all

accountNames = accountname1|accountname2|accountname3

#IfWinActive ahk_exe Trove.exe

; change windows name start with main account window
WinSetTitle, Trove,, Trove%k%Window
MsgBox, Window = Trove%k%Window

#If WinActive("Trove1Window")

Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 20
Loop, % k - 1
	Loop, Parse, % accountNames, |
		Send, /joinme %A_LoopField%
		Send, {Enter}
		Sleep, 50
Loop, % k - 1
	ControlFocus,, % "Trove" A_Index + 1 "Window"
	WinActivate, % "Trove" A_Index + 1 "Window"
	WinWaitActive, % "Trove" A_Index + 1 "Window"
	xp := 0.43
	yp := 0.53
	WinGetPos, x, y, w, h, % "Trove" A_Index + 1 "Window"
	MouseMove, % Floor(w * xp), % Floor(h * yp), 0
	SetMouseDelay, 50
	SetMouseDelay, 50
ControlFocus,, Trove1Window
WinActivate, Trove1Window
WinWaitActive, Trove1Window
SoundPlay, *64

; This Part to send this keys to all windows


	Loop, % k - 1
		ControlSend,, {%key% Down}, % "Trove" A_Index + 1 "Window"
	KeyWait, %key%, U
	Loop, % k - 1
		ControlSend,, {%key% up}, % "Trove" A_Index + 1 "Window"
If someone could help me, I would apreciate. Thanks!

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