SCP Horror game Project

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SCP Horror game Project

21 Sep 2023, 08:59

This is a project i started from 14.09.2023, but only worked on it every few days, and only with little coding in time, so i don't get bored from it.
Here's the game:
it's unfinished as of this post, and is completely a community project, so, if you wish to contribute, you can easily do so, for example.. you can: change code/ add functions/ add your own dialog with your voiceover / change the game completely /anything you think may fit the game, it doesn't even have to be code. ;) ( no restrictions ) and add me on discord if you wish for your changes to be in future releases.

Also, if you do wish to contribute in any way, it's really helpful, and I'd be Thankfull. and I'll put you in the contributions tab on the GitHub page.

I'll still post the code here for the initial AHK script, that acts as the game application, and the other you will be able to see on the GitHub page, because it is easier to see. You can also play the unfinished game to test it out, and give out your
opinions on it, maybe some suggestions too, but anyhow. that's it. :D

Code for the Inital script, there's more code for the sounds and what not on other instances in the folders from the GitHub page, but this is the main one.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotKey releases.
;#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen

 ;Configuration for the locations of files and/or functions and stuff
gun_draw_animation = %A_ScriptDir%\data\animations\gun_riseup_animation2.gif
 background_menu = %A_ScriptDir%\data\animations\background.gif
background_menuloop = %A_ScriptDir%\data\animations\backgroundloop.gif
 dialogplayer = %A_ScriptDir%\data\instances soundplayer\dialogplayer.ahk
dialogplayer2 = %A_ScriptDir%\data\instances soundplayer\dialogplayer2.ahk
 gun_cockingplayer = %A_ScriptDir%\data\instances soundplayer\gun_cockingplayer.ahk
gun_idle_animation = %A_ScriptDir%\data\animations\gun_idle_animation.gif
 gun_moveanimation = %A_ScriptDir%\data\animations\gun_moveanimation.gif
gun_screenshake_animation = %A_ScriptDir%\data\animations\gun_screenshake_animation.gif
 first_encounter_it = %A_ScriptDir%\data\instances soundplayer\first_encounter_itplayer.ahk
 centerweight := A_ScreenHeight/1.5
 ; This is the GUI Owner, This GUI shall not be deleted, and is only here to be acted upon.
 gui, backg:new, -border -sysmenu -Caption
  gui, backg:margin, 0, 0
   gui, backg:+AlwaysOnTop
    gui, backg:color, Black
	 gui, backg:Show, w%A_ScreenWidth% h%A_ScreenHeight%, The Dark Hall
	  gui, backg:Maximize

; Draw the background menu
 gui, menu:new, -border -sysmenu -Caption
  gui, menu:margin, 0, 0
   gui, menu:Color, Black
    gui, menu:Add, activex, w1930 h1095 x0 y0, %background_menu%
     gui, menu:+parentbackg
	  gui, menu:+AlwaysOnTop
	   gui, menu:Show, w1930 h1095 x-10 y-15
	  ; Sleep increment
	Sleep, 500
      ; Draw the background loop and destroy the before's background.
 gui, menu2:new, -border -sysmenu -Caption
  gui, menu2:margin, 0, 0
   gui, menu2:Add, activex, w1930 h1095, %background_menuloop%
   gui, menu2:Color, Black
    gui, menu2:+parentbackg
	 gui, menu2:+AlwaysOnTop
	  gui, menu2:Show, w1930 h1095 x-10 y-15 Restore
         gui, menu:Destroy

      ; Draw the background with the "Press the space bar to continue", destroy the backgroundloop and start the dialog using the DialogMaker func.
KeyWait, Space, D
      gui, menu2:Destroy
       gui, drawgun:new, -border -SysMenu -Caption
        gui, drawgun:margin, 0, 0
		Sleep, 1000
			  DialogMaker("The last conversation between Johnny and the SCP Worker:", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 2800)
			  Sleep, 1120
			  Run, %dialogplayer%
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): Johnny, can you hear me?", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 2800)
              Sleep, 1200			  
			  DialogMaker("Johnny (Over Walkie-Talkie): Yeah, loud and clear.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 3000)
			  Sleep, 1000
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): good.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1700)
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): Just..", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 900)
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): proceed forward,", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1700)
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): down the dark hallway.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1800)
			  Sleep, 700
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): If you encounter anything unusual or classified, ", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 2900)
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): report immediately and return to the entrance.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 2400)
			  Sleep, 800
			  DialogMaker("Johnny (Over Walkie-Talkie): Okay but,", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1000)
			  Sleep, 200
			  DialogMaker("Johnny (Over Walkie-Talkie): What's this all about?", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1900)
			  DialogMaker("Johnny (Over Walkie-Talkie): What's in there?", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1300)
			  Sleep, 1300
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): Can't say, Johnny.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 1300)
			  Sleep, 1000
			  DialogMaker("SCP Worker (Over Walkie-Talkie): Just follow instructions, and all will be okay.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 3900)
			  Sleep, 1000
		      DialogMaker("                    Press 3 to continue.", centerweight, 960, 960, 200, 2000)
 ; Draw the gun Cocking Animation.
KeyWait, 3, D
     ; Activate the window of not already activated.
	  Run, %gun_cockingplayer%
	  gui, drawgun:Maximize
	  gui, drawgun:add, activex, BackgroundTrans w1920 h1080, %gun_draw_animation%
	     gui, drawgun:Color, Black
	  	  WinSet, TransColor, 0xFFFFFF, The dark hall
			  gui, drawgun:+AlwaysOnTop
			  gui, drawgun:+Ownerbackg
              Sleep, 1120
			  ; Draw the initial Idle Animation, and destroy the cocking animation
			  gui, drawgun:Destroy
			  Run, %dialogplayer2%
			  Sleep, 800
			  DialogMaker("Johnny (whispering in the dark): Is anyone out there?", centerweight, 700, 780, 200, 2000)
			  Sleep, 1500
			   DialogMaker("Johnny (whispering in the dark): If there is anyone,", centerweight, 700, 780, 200, 1200)
			   Sleep, 200
			   DialogMaker("Johnny (whispering in the dark): please tell me where you are, I...", centerweight, 700, 780, 200, 1000)
			   Sleep, 100
			   DialogMaker("Johnny (whispering in the dark): I can't see a thing.", centerweight, 700, 780, 200, 1600)
			   Sleep, 300
			   Sleep, 900
			   DialogMaker("Johnny (startled): what is that sound?", centerweight, 700, 780, 200, 2750)
			   Sleep, 700
			   Run, %first_encounter_it%
			   Sleep, 13000
			   Sleep, 3700
			   Sleep, 3300
			   Sleep, 2000
			  Sleep, 1000
			  ; The functioning game should start here, as of yet, nothing really exists apart of the moving/idle animations.
			   ; Run steps_soundsplayer for allowing stepping sounds to occur.
			  Run, %A_ScriptDir%\data\instances soundplayer\steps_soundsplayer.ahk
			  ; Similar to a loop, but better, using a label for continuing the code below.
	 KeyWait, W, D
	   KeyWait, W, P
	   Goto, WaitAgain
	 ; Not my code, it's from the AHK Developers. Used for hiding the Cursor and unhiding it when told so.
SystemCursor(OnOff := 1) {  ; INIT = "I","Init"; OFF = 0,"Off"; TOGGLE = -1,"T","Toggle"; ON = others
 Static AndMask, XorMask, $, h_cursor
  , b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13   ; Blank cursors
  , h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10,h11,h12,h13   ; Handles of default cursors
  , c := StrSplit("32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650", ",")
 If (OnOff = "Init" || OnOff = "I" || $ = "") {  ; Init when requested or at first call
  $ = h                                          ; Active default cursors
  VarSetCapacity(h_cursor,4444, 1), VarSetCapacity(AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF), VarSetCapacity(XorMask, 32*4, 0)
  For each, cursor in c {
   h_cursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr",0, "Ptr", cursor)
   h%each%  := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", h_cursor, "UInt", 2, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0)
   b%each%  := DllCall("CreateCursor", "Ptr", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0
                     , "Int", 32, "Int", 32, "Ptr", &AndMask, "Ptr", &XorMask)
 $ := OnOff = 0 || OnOff = "Off" || $ = "h" && (OnOff < 0 || OnOff = "Toggle" || OnOff = "T") ? "b" : "h"
 For each, cursor in c {
  h_cursor := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", %$%%each%, "UInt", 2, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0)
  DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "Ptr", h_cursor, "UInt", cursor)

 ;Dialog Maker function for making dialogs of text onscreen.
DialogMaker(text, xproc, yproc, wproc, hproc, timer)
 numberproc := numberproc + 1
 gui_name = % "slovo" numberproc
  gui, %gui_name%:new, -border -sysmenu -caption
   gui, %gui_name%:margin, 0, 0
    gui, %gui_name%:color, Black
	 gui, %gui_name%:Font, cWhite s12, Verdana
	 gui, %gui_name%:Add, Text, % "x"0 "y"0 "w"wproc "h"hproc, %text%
	  gui, %gui_name%:Show, % "x"xproc "y"yproc "w"wproc "h"hproc
	  gui, %gui_name%:+AlwaysOnTop
	  gui, %gui_name%:+parentbackg
	  Sleep, %timer%
	   gui, %gui_name%:Destroy
  ; Animation maker for the gun, the width and height must correspond to the following numbers. Width 746 Height 420
				   numberprocc := numberprocc + 1
                   gui_namesecond = % "slovos" numberprocc
   			       gui, %gui_namesecond%:new, -border -SysMenu -Caption
                    gui, %gui_namesecond%:margin, 0, 0
			         gui, %gui_namesecond%:Maximize
			            gui, %gui_namesecond%:Color, Black
			             gui, %gui_namesecond%:+AlwaysOnTop
			              gui, %gui_namesecond%:+ownerbackg
			               WinSet, TransColor, 0xFFFFFF, The dark hall
			                gui, %gui_namesecond%:Show, w746 h420 x600 y660
			                 gui, %gui_namesecond%:add, activex, BackgroundTrans w746 h420 x0 y0, %location%

 ; Exit the Application upon pressing ESC

 ; Exit the Application upon pressing Alt and F4
ALT & F4::
backgroundloop.gif (1014.09 KiB) Viewed 1022 times
gun_riseup_animation.gif (567.43 KiB) Viewed 1022 times
Unimplemented as of this date.
it_rises.gif (173.74 KiB) Viewed 1022 times

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