Mass Effect 3 Alternate Hotkeys

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Joined: 19 Mar 2016, 12:04

Mass Effect 3 Alternate Hotkeys

12 Apr 2016, 15:52

Thought I would share this for those that play single or multiplayer Mass Effect 3 that use the arrow keys for movements. It's a custom layout but potentially useful for some. The set hotkeys are dual function. Holding down the key activates a second ability versus a tap of the key using the main one. It will also allow you to change the hotbar order for the keys as well. It is more oriented for use with multiplayer which inspired the script. The quick-select bar cannot have the skill order modified in multiplayer without it.

Delete: Ability 1/2
PgDown: Ability 3/4
Home: Ability 6/7
End: Reload(r)/Ability 8
Num5: [Multiplayer] Bind reload cancel to reload key.
Pause/Break: Enable Ability 1/2/3 reassignment.

The Num5 and Pause/Break hotkeys give an audible beep as to status of hotkey.
Three different tones indicate reassignment. One each with a higher pitch for each of the 3 hotkeys.
Adjust hotkey parameter 1 to adjust the key-down delay before using the second skill.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
#KeyHistory 0
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 2000
#UseHook ON
SetTimer, Loop1, 250
ListLines Off
global HK0=1, HK1=2, HK2=3, RC="r", CS0="DOWN", CS1="LEFT" ;CustomKey
dllcall("psapi.dll\EmptyWorkingSet", "UInt", -1)

CheckStuck(Key,Slot) ; crude
   if !GetKeyState(Key)
   if !Slot && (Key != CS0) && GetKeyState(CS0)
      Sendinput, {%CS0% UP}
      SoundBeep, 1500, 50

   else if Slot && (Key != CS1) && GetKeyState(CS1)
      Sendinput, {%CS1% UP}
      SoundBeep, 1500, 50

  if GetKeyState(Key) && !GetKeyState(Key,"P")
    Sendinput, {%Key% UP}
    loop 3
      SoundBeep, 1500, 100



MultiKey(Delay,Key1,Key2) ;fixed trailing Key1 after Key2
  KeyWait, %A_ThisHotkey%, % "T" (Delay/1000)
  if A_TimeSinceThisHotkey && !ErrorLevel
    sendplay, % Key1
  else while GetKeyState(A_ThisHotkey,"P")
    sendplay, % Key2
    sleep 100

Delete:: MultiKey(150,HK0,HK1)
PgDn::   MultiKey(150,HK2,"4")
Home::   MultiKey(500,"6","7")
End::    MultiKey(500,RC,"8")

SoundBeep, % (RC=="r")?600:900, 500

Break:: ;CustomKey
  SoundBeep, 500, 100
  Input, HK0, L1
  SoundBeep, 1000, 100
  Input, HK1, L1
  SoundBeep, 1250, 100
  Input, HK2, L1
  Loop 3
    SoundBeep, 2000, 100

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