Diablo III Useful Functions (Salvage, Loot, ForceStandStill, Shards, ButtonSpam)

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Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Jun 2016, 12:16

Diablo III Useful Functions (Salvage, Loot, ForceStandStill, Shards, ButtonSpam)

15 Jun 2016, 12:21

F8 - Spam 2, 3, and 4 (useful for wizard farming, for example)
F7 - Spam 2 (useful if you just need to spam one ability)
Alt+Q - Salvage macro (select salvage, hover over item that requires salvage confirmation, hit Alt+Q)
XButton1 (side mouse 1) - Spam left click (use to pick up loot)
XButton2 (side mouse 2) - Spam right click (use to spend shards, etc.)
Click (LButton) - Normal click with Alt depressed (assign force stand still to Alt - forces left click to fire ability rather than move)
Control+Click - Normal click bypassing "Alt" keypress (use to trigger pylons, move to another level, etc. -- technically not needed since above will only fire without modifier, but there just in case of conflicts)

Anything else that would be helpful? Let me know I'll work it in.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

toggle = 0
chatopen = 0
voiceopen = 0

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    If toggle {
        chatopen := !chatopen

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    If !chatopen and toggle {
        chatopen := !chatopen

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    If chatopen and toggle {
        chatopen := !chatopen

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    toggle := !toggle
    While toggle {
	If !chatopen {
            ControlSend, , {Blind}2, Diablo III
            ControlSend, , {Blind}3, Diablo III
            ControlSend, , {Blind}4, Diablo III
            sleep 250

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    toggle := !toggle
    While toggle {
	If !chatopen {
            ControlSend, , 2, Diablo III
            sleep 250

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    Send {Blind}{Enter}

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    While GetKeyState("XButton1", "p") { ; While it is held down
        MouseClick Left
        Sleep 50

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    While GetKeyState("XButton2", "p") { ; While it is held down
        MouseClick Right
        Sleep 50

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    ControlSend, , {Alt Down}, Diablo III
    KeyWait, LButton
	ControlSend, , {Alt Up}, Diablo III

#IfWinActive, Diablo III
    Send {Blind}{LButton}
Posts: 1
Joined: 17 Jun 2016, 21:56

Re: Diablo III Useful Functions (Salvage, Loot, ForceStandStill, Shards, ButtonSpam)

17 Jun 2016, 22:00

i tried adding this lines

Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
Click, , Diablo III
sleep 100

so it can toggle left mouse click all the time but it stops the other scripts

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