^F8:: hotkey not working with script

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^F8:: hotkey not working with script

13 Sep 2018, 15:24

I’m trying to use ^F8 as a hot key but the Ctrl key is somehow interfering with my script. These hotkeys work.

Gosub, F8Bullet

Gosub, F8Bullet

Gosub, F8Bullet

Gosub, F8Bullet
Will not work.

Here is F8Bullet:
soundbeep 333
CoordMode, Caret, Screen
XEnd := A_CaretX
YEnd := A_CaretY

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove %XEnd%, %YEnd%
;MsgBox, %XEnd%, %YEnd%

Sleep 1000
;MsgBox, %XStartV%, %YStartV%
;The X and YStart values are put into a INI and taken back out so the values will be remembered if the script is reloaded.

IniRead, OutputVar, %A_Desktop%\MyVariables.ini, CreateEBayListings, XStartV
XStart := % OutputVar ;This is faster than sending string
Sleep 100

IniRead, OutputVar, %A_Desktop%\MyVariables.ini, CreateEBayListings, YStartV
YStart := % OutputVar ;This is faster than sending string
Sleep 100

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Click, %XStart%,%YStart%
;KeyWait, Enter, D
Sleep, 100
Click, %XEnd%, %YEnd%

SendInput {Alt}
Sleep 200
SendInput {H}
Sleep 200
SendInput {U}
Sleep 200
SendInput {Tab}
Sleep 200
SendInput {Enter}

Sleep 100
Send {Enter}
Sleep 300


It basically highlights added text in Microsoft Word and applies bullets. When I use ^F8:: it goes through all the motions but the text is not getting highlighted so the bullets are not applied like with the other hotkeys. When I checked the hotkey log the exact the same exact thing is happening with all the different hotkeys. I wanted to use the Ctrl key so I could follow a pattern I have been using for years. I have tried other keys but anything that starts with ^ is not working. Any ideals? Thanks

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