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Chrome Blocks AHK EXE Downloads as Malware

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 14:34
by egocarib
Nevermind. See here:

Forum moderators, feel free to delete this post.

Not sure if anyone else noticed this. I couldn't find an existing thread about it.

Chrome has started blocking access to some of the AHK archive downloads:

  1. Go here:
  • Click the 1.0.* or the 2.0-a* links

You will see a red screen with the warning "The site ahead contains harmful programs."

If you bypass the warning and then try to download any of the archived .zip files, Chrome will block the downloads as "dangerous."

Re: Chrome Blocks AHK EXE Downloads as Malware

Posted: 23 Jul 2018, 14:45
by nnnik
There have been a few topics about it:
Anyways AHK does not contain harmful programs - you can get it's source from github and look through it and compile it yourself.
The warning does not even relate to the fact that AHK might or might not be a virus.
Google and several other Browser vendors decided that programs that don't fulfill specific criterias are unwanted software.
A few of these criterias relate to the download page itself - for example you need to provide a copy of the EULA.
joedf is currently working meeting the browsers unreasoneable and hypocritical demands that came without a warning or notice.