Helix - A post-modern text editor (vim-like, but different)

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Helix - A post-modern text editor (vim-like, but different)

02 Oct 2022, 04:52

Helix - A post-modern text editor (cross platform)
Website: https://helix-editor.com/
Documentation: https://docs.helix-editor.com/

Where in vim you do verb, object (delete, word) - in Helix you do object, verb (word, delete) (like in Kakoune) - interesting to play around with.

Very much in development, no AutoHotkey support (yet)
  • Multiple selections: Multiple cursors as a core editing primitive, inspired by Kakoune. Commands manipulate selections which allows concurrent code editing.
  • Tree-sitter integration: Tree-sitter produces error tolerant and robust syntax trees, which enables better syntax highlighting, indent calculation and code navigation.
  • Powerful code manipulation: Navigate and select functions, classes, comments, etc and select syntax tree nodes instead of plain text.
  • Language server support: Language specific auto completion, goto definition, documentation, diagnostics and other IDE features with no additional configuration.
  • Built in Rust, for the terminal: No Electron. No VimScript. No JavaScript. Use it over ssh, tmux, or a plain terminal. Your laptop battery life will thank you.
  • Modern and sane builtin features: Fuzzy finder to jump to files and symbols, project wide search, beautiful themes, auto closing bracket pairs, surround integration and more.
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