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what are some cool *shortcuts* (not scripts) you've designed with AHK that makes you proud?

Posted: 08 May 2017, 20:12
by 20170201225639
by which i mean, loosely, a shortcut that makes you think 'damn! that was pretty clever of me!' for having come up with it.

here's the most recent one by me that gave me this feeling.
just copy this into your main script:

Code: Select all

#if (A_PriorHotkey="wheelup" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<200)
	tab::send ^{home}
#if (A_PriorHotkey="wheeldown" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<200)
	tab::send ^{end}

open a long-ish webpage. practice with it a couple times — bet you'll never live without it! there's a certain 'bounciness' to this shortcut that is very mood-elevating for some reason.

also, crucially, this isn't a shortcut that's easy to trigger by accident.

to write good ahk *programs* you need to have a lot of programming experience, but even total noobs can come up with really good shortcut designs. that's one of the thing i've always liked about ahk, it taps into the creative potential of users who may not have had a lot of programming experienced.

do you have any shortcuts that you've made or discovered that you like very much?

(edited to add: for the code above to work, you also need to have wheelup/wheeldown as hotkeys themselves; if not, just add these two lines to your code. that should work


Re: what are some cool *shortcuts* (not scripts) you've designed with AHK that makes you proud?

Posted: 18 May 2017, 12:27
by Exaskryz

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive ahk_exe calc.exe    
+6::ControlClick, Button48		 ; This presses the x^y button - the exponent/caret button.
You can press the * key which is +8 to get the multiplication operator to trigger when using the windows calculator, but you can't type the ^ key to do the same thing. This script allows that for you.

(No idea if this is a built in behavior for Win 10 Calculator).