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[HTML] Graphical keyboard state

Posted: 17 May 2018, 14:23
by Nextron
If you're working with some multi-key custom combinations (or helping someone of the forum) it's often necessary to check whether your keyboard hardware support a specific combination, due to limits of N-key rollover. It's possible to use AHK's keyhistory, but it's not the quickest or easiest.
Microsoft used to have a webpage displaying a keyboard image which highlighted the keys that were logically down, which worked much easier. Unfortunately that page seems to be offline.

I've downloaded the page beforehand, removed the non-function embedded links, made it more portable by embedding the images and javascript into a single file, and made it available here for continued use: Webpage / HTML source.


Re: [HTML] Graphical keyboard state

Posted: 17 May 2018, 15:28
by swagfag

alternatively, u could use EK SwitchHitter:
it accurately tracks left/right modifiers, caps/num/scroll states and captures the keys 100%