Sharing AutoHotkey Variables, Methods, etc between scripts & other programming languages -> with phyton!

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Sharing AutoHotkey Variables, Methods, etc between scripts & other programming languages -> with phyton!

02 Dec 2022, 08:29

as a AHK lover i solve everything with AHK, but now i need a bridge to python:
Have a look at this great video from Joe the Automator, it really works fine and helped me an lot:

It works fine between zwei Autohotkey Scripts, i can access the object perfectly from an other AHK Script!

But i would love to access it from python to really have a bridge between the languages.
I cant get it to work, has anybody an idea for me?

Code: Select all

import win32com.client as win32

GUID = "{4F301623-7051-4534-B7D1-9F51AD6A7308}"

#testcomobj = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch(GUID)
#-> does completely not work with error "This COM object can not automate the makepy process - please run makepy manually for this object"

#testcomobj = win32.dynamic.Dispatch(GUID)
testcomobj = win32.Dispatch(GUID)

print("get value from the object ",testcomobj.test())
Thank you so much for any help!

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