GuiControl not updating properly Topic is solved

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GuiControl not updating properly

14 Nov 2015, 18:39


I am just trying to give users two ways to copy selected text into a GUI edit field.

The first way (the Gui Button) is working GREAT!

The second way (the hotkey) is not working.

It seems that EVERYTHING is working EXCEPT the GuiControl line at the end of the code when using the hotkey.

I can confirm that the MsgBox test line at the end of the code works just fine for both, so I know the data is getting through the code.

I also confirmed that the iniwrite command is working for both.

I've tried everything in my toolbox, which is why I'm asking for help.

Also, if I trade out the 'return' for a 'reload' at the bottom of the code, the edit field loads with the captured text, as it is loaded from an iniread at the beginning of the script. I can use this as a workaround, but I don't really want the gui window to flash.

The pertinent code from the script. (there is more to the GUI than this, but this is the part that I suspect matters)

Code: Select all

Gui, 33:Add, Button, x5 y50 w125 h25 +Left gfCopy1, C: Proc Name        ; The GuiControl updates the edit field properly with this
Gui, 33:Add, Edit, x135 y50 w165 h25 r1 gMySubroutine vdata1, %Data1%   ;  way of activating from the Gui Button.
Goto fCopy1                                                              ;  The 'Send !{esc}' is to return focus to the previously 
return                                                                   ;  active window after clicking the button in the gui
                                                                         ;  %data1% shows up in the MsgBox properly
^!1::          ;The GuiControl does not update the edit field at all with this
Goto SCopy1    ; way of activating from a hotkey.
return         ; I bypassed the 'Send !{esc}' because I'm copying highlighted text from the ACTIVE window.
               ; BUT %data1% shows up in the MsgBox properly

Gui 33:Submit, Nohide
Send !{esc}

clipboard = 
Send ^c
clipwait, 1
clipboard = %clipboard%
data1 = %clipboard%
IniWrite, %data1%, C:\quickcopydata.ini, Data, data1
GuiControl,, data1, %data1%
MsgBox Why didn't the GuiControl update the field? %data1%
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: GuiControl not updating properly

14 Nov 2015, 18:52


Code: Select all

GuiControl, 33:, data1, %data1%

Re: GuiControl not updating properly

14 Nov 2015, 18:54

Thanks I'll give it a shot in a sec.

Why would one way work, and not the other way?

Just trying to learn for the future.

Re: GuiControl not updating properly

14 Nov 2015, 18:56

That worked GREAT!

Glad it was something that easy. I didn't see any documentation about GUI number labels in the GuiControl documentation.

Thank you kindly.
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: GuiControl not updating properly  Topic is solved

14 Nov 2015, 19:02

see ... tm#Remarks

You have to tell GuiControl which control you want to change.
There are three ways that I know of:

(1) Don't use any named GUIs. Then it will always find the right one.
(2) Use Gui, 33: Default before calling GuiControl,, data1, %data1% to set the default Gui.
(3) Use the name as demonstrated.

I hope that helps.

Re: GuiControl not updating properly

14 Nov 2015, 19:20

Yes. That was perfect. I'll always just include the 33: to make it work most consistently.

Thanks again.

Posts: 7
Joined: 17 May 2019, 01:43

Re: GuiControl not updating properly

23 Mar 2020, 13:46

I was stuck with the same issue. Although the manual is referring to updating a gui's control other than the first, it doesn't have any example to state it clearly.
My code was

Code: Select all

GuiControl, , 3:myshortcutName, %shortcutName%  ; update the shortcut name
but the correct is

Code: Select all

GuiControl, 3:, myshortcutName, %shortcutName%  ; update the shortcut name
Thanks very much!

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