[req] newbie ask for a script like "Quick Switch" in Listary

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[req] newbie ask for a script like "Quick Switch" in Listary

04 Dec 2015, 06:42

I would like to have a Autohotkey script can do the same thing as "quick switch" function in Listary.

details: http://www.listary.com/quick-switch

anyone can help? Thanks.
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Re: [req] newbie ask for a script like "Quick Switch" in Listary

04 Dec 2015, 09:01

I think it's like this:

Code: Select all

ControlGetText, TW, ToolbarWindow323, ahk_class CabinetWClass
If (initial_ad != ":\") ; then Explorer lists it as one of the library directories such as Music or Pictures
address:="C:\Users\%A_UserName%\" . address 
Send ^l
Sleep 50
SendInput %address%
Untested though. I took the first several lines from a script I already wrote, but I may have missed a necessary step.
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Re: [req] newbie ask for a script like "Quick Switch" in Listary

05 Dec 2015, 04:28

Thanks, this works, but it works all the place when I press ^g, is there any way this can only works in "open" "save" "import" "export".... etc dialog?

I tried #ifwinactive, but won't work. :( seems the window class is a changing numbers.
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Re: [req] newbie ask for a script like "Quick Switch" in Listary

05 Dec 2015, 07:24

Create a group of the windows the script should only work

Code: Select all

GroupAdd, GroupName, WinTitle[, WinText, Label, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]

Code: Select all

GroupAdd, GroupName, ahk_class WinClass[, WinText, Label,, ExcludeText]

Code: Select all

GroupAdd, GroupName, WinTitle ahk_class WinClass[, WinText, Label, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]

Code: Select all

IfWinActive, ahk_group GroupName

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive, ahk_group GroupName

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