Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

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Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

23 Oct 2016, 13:31

stop a windows service if it's started, else close it? so I got this from here, but not sure if that works in latest autohotkey version, :

Code: Select all

RunWait,sc stop "AdobeARMservice" ;Stop AdobeARM service.
If (ErrorLevel = 0){
	MsgBox Success!
MsgBox %Errorlevel%
RunWait,sc start "AdobeARMservice" ;Start AdobeARM service.
If (ErrorLevel = 0){
	MsgBox Success!
currently maybe I couldn't test this, so I''m posting if anybody had any suggestion
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

23 Oct 2016, 13:55

It uses the Command lines SC.exe which interacts with Services.
I don't see why it shouldn't work.
Although this only restarts a service while showing you annoying MsgBoxes.
In order to check if a Service is running you can use Process,Exist.
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

20 Jul 2017, 04:59

If I try this with another service, I only recieve the message "1060", but the service is still running.

For stopping a service I am using:

Code: Select all

If !(A_IsAdmin)     ;- if you're NOT 'admin'
   Run, *RunAs %comspec% /c net stop "FillInHere_MyService", , hide
If (A_IsAdmin)       ;- I'm 'admin' so it works
   Run, %comspec% /c net stop "FillInHere_MyService", , hide
If you wanna start a service instead, use "start" instead of "stop".

But I am looking for a function that detects if a service is running or not.
I have been looking down and fro but could not find it (or perhaps did not understand ;-))
I found in former days there existed a function "GetServiceState"...?

If someone could help with that, would be great!
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

20 Jul 2017, 08:26

Tried to update the function for AHK1.1+ / x64 compatibility.
Please test for correct behavior under x64, since I have no access to such machine.

Code updated:
- fixed var type UIntP instead of PtrP
- added display of ErrorLevel in case of failure, for a more useful result.

Code: Select all

; by tonne at
; updated by Drugwash, 2017.07.20
SERVICE_STOPPED = 0x00000001
SERVICE_RUNNING = 0x00000004
SERVICE_PAUSED = 0x00000007


typedef struct _SERVICE_STATUS
DWORD dwServiceType;
DWORD dwCurrentState;
DWORD dwControlsAccepted;
DWORD dwWin32ExitCode;
DWORD dwServiceSpecificExitCode;
DWORD dwCheckPoint;
DWORD dwWaitHint;
#KeyHistory, 0
ListLines, Off
SetBatchLines -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
DetectHiddenWindows, On
StringCaseSense, Off
SetFormat, Integer, D
AW := A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A", A_CharSize := 2**(A_IsUnicode=TRUE)	; found in my updates.ahk

states := "stopped|pending start|pending stop|running|pending continuation|pending pause|paused"
StringSplit, s, states, |
sName1 := "LanmanWorkstation", sName2 := "Workstation2"
msg1 := (i := GetServiceState(sName1)) ? s%i% : "nonexistant (error " ErrorLevel ")"
msg2 := (i := GetServiceState(sName2)) ? s%i% : "nonexistant (error " ErrorLevel ")"
MsgBox % "Service '" sName1 "' is " msg1 ".`nService '" sName2 "' is " msg2 "."
Global Ptr, AW, A_CharSize
; open service manager with sufficient rights
if !hSCM := DllCall("advapi32\OpenSCManager" AW, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0, "UInt", 0x2003F, Ptr)
	return 0, ErrorLevel := DllCall("GetLastError", "UInt")
; open the service
if !hSvc := DllCall("advapi32\OpenService" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", dspName, "UInt", 0x000201FF, Ptr)
	r := DllCall("GetLastError", "UInt")
	; try to find the service name from the display name
	DllCall("advapi32\GetServiceKeyName" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", dspName, Ptr, 0, "UIntP", dwLen)
	VarSetCapacity(svcName, A_CharSize*(++dwLen), 0)
	DllCall("advapi32\GetServiceKeyName" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", dspName, "Str", svcName, "UIntP", dwLen)
	if !hSvc := DllCall("advapi32\OpenService" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", svcName, "UInt", 0x000201FF, Ptr)
		DllCall("advapi32\CloseServiceHandle", Ptr, hSCM)
		return 0, ErrorLevel := DllCall("GetLastError", "UInt")
VarSetCapacity(serviceStatus,32,0)				; accomodate x64 alignment
DllCall("advapi32\ControlService", Ptr, hSvc, "UInt", 0x4, Ptr, &serviceStatus)
dwCurrentState := NumGet(serviceStatus, 4)
DllCall("advapi32\CloseServiceHandle", Ptr, hSvc)		; close the service
DllCall("advapi32\CloseServiceHandle", Ptr, hSCM)	; close the service manager
return dwCurrentState
Last edited by Drugwash on 21 Jul 2017, 04:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

20 Jul 2017, 08:51

Drugwash wrote:Tried to update the function for AHK1.1+ / x64 compatibility.
Please test for correct behavior under x64, since I have no access to such machine.
Ran flawlessly. Win7Pro/AHK 1.1.25x :thumbsup: Thx for your effort. Much appreciated!
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

20 Jul 2017, 08:59

Great, thanks for reporting back. :)
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

20 Jul 2017, 09:01

From my unfinshed Services Class (x86 / x64)

Code: Select all

GetServiceKeyName(hSCManager, DisplayName)
	DllCall("advapi32\GetServiceKeyName", "ptr", hSCManager, "str", DisplayName, "ptr", 0, "uint*", size)
	size := VarSetCapacity(ServiceName, size * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0) + 1
	if !(DllCall("advapi32\GetServiceKeyName", "ptr", hSCManager, "str", DisplayName, "str", ServiceName, "uint*", size))
		throw Exception("GetServiceKeyName failed: " A_LastError, -1)
	return ServiceName
W and A suffix should not be needed since it's handled internally
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

20 Jul 2017, 09:10

This may be true in some situations but not in others, and I'm referring to any possible library that some API is being called from. Therefore I set myself a rule to always use the AW variable - which is always present in my updates.ahk supplement required for compatibility between AHK Basic and later versions - just to be on the safe side. Of course anybody may tweak the code as desired. ;)

Oh and I may be wrong but doesn't the size calculated by your formula miss and ending NULL in Unicode version, or is that handled internally too?
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

21 Jul 2017, 01:06

Hm, I cannot get it running...
Instead of
sName1 := "LanmanWorkstation", sName2 := "Workstation2"
I fill in my service like
sName1 := "CodeMeter Runtime Server", sName2 := "Workstation2"
but I do not get any result.
Or does the service name has to appear anywher else?
With "service" I mean the services mentioned at services.msc.
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

21 Jul 2017, 04:13

The examples are meant to show how an existing and an unexisting service would appear in results.
Workstation2 is nonexistant as far as I know so it should always appear like that. It's safe to ignore it.
About your particular service I don't know. Try to modify the calls as following, there should be an error code when function fails:

Code: Select all

msg1 := (i := GetServiceState(sName1)) ? s%i% : "nonexistant (error " ErrorLevel ")"
msg2 := (i := GetServiceState(sName2)) ? s%i% : "nonexistant (error " ErrorLevel ")"
Error 123 stands for ERROR_INVALID_NAME, that means service name may be wrong.
Error 1060 stands for ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, meaning that service is not installed.

I've edited the function in the post above to include the enhancement and fix a potential issue on x64 systems, you may want to update your code.
Also, do you have admin rights when you calll the function? What OS version you're running it on?
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

23 Jul 2017, 11:27

I guess I am doing something wrong:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; by tonne at
; updated by Drugwash, 2017.07.20
SERVICE_STOPPED = 0x00000001
SERVICE_RUNNING = 0x00000004
SERVICE_PAUSED = 0x00000007


typedef struct _SERVICE_STATUS
DWORD dwServiceType;
DWORD dwCurrentState;
DWORD dwControlsAccepted;
DWORD dwWin32ExitCode;
DWORD dwServiceSpecificExitCode;
DWORD dwCheckPoint;
DWORD dwWaitHint;
#KeyHistory, 0
ListLines, Off
SetBatchLines -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
DetectHiddenWindows, On
StringCaseSense, Off
SetFormat, Integer, D
AW := A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A", A_CharSize := 2**(A_IsUnicode=TRUE)	; found in my updates.ahk

states := "stopped|pending start|pending stop|running|pending continuation|pending pause|paused"
StringSplit, s, states, |
sName1 := "PlugPlay", sName2 := "Workstation2"
msg1 := (i := GetServiceState(sName1)) ? s%i% : "nonexistant"
msg2 := (i := GetServiceState(sName2)) ? s%i% : "nonexistant"
MsgBox % "Service '" sName1 "' is " msg1 ".`nService '" sName2 "' is " msg2 "."
Global Ptr, PtrP, AW, A_CharSize
; open service manager with sufficient rights
if !hSCM := DllCall("advapi32\OpenSCManager" AW, Ptr, 0, Ptr, 0, "UInt", 0x2003F, Ptr)
	return 0, ErrorLevel := DllCall("GetLastError", "UInt")
; open the service
if !hSvc := DllCall("advapi32\OpenService" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", dspName, "UInt", 0x000201FF, Ptr)
	r := DllCall("GetLastError", "UInt")
	; try to find the service name from the display name
	DllCall("advapi32\GetServiceKeyName" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", dspName, Ptr, 0, PtrP, dwLen)
	VarSetCapacity(svcName, A_CharSize*(++dwLen), 0)
	DllCall("advapi32\GetServiceKeyName" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", dspName, "Str", svcName, PtrP, dwLen)
	if !hSvc := DllCall("advapi32\OpenService" AW, Ptr, hSCM, "Str", svcName, "UInt", 0x000201FF, Ptr)
		DllCall("advapi32\CloseServiceHandle", Ptr, hSCM)
		return 0, ErrorLevel := DllCall("GetLastError", "UInt")
VarSetCapacity(serviceStatus,32,0)				; accomodate x64 alignment
DllCall("advapi32\ControlService", Ptr, hSvc, "UInt", 0x4, Ptr, &serviceStatus)
dwCurrentState := NumGet(serviceStatus, 4)
DllCall("advapi32\CloseServiceHandle", Ptr, hSvc)		; close the service
DllCall("advapi32\CloseServiceHandle", Ptr, hSCM)	; close the service manager
return dwCurrentState
For Service I used "PlugPlay", this service everyone should have.
If I call the script, but it tells me the service would be inexistant.
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

23 Jul 2017, 14:13

I just tested the code exactly as you posted it above and it returned Service 'PlugPlay' is running. That's on XP x86 with AHK 1.1.25 Unicode.
You did not update the code as I mentioned above, as to return any error code in case of failure. Please do that, try again and then post the relevant info.

So I'm asking again:
- do you have admin rights on the account you're running the script in?
- what OS version are you running? (as in 'Win 7 x86' or 'Win10 x64' or whatever)
- what AHK version are you running the script with? (as in AHK 1.1 x86 ANSI or AHK 2.0 x64 Unicode or whatever)
- what error code(s) do you get when the script returns?
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

23 Jul 2017, 14:25

My fault,
I did not run ahk.script with admin rights - Please excuse me.
Shall we delete the last posts regarding this?
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Re: Stop a service if started, else close with a hotkey?

23 Jul 2017, 17:58

So I take it it does work now. That's good. No need for apologies, things tend to slip our mind every now and then.
We should leave everything as is, for others to learn if they hit the same issue.
Part of my AHK work can be found here.

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