Emulated key as Hotkey for other functions

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Emulated key as Hotkey for other functions

24 Apr 2017, 02:51

Hello @all,

I mapped capslock to ctrl and have some scripts that are triggered with a Ctrl+*SomeCharacterKey* Combination.
Sadly the emulated ctrl key does not trigger those functions, while the real ctrl key still does.
What can I do that the emulated ctrl key also triggers those functions?

Capslock to Ctrl Code:

Code: Select all

   SendInput {LCtrl Down}
   KeyWait, Capslock ; wait until the Capslock button is released   
   ;If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") = 1 ;Ref > https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/88211-toggle-capslock/
	;	SetCapsLockState, off
   SendInput {LCtrl Up}   
Some Function triggered by Ctrl+*SomeCharacterKey* Combination

Code: Select all

;------------------------Opening Bookmarks-bar to delete or save tab / URL-------------------------------------------------
	KeyWait, d, T0.4                             	 ; Wait no more than 0.5 sec for key release (also suppress auto-repeat)
    If ErrorLevel   								; Delete function
		Send ^d
		Sleep 200
		Send {Tab}
		Sleep 200
		Send {Tab}
		Sleep 200
		Send {Enter} 								;Delete Bookmark
		Send +!d  ;Open bookmark extension 
	while (GetKeyState("d", "P")){
		Sleep 3000

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