What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity Topic is solved

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What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity

08 May 2017, 16:34

I as doing work on float class for Mini-Framework and a parsing of floats that also take formatting into account.

I would like to know the maximum value of a float in AutoHotkey, In C# it is public const double MaxValue = 1.7976931348623157E+308;
The MinValue in C# is public const double MinValue = -1.7976931348623157E+308; but it seem AutoHotkey limits are smaller.

I searched through the documentation was not able to find anything specific.

Is short I would like to build into float class NegativeInfinity, PositiveInfinity, NAN and Min and max values.

From GitHub for C# Double

Code: Select all

public const double MinValue = -1.7976931348623157E+308;
public const double MaxValue = 1.7976931348623157E+308;
public const double NegativeInfinity = (double)-1.0 / (double)(0.0);
public const double PositiveInfinity = (double)1.0 / (double)(0.0);
public const double NaN = (double)0.0 / (double)0.0;
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Re: What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity

08 May 2017, 17:00

Hi AmourSpirit, does this help you?

Code: Select all

SetFormat, float, 0.16e 
Msgbox, % 1.7976931348623157E+308+0.0000000000000000E+308
Msgbox, % 1.7976931348623157E+308+0.0000000000000001E+308
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Re: What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity

08 May 2017, 18:14

Helgef wrote:Hi AmourSpirit, does this help you?

Code: Select all

SetFormat, float, 0.16e 
Msgbox, % 1.7976931348623157E+308+0.0000000000000000E+308
Msgbox, % 1.7976931348623157E+308+0.0000000000000001E+308
This may help lots!
Would this be on the right track?
A simplified version of what I am trying to do in part

Code: Select all

Class MyFloat
		m_value := ""
		m_Min := "-1.7976931348623157E+308"
		m_Max := "1.7976931348623157E+308"
		TotalWidth := 0
		DecimalPlaces := 6
		__new(val=0.0) {
			this.m_value := val
		Add(val) {
			fmt := this.TotalWidth . "." . this.DecimalPlaces
			wf := A_FormatFloat
			SetFormat, FloatFast, %fmt%
			newVal := this.m_value + val
			if (instr(newVal, "#INF"))
				; Reset format and throw an error
			this.m_value := newVal
			SetFormat, FloatFast, %wf%
		Subtract(val) {
			fmt := this.TotalWidth . "." . this.DecimalPlaces
			wf := A_FormatFloat
			SetFormat, FloatFast, %fmt%
			newVal := this.m_value - val
			if (instr(newVal, "#INF"))
				; Reset format and throw an error
			this.m_value := newVal
			SetFormat, FloatFast, %wf%
		ToString() {
			fmt := this.TotalWidth . "." . this.DecimalPlaces
			wf := A_FormatFloat
			SetFormat, FloatFast, %fmt%
			retval := this.m_Value + 0.0
			SetFormat, FloatFast, %wf%
			return retval
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Re: What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity

08 May 2017, 19:08

You may like to know about this function:

Also, SetFormat is due to be removed in AHK v2.
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Re: What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity

08 May 2017, 19:16

jeeswg wrote:You may like to know about this function:

Also, SetFormat is due to be removed in AHK v2.
I am Well aware of the SetFromat command. However was not aware that it was being remove in v2.
How would you future proof you code for the removal of SetFormat ?
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Re: What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity

08 May 2017, 19:21

Re. SetFormat. It is one of a small number of the more awkward functions to replace. Basically I would use the Format function where needed.

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Re: What are the limits of a Float? min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity  Topic is solved

09 May 2017, 01:15

I wrapped all of my SetFormat calls into a single function, that way I can just update that function for AutoHotkey v2 if needed.
I was able to figure out min, max, NAN, -infinity, +infinity for float.
Helgef post was a big help. :bravo:

Here is the class in its current state; Requires Mini-Framework because its part of the framework

Code: Select all

;{ License
/* This file is part of Mini-Framework For AutoHotkey.
 * Mini-Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
 * Mini-Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Mini-Framework.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; End:License ;}

;{ Class Comments
	Class: MfFloat
		Represents MfFloat object
	Inherits: MfPrimitive
; End:Class Comments ;}
Class MfFloat extends MfPrimitive
;{ 	Static Properties
		get {
			return 13
		set {
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Readonly_Property"))
			ex.Source := A_ThisFunc
			ex.File := A_LineFile
			ex.Line := A_LineNumber
			Throw ex
; 	End:Static Properties ;}
	static m_NegativeInfinity := "-Infinity"
	static m_PositiveInfinity := "Infinity"
	static m_NaN := "NaN"

;{ Constructor
		Initializes a new instance of the MfFloat class.
	OutputVar := new MfFloat([flt, returnAsObj, readonly, format])
	Constructor([flt, retunAsObj, readonly, format])
		Initializes a new instance of the MfFloat class optionally setting the Value property, ReturnAsObject property, Format property and the Readonly property.
			The object or var containing Float to create a new instance with.
			Can be any type that matches IsNumber.
			Determines if the current instance of MfFloat class will return MfFloat instances from functions or vars containing float. If omitted value is false
			Determines if the current instance of MfFloat class will allow its Value to be altered after it is constructed.
			The Readonly property will reflect this value after the classes is constructed.
			If omitted value is false
			The value to set the Format property to.
		Sealed Class.
		This constructor initializes the MfFloat with Value property set to the value of flt.
		ReturnAsObject will have a value of returnAsObj
		Format property will have a value of format.
		Readonly property will have a value of readonly.
		If Readonly is true then any attempt to change the underlying value will result in MfNotSupportedException being thrown.
		Variadic Method; This method is Variadic so you may construct an instance of MfParams containing any of the overload method parameters
		listed above and pass in the MfParams instance to the method instead of using the overloads described above. See MfParams for more information.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if class is extended.
		Throws MfArgumentException if error in parameter.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if incorrect type of parameters or incorrect number of parameters.

	__New(args*) {
		; f = 0.0, returnAsObj = false, readonly = fasle, format = "0.6"
		; Throws MfNotSupportedException if MfFloat Sealed class is extended
		if (this.__Class != "MfFloat") {
			throw new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Sealed_Class","MfFloat"))
		_f := 0.0
		_returnAsObject := False
		_format := "0.6"
		_readonly := false

		pArgs := this._ConstructorParams(A_ThisFunc, args*)

		pList := pArgs.ToStringList()
		s := Null
		pIndex := 0
		if (pList.Count > 0)
			s := pList.Item[pIndex].Value
			if (s = "MfFloat")
				; use m_Value field of MfFloat here to avoid
				; formating issues with SetFromat
				_f := pArgs.Item[pIndex].m_Value
				tErr := this._ErrorCheckParameter(pIndex, pArgs)
				if (tErr)
					tErr.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
					Throw tErr

		if (pList.Count > 1)
			s := pList.Item[1].Value
			if (s = "MfBool")
				_returnAsObject := pArgs.Item[1].Value
				tErr := this._ErrorCheckParameter(pIndex, pArgs)
				if (tErr)
					tErr.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
					Throw tErr
		if (pList.Count > 2)
			s := pList.Item[pIndex].Value
			if (s = "MfBool")
				_readonly := pArgs.Item[pIndex].Value
				tErr := this._ErrorCheckParameter(pIndex, pArgs)
				if (tErr)
					tErr.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
					Throw tErr
		if (pList.Count > 3)
			s := pList.Item[pIndex].Value
			if (s = "MfString")
				_format := pArgs.Item[pIndex].Value
				tErr := this._ErrorCheckParameter(pIndex, pArgs)
				if (tErr)
					tErr.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
					Throw tErr
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
		try {
			;Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, _format)
			;_f += 0.0
			base.__New(0.0, _returnAsObject)
			this.Value := _f
			; value is already set in base.__New()
			;this.m_Value := _f ; set the value to apply the formating
			; set the base readonly property late instead of in base constructor.
			; this allows the value to be reset first to apply formating
			this.m_ReadOnly := _readonly
		} catch e {
			ex := new MfException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_ClassConstructor", this.__Class), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		this.m_isInherited := this.__Class != "MfFloat"
	; internale metod _ConstructorParams
	_ConstructorParams(MethodName, args*) {

		p := Null
		cnt := MfParams.GetArgCount(args*)

		if ((cnt > 0) && MfObject.IsObjInstance(args[1], MfParams))
			p := args[1] ; arg 1 is a MfParams object so we will use it
			; can be up to five parameters
			; Two parameters is not a possibility
			if (p.Count > 4)
				e := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_MethodOverload", MethodName))
				e.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, MethodName)
				throw e

			p := new MfParams()
			p.AllowEmptyString := false ; no strings for parameters in this case
			p.AllowOnlyAhkObj := false
			p.AllowEmptyValue := true ; all empty/null params will be added as undefined

			;return p
			; can be up to five parameters
			; Two parameters is not a possibility
			if (cnt > 4)
				e := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_MethodOverload", MethodName))
				e.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, MethodName)
				throw e
			i := 1
			while i <= cnt
				arg := args[i]
					if (IsObject(arg))
						if (i = 2 || i = 3) ; boolean params
							T := new MfType(arg)
							if (T.IsNumber)
								; convert all mf number object to boolean
								b := new MfBool()
								b.Value := arg.Value > 0
						if (MfNull.IsNull(arg))
							pIndex := p.Add(arg)
						else if (i = 1) ; float

							; cannot construct an instacne of MfFloat here with parameters
							; we are already calling from the constructor
							; create a new instance without parameters and set the properties
							if (Mfunc.IsNumeric(arg))
								; if there is a format we need it here or have to figure another way
								; default format of 0.6 will drop higher percision
								_val := new MfFLoat()
								_val.ReturnAsObject := false

								if (Mfunc.IsFloat(arg))
									_val.m_Value := arg
								;_val.Value := arg + 0.0
									if (cnt >= 4)
										_fmt := MfFloat._GetFormatFromArg(args[4])
										if (!MfNull.IsNull(_fmt))
											_val.Format := _fmt
									_val.m_Value := MfFloat._GetFmtValue(arg, _val.Format)
								pIndex := p.Add(_val)
								ex := new MfInvalidCastException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("InvalidCastException_ValueToNumber"), e)
								ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
								throw ex
						else if (i = 4) ; format
							StringFormat := new MfString()
							StringFormat.ReturnAsObject := false
							StringFormat.Value := arg
						else ; all params past 1 are boolean
							b := new MfBool()
							b.ReturnAsObject := false
							b.Value := arg > 0
							pIndex := p.Add(b)
				catch e
					ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Argument_Error_on_nth", i), e)
					ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
					throw ex
		;return new MfParams()
		return p
; End:Constructor ;}
;{ Methods
;{	Add()
	Method: Add()
	OutputVar := instance.Add(value)
		Adds Float value to current instance of MfFloat.
		The value to add to current instance.
		Can be var containing float or any object that MfType.IsNumber.
		If ReturnAsObject is true then returns current instance of MfFloat with an updated value; Otherwise returns var containing float.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method.
		Throws MfArgumentNullException if value is null.
		Throws MfArithmeticException is unable to add value.
	Add(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			ex := new MfArgumentNullException("value")
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			; this value becomes the state of the added value if not valid
			this.m_Value := value.m_Value
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			fmt := this.Format
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
			_val := MfFloat.GetValue(value)
			_newVal := this.m_Value + _val
			this.Value := _newVal ; MfFloat._GetFmtValue(_newVal, this.Format)
		catch e
			ex := new MfArithmeticException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return this._ReturnFloat(this)
; End:Add() ;}
;{ 	CompareTo()			- Inhertis	- MfObject
	Method: CompareTo()
		Overrides MfObject.CompareTo
	OutputVar := instance.CompareTo(obj)
		Compares this instance to a specified MfFloat object.
			A MfFloat object to compare.
		Returns A number indicating the position of this instance in the sort order in relation to the value parameter.
		Return Value Description Less than zero This instance precedes obj value. Zero This instance has the same position in the sort order as value.
		Greater than zero This instance follows
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method.
		Throws MfArgumentException if value is not an instance of MfFloat.
		Compares this instance to a specified MfFloat object and indicates whether this instance precedes, follows, or
		appears in the same position in the sort order as the specified MfFloat object.
	CompareTo(obj) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			return 1
		if (!MfObject.IsObjInstance(obj, MfFloat)) {
			ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Argument_Object_Equals"),"obj")
			ex.Source := A_ThisFunc
			ex.File := A_LineFile
			ex.Line := A_LineNumber
			throw ex
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return -1
		if (MfFloat._isValidNumber(obj) = false)
			; this value becomes the state of the added value if not valid
			return 1
		retval := -1
		fmt := this.Format
		wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
		if (this.Value = obj.Value) {
			retval := 0
		} else if (this.Value > obj.Value) {
			retval := 1
		Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; End:CompareTo() ;}
;{ 	Equals()			- Overrides - MfObject
	Methd: Equals()
		Overrides MfObject.Equals()
	OutputVar := instance.Equals(value)
		Gets if this instance Value is the same as the value instance.Value
		The Object or var containing, float to compare to current instance.
		Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
		Returns Boolean var of true if this Value and value are equal; Otherwise false.
		If value is unable to be converted to a float then false will be returned.
	Equals(value)	{
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		retval := false
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			return retval
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			return this.m_Value == this.m_Value
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			fmt := this.Format
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
			_val := MfFloat._GetValue(value)
			if (this.Value = _val) {
				retval := true
		catch e
			ex := new MfException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; End:Equals() ;}
;{ 	Divide
	Method: Divide()
	OutputVar := instance.Divide(value)
		Divides the current instance of MfFloat by the divisor value.
			The Divisor value to divide the current instance Value by.
			Can be var containing float or any object that MfType.IsNumber.
		If ReturnAsObject is true then returns current instance of MfFloat with an updated Value; Otherwise returns Value as var.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
		Throws MfArgumentNullException if value is null.
		Throws MfDivideByZeroException if value is zero.
		Throws MfArithmeticException if the operation fails or value is not an instance of MfFloat and can not be converted into float value.
		The result of the operation will based upon the Format options of the current instance.
	Divide(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value))
			ex := new MfArgumentNullException("value")
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			; this value becomes the state of the added value if not valid
			this.m_Value := value.m_Value
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		; if (this.Equals(0.0))
		; {
		; 	return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		; }
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			fmt := this.Format
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
			_value := 0.0
				_value :=  MfFloat.GetValue(value)
				if (this.Equals(0.0) && _value = 0.0)
					this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_NaN
					return this._ReturnFloat(this)
			catch e
				ex := new MfArithmeticException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), e)
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
			if (_value = 0.0)
				if (this.Value < 0.0)
					this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_NegativeInfinity
					return this._ReturnFloat(this)
				this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_PositiveInfinity
				return this._ReturnFloat(this)
			; with floor divide  any result less then 1 will be zero
			_newVal := (this.Value / _value) + 0.0
			this.Value := _newVal
		catch e
			throw e
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return this._ReturnFloat(this)

; 	End:Divide ;}
;{ 	GetHashCode()		- Overrides	- MfObject
	Method: GetHashCode()
		Overrides MfObject.GetHashCode()
	OutputVar := instance.GetHashCode()
		Gets A hash code for the MfFloat instance.
		A 32-bit signed integer hash code as var.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if object is not an instance.
		A hash code is a numeric value that is used to insert and identify an object in a hash-based collection such as a Hash table.
		The GetHashCode() method provides this hash code for hashing algorithms and data structures such as a hash table.
		Two objects that are equal return hash codes that are equal. However, the reverse is not true: equal hash codes do not imply object equality,
		because different (unequal) objects can have identical hash codes. Furthermore, the this Framework does not guarantee the default
		implementation of the GetHashCode() method, and the value this method returns may differ between Framework versions such as 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
		For these reasons, do not use the default implementation of this method as a unique object identifier for hashing purposes.
		A hash code is intended for efficient insertion and lookup in collections that are based on a hash table. A hash code is not a permanent value. For this reason:
		* Do not serialize hash code values or store them in databases. 
		* Do not use the hash code as the key to retrieve an object from a keyed collection. 
		* Do not test for equality of hash codes to determine whether two objects are equal.
		  (Unequal objects can have identical hash codes.) To test for equality, call the MfObject.ReferenceEquals() or MfObject.Equals() method. 
	GetHashCode() {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfFloat._IsNaN(this))
			return -524288
		if (MfFloat._IsPositiveInfinity(this))
			return 2146435072
		if (MfFloat._IsNegativeInfinity(this))
			return -1048576
		wf := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
			flt := this.Value
			if (flt = 0.0)
				return 0
			i64 := this._cDoubleToInt64(flt)
			i32 := this._cInt64ToInt(i64)
			iShift := i64 >> 32
			iShift := this._cInt64ToInt(iShift)
			return i32 ^ iShift
		catch e
			throw e
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wf)
; 	End:GetHashCode ;}
;{ 	GetTypeCode()
	Method: GetTypeCode()
		Get an enumeration value of MfTypeCode the represents MfFloat Type Code.
		And instance of MfEnum.EnumItem with a constant value that represents the type of MfFloat.
	GetTypeCode() {
		return MfTypeCode.Instance.Float
; End:GetTypeCode() ;}
;{ 	GetValue()			- Overrides	- MfPrimitive
	Method: GetValue()
		Overrides MfPrimitive.GetValue().
	OutputVar := MfFloat.GetValue(Obj)
	OutputVar := MfFloat.GetValue(Obj, Default)
	OutputVar := MfFloat.GetValue(Obj, Default, AllowAny)
		Gets the Float number from Object or var containing float.
			The Object or var containing, float, integer or hex value
			Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
		Returns a var containing a float.
		Static Method
		Throws an error if unable to convert Obj to float.
		Throws MfInvalidOperationException if not called as a static method.
		Throws MfArgumentException if argument Obj is can not be converted to float value.
	MfFloat.GetValue(Obj, Default)
		Gets a Float number from Obj or returns Default value if Obj is unable to be converted to flaot.
		Default must be a value that can be converted to float or it will be ignored if Obj can not be converted to float an error will be thrown.
			The Object or var containing, float, integer or hex value
			Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
			The value to return if Obj is Cannot be converted
			Can be any type that matches IsNumber or var of float.
		Returns a var containing a integer or Default value if Obj is unable to be converted to float.
		Static Method
		If Default is not a valid float or MfFloat instance then GetValue will throw an error if Obj can not be converted to float. 
		If Default can not be converted to a float then this would method will yield the same results as calling MfFloat.GetValue(Obj).
		Throws MfInvalidOperationException if not called as a static method.
	MfFloat.GetValue(Obj, Default, AllowAny)
		Gets a float number from Obj or returns Default value if Obj is unable to be converted to float.
			The Object or var containing, float, integer or hex value
			Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
			The value to return if Obj is Cannot be converted
			Can be any type that matches IsNumber or var of float.
			Determines if Default can be a value other then flaot. If true Default can be any var, Object or null; Otherwise Default must be a float value.
		Static Method.
		If AllowAny is true then Default can be any value including var, object or null.
		However if AllowAny is false then this method will yield the same result as calling MfFloat.GetValue(Obj, Default).
		Throws MfInvalidOperationException if not called as a static method.
		Throws MfArgumentException if AllowAny is not a valid boolean.
	General Remarks
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if incorrect number of parameters are passed in.
	GetValue(args*) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		;obj, default=0.0, AllowAny=false
		i := 0
		for index, arg in args
		if ((i = 0) || (i > 3))
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_MethodOverload", A_ThisFunc))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		CanThrow := False
		bAllow := False
		_default := 0.0
		obj := args[1]
		if (i = 1)
			CanThrow := True
		else if (i = 2)
				_default := MfFloat._GetValue(args[2])
			catch e
				CanThrow := true
			; 3 params obj, default, AllowAny
			; if AllowAny is true then default can be anything, otherwise default must be a valid integer
				bAllow := MfBool._GetValue(args[3])
			catch e
				err := new MfInvalidCastException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("InvalidCastException_ValueToBoolean"), e)
				err.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), "AllowAny", err)
				ex.SetProp(err.File, err.Line, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
			if (bAllow = true)
				_default := args[2]
					_default := MfFloat._GetValue(args[2])
				catch e
					CanThrow := true
		retval := CanThrow = true? 0.0:_default
		if (CanThrow = true)
				retval := MfFloat._GetValue(obj)
			catch e
				if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(e, MfArgumentException))
					e.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
					throw e
				ex := new MfException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
				retval := MfFloat._GetValue(obj)
			catch e
				retval := _default
		return retval
; End:GetValue() ;}	
;{ 	_GetValue
	; internal method _GetValue
	_GetValue(obj) {
		if (MfNull.IsNull(obj) || obj = Undefined) {
			ex := new MfArgumentNullException("obj")
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		retval := 0.0
		if (IsObject(obj))
			fType := new MfType(obj)
			if (fType.IsFloat)
				retval := obj.Value
			else if (fType.IsIntegerNumber)
				retval := obj.Value + 0.0
				ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Argument_Value_Error", "obj"), "obj")
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
			if ((!Mfunc.IsFloat(obj)) && (!Mfunc.IsInteger(obj)))
				ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Argument_TypeNotExpected"
					, "obj","Float"), "obj")
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
			retval := obj
			if (!Mfunc.IsFloat(retval))
				retval := retval + 0.0
		return retval
; 	End:_GetValue ;}
;{ 	GreaterThen
	Method: GreaterThen()
	OutputVar := instance.GreaterThen(value)
		Compares the current MfFloat object to a specified MfFloat object and returns an indication of their relative values.
			The Object or var containing, float to compare to current instance.
			Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
		Returns true if the current instance has greater value then the value instance; Otherwise false.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
		Throws MfArgumentException if value is not an instance of MfFloat and can not be converted into float value.
	GreaterThen(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		retval := false
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			return retval

		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			return false
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return true
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			fmt := this.Format
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
			_val := MfFloat._GetValue(value)
			if (this.Value > _val) {
				retval := true
		catch e
			ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), "value", e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; 	End:GreaterThen ;}
;{ 	GreaterThenOrEqual
	Method: GreaterThenOrEqual()
	OutputVar := instance.GreaterThenOrEqual(value)
		Compares the current MfFloat object to a specified MfFloat object and returns an indication of their relative values.
			The Object or var containing, float to compare to current instance.
			Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
		Returns true if the current instance has greater or equal value then the value instance; Otherwise false.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
		Throws MfArgumentException if value is not an instance of MfFloat and can not be converted into float value.
	GreaterThenOrEqual(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		retval := false
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			return retval
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat))
			if ((MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false) && MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
				return value.Value == this.Value
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return true
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			fmt := this.Format
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
			_val := MfFloat._GetValue(value)
			if (this.Value >= _val) {
				retval := true
		catch e
			ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), "value", e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; 	End:GreaterThenOrEqual ;}
;{ 	GetTrimmed
	Method: GetTrimmed()
	OutputVar := instance.GetTrimmed()
		Gets a float that has all leading and trailing 0's and spaces removed removed.
		If ReturnAsObject Property for this instance is true then returns MfFloat instance; otherwise returns float var containing value.
		If Value is a whole number then a value will be returned without a decimal.
		If ReturnAsObject Property for this instance is true then a MfFloat instance will be returned with its Format set to display a trimmed value.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method.
	GetTrimmed() {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
		retval := Null
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return this.Value
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
			_neg := false
			if (this.Value < 0.0) {
				_neg := true
			_str := new MfString(this.Value, true)
			sW := ""
			sD := ""
			if (_str.Length >= 2) {
				sList := _str.Split(".")
				if (sList.Count = 1) {
					; assume no decimal was present and using whole number
					sW := sList.Item[0]
				if (sList.Count = 2) {
					sW := sList.Item[0]
					sD := sList.Item[1]
			gl := new MfGenericList(MfChar)
			gl.Add(new MfChar("0x0020")) ; hex value of space
			gl.Add(new MfChar("-"))
			gl.Add(new MfChar("0"))
			if (!MfNull.IsNull(sW)) {
				if (sW.Length = 0) {
					sW.Value := "0"
			} else {
				sW := new MfString("0",true)
			if (!MfNull.IsNull(sD)) {
				gl.Add(new MfChar("."))
			}  else {
				sD := new MfString()
				sD.ReturnAsObject := true
			_str := ""
			_str := new MfString()
			_str.ReturnAsObject := true
			if (sD.Length > 0) {
			_val := ""
			if (_neg = true) {
				_val := "-" . _str.Value
			} else {
				_val := _str.Value
			if (this.ReturnAsObject = true) {
				if (sD.Length >= 1) {
					retval := new MfFloat()
					retval.TotalWidth := "0"
					retval.DecimalPlaces := sD.Length
					retval.Value := _val
				} else {
					retval := new MfFloat(_val, true,,"0.0")
			} else {
				retval := _val
		catch e
			ex := new MfException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; 	End:GetTrimmed ;}
;{ 	IsNegativeInfinity
	IsNegativeInfinity(obj) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		ex := MfObject.IsNotObjInstance(obj, MfFloat,,A_ThisFunc)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		return MfFloat._IsNegativeInfinity(obj)
	_IsNegativeInfinity(obj) {
		return obj.m_value == MfFloat.m_NegativeInfinity
; 	End:IsNegativeInfinity ;}
;{ IsPositiveInfinity
	IsPositiveInfinity(obj) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		ex := MfObject.IsNotObjInstance(obj, MfFloat,,A_ThisFunc)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		return MfFloat._IsPositiveInfinity(obj)
	_IsPositiveInfinity(obj) {
		return obj.m_value == MfFloat.m_PositiveInfinity
; End:IsPositiveInfinity ;}
; End:IsNaN ;}
	IsNaN(obj) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		ex := MfObject.IsNotObjInstance(obj, MfFloat,,A_ThisFunc)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		return MfFloat._IsNaN(obj)
	_IsNaN(obj) {
		return obj.m_value == MfFloat.m_NaN
; End:IsNaN ;}
;{ 	LessThen
	Method: LessThen()
	OutputVar := instance.LessThen(value)
		Compares the current MfFloat object to a specified MfFloat object and returns an indication of their relative values.
		The Object or var containing, float to compare to current instance.
		Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
		Returns true if the current instance has less value then the value instance; Otherwise false.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
		Throws MfArgumentException if value is not an instance of MfFloat and can not be converted into float value.
	LessThen(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		retval := false
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			return retval
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			return false
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return true
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
			_val := MfFloat._GetValue(value)
			if (this.Value < _val) {
				retval := true
		catch e
			ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), "value", e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; 	End:LessThen ;}
;{ 	LessThenOrEqual
	Method: LessThenOrEqual()
	OutputVar := instance.LessThenOrEqual(value)
		Compares the current MfFloat object to a specified MfFloat object and returns an indication of their relative values.
		The Object or var containing, float to compare to current instance.
		Can be any type that matches MfType.IsNumber. 
		Returns true if the current instance has less or equal value then the value instance; Otherwise false.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
		Throws MfArgumentException if value is not an instance of MfFloat and can not be converted into float value.
	LessThenOrEqual(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		retval := false
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			return retval
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat))
			if ((MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false) && MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
				return value.Value == this.Value
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return false
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
			_val := MfFloat._GetValue(value)
			if (this.Value <= _val) {
				retval := true
		catch e
			ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), "value", e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; 	End:LessThenOrEqual ;}
;{ 	Multiply
	Method: Multiply()
	OutputVar := instance.Multiply(value)
		Multiplies the current instance of MfFloat by the value.
			The value to multiply the current instance Value by.
			Can be var containing float or any object that MfType.IsNumber.
		If ReturnAsObject is true then returns current instance of MfFloat with an updated Value; Otherwise returns Value as var.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
		Throws MfArgumentNullException if value is null.
		Throws MfDivideByZeroException if value is zero.
		Throws MfArithmeticException if the operation fails or value is not an instance of MfFloat and can not be converted into float Value.
		The result of the operation will based upon the Format options of the current instance.
	Multiply(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value))
			ex := new MfArgumentNullException("value")
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			; this value becomes the state of the added value if not valid
			this.m_Value := value.m_Value
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)

		if (this.Equals(0.0))
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		_value := 0.0
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
				wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
				if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat))
					_value := value.Value
					_value :=  MfFloat.GetValue(value)
				_newVal := (this.Value * _value) + 0.0
				this.Value := _newVal
			catch e
				ex := new MfArithmeticException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidCastException"), e)
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
		Catch e
			throw e
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return this._ReturnFloat(this)
; 	End:Multiply ;}
;{ 	Parse()
	Method: Parse()
		Converts the obj representation of a number to its MfFloat equivalent
			An object convert.
			Can be instance of MfChar, MfString
			Can be var containing string, integer
			Can also be instance of MfParams.
		Converts the obj representation of a number to its MfFloat equivalent.
		If MfParams is passed in with Data key of ReturnAsObject and value set to true then parsed result will be returned as an instance of MfFloat;
		Otherwise a var float will be returned.
		Static Method
		Converts the obj representation of a number to its MfFloat equivalent.
		If obj parameter is an Objects then it must be instance from MfObject or be an instance of MfParams.
		If MfParams is passed in with Data key of ReturnAsObject and value set to true then parsed result will be returned as an instance of MfFloat;
		otherwise a var float will be returned.
		If MfParams is passed in with Data key of ReturnAsObject and value set to true then and Data key of Format added with a valid Format value then
		result will be returned as an instance of MfFloat with the Format set; otherwise a var float will be returned.
		Throws MfInvalidOperationException if not called as static method.
		Throws MfFormatException unable to parse obj.
	Parse(args*) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(args[1], MfParams)) {
			objParams := args[1] ; arg 1 is a MfParams object so we will use it
		} else {
			objParams := new MfParams()
			for index, arg in args
		retval := MfNull.Null
		try {
			strP := objParams.ToString()
			if (strP = "MfChar") {
				c := objParams.Item[0]
				if (MfChar.IsNumber(c)) {
					retval := MfFloat.GetValue(MfCharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(c))
			} else if (strP = "MfString") {
				strV := objParams.Item[0].Value
				if (RegExMatch(strV, "^\s*([-+]?\d{1,15})\s*$", match)) {
					iVal := match1 + 0.0 ;convert string to float
					if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
						retval := iVal
				} else if (RegExMatch(strV, "^\s*([-+]?\d+\.\d+)\s*$", match)) {
					foundStr := new MfString(match1)
					gl := foundStr.Split(".")
					if (gl.Count = 1) {
						if (foundStr.Length <= 15) {
							iVal := match1 + 0.0 ;convert string to float
							if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
								retval := ival
					} else if (gl.Count = 2) {
						if ((gl.Item[0].Length <= 15) && (gl.Item[1].Length <= 15)) {
							iVal := match1 + 0.0 ;convert string to float
							if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
								retval := ival
				} else if (RegExMatch(strV, "^\s*([-+]?\d+\.\d+[eE][-+]?\d{1,3})\s*$", match)) {
					iVal := MfFloat.GetValue(match1)
					if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
						retval := iVal
			} else if (strP = "MfFloat") {
				retval := objParams.Item[0].Value
		} catch e {
			ex := new MfException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		if (!MfNull.IsNull(retval)) {
			if (objParams.Data.Contains("ReturnAsObject") && (objParams.Data.Item["ReturnAsObject"] = true)) {
				objF := new MfFloat(retval, true)
				if (objParams.Data.Contains("Format")) {
					objF.Format := MfString.GetValue(objParams.Data.Item["Format"])
				objF.Value := retval
				objF.ReturnAsObject := true
				return objF
			} else {
				return retval
		ex := new MfFormatException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Format_InvalidString"))
		ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		throw ex
; End:Parse() ;}
;{	Subtract()
	Method: Subtract()
	OutputVar := instance.Subtract(value)
		Subtract Float value from current instance of MfFloat.
			The value to Subtract from current instance.
			Can be var containing float or any object that MfType.IsNumber.
		If ReturnAsObject is true then returns current instance of MfFloat with an updated value; Otherwise returns var containing float.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method.
		Throws MfArgumentNullException if value is null.
		Throws MfArithmeticException is unable to subtract value.
	Subtract(value) {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(value)) {
			ex := new MfArgumentNullException("value")
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(value, MfFloat) && (MfFloat._isValidNumber(value) = false))
			; this value becomes the state of the added value if not valid
			this.m_Value := value.m_Value
			return this._ReturnFloat(this)
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
			_val := MfFloat.GetValue(value)
			_newVal := this.m_Value - _val
			this.m_Value := _newVal ; MfFloat._GetFmtValue(_newVal, this.Format)
		catch e
			ex := new MfArithmeticException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return this._ReturnFloat(this)
; End:Add() ;}
;{ 	ToInteger()
	Method: ToInteger()
	OutputVar := MfFloat.ToInteger()
		Converts the value of the specified MfFloat to the equivalent MfInteger
		The MfFloat object or var containing Float value
		Returns a MfInteger equivalent to the value of MfFloat
		Throws MfInvalidOperationException if not called as a static method.
		Throws MfArgumentNullException if flt is Null.
		Throws MfArgumentException if flt is not a value that can be converted.
		Static Method
		The returned MfInteger has its MfInteger.ReturnAsObject property set to false.
	ToInteger(flt) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(flt)) {
			ex := new MfArgumentNullException("flt", MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_WithParamName", "flt"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return new new MfInteger()
		wasformat := A_FormatFloat
			if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(flt, "MfFloat")) {
				fmt := flt.Format
				wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
				_int := new MfInteger(MfInteger.GetValue(flt))
				return _int
			} else if (Mfunc.IsFloat(flt)) {
				_int := new MfInteger(MfInteger.GetValue(flt))
				return _int
			} else if (Mfunc.IsInteger(flt)) {
				_int := new MfInteger(flt)
				return _int
			} else {
				; may fail but lets give it a go
				return new MfInteger(MfInteger.GetValue(flt))
		catch e
			ex := new MfException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Exception_Error", A_ThisFunc), e)
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
			Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Argument_IncorrectObjTypeOr"
			, "flt","Float","MfFloat"))
		ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		throw ex
; End:ToInteger() ;}
;{ 	ToString()			- Overrides	- MfPrimitive
	Method: ToString()
		ToString() Gets a string representation of the object.  
		Overrides [MfPrimitive.ToString()](Primative.tostring.html)
		Returns string value representing current *instance*
		Throws MfNullReferenceException if called as a static method
	ToString() {
		this.VerifyIsInstance(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		If (MfFloat._isValidNumber(this) = false)
			return this.Value
		retval := MfFloat._GetFmtObjValue(this)
		return retval . ""
;  End:ToString() ;}
;{ 	TryParse()
	Method: TryParse()
	MfFloat.TryParse(byRef flt, obj)
		Converts the obj representation of a number to its MfFloat equivalent. A return boolean value indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
			flt contains the value equivalent to the number contained in obj, if the conversion succeeded.
			The conversion fails if the obj parameter is null, is not of the correct format. This parameter is passed uninitialized.
			flt can be instance of MfFloat or var containing float.
			An object convert.
			Can be instance of MfChar, MfString
			Can be var containing string, integer
			Can also be instance of MfParams.
		Returns true if parse is a success; Otherwise false
		If parameter flt is passed in as an object it must in initialized as an instance of MfFloat first. Eg: myFlt := new MfFloat(0.0)
		If parameter flt is passed in as var it must in initialized as float first. Eg: myFlt := 0.0
		Whitespaces are allowed at the beginning or end of the string to parse.
		Throws MfInvalidOperationException if not called as static method.
	TryParse(byref flt, args*) {
		this.VerifyIsNotInstance(A_ThisFunc, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
		if (MfNull.IsNull(flt)) {
			return false
		_isObj := false
		if (IsObject(flt)) {
			if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(flt, "MfFloat")) {
				_isObj := true
			} else {
				; flt is an object but not an MfFloat instance
				; only MfInteger is allowed as object
				return false
		if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(args[1], MfParams)) {
			objParams := args[1] ; arg 1 is a MfParams object so we will use it
		} else {
			objParams := new MfParams()
			for index, arg in args
		retval := false
		try {
			strP := objParams.ToString()
			if (strP = "MfChar") {
				c := objParams.Item[0]
				if (MfChar.IsNumber(c)) {
					iVal := MfFloat.GetValue(MfCharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(c))
					if (_isObj = true) {
						flt.Value := iVal
					} else {
						flt := ival
					retval := true
			} else if (strP = "MfString") {
				strV := objParams.Item[0].Value
				if (RegExMatch(strV, "^\s*([-+]?\d{1,15})\s*$", match)) {
					iVal := match1 + 0.0 ;convert string to float
					if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
						if (_isObj = true) {
							flt.Value := iVal
						} else {
							flt := ival
						retval := true
				} else if (RegExMatch(strV, "^\s*([-+]?\d+\.\d+)\s*$", match)) {
					foundStr := new MfString(match1)
					gl := foundStr.Split(".")
					if (gl.Count = 1) {
						if (foundStr.Length <= 15) {
							iVal := match1 + 0.0 ;convert string to float
							if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
								if (_isObj = true) {
									flt.Value := iVal
								} else {
									flt := ival
								retval := true
					} else if (gl.Count = 2) {
						if ((gl.Item[0].Length <= 15) && (gl.Item[1].Length <= 15)) {
							iVal := match1 + 0.0 ;convert string to float
							if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
								if (_isObj = true) {
									flt.Value := iVal
								} else {
									flt := ival
								retval := true
				} else if (RegExMatch(strV, "^\s*([-+]?\d+\.\d+[eE][-+]?\d{1,3})\s*$", match)) {
					iVal := MfFloat.GetValue(match1)
					if (Mfunc.IsFloat(iVal)) {
						if (_isObj = true) {
							flt.Value := iVal
						} else {
							flt := ival
						retval := true
			} else if (strP = "MfFloat") {
				if (_isObj = true) {
					flt.Value := objParams.Item[0].Value
				} else {
					flt := objParams.Item[0].Value
				retval := true
			} else {
				retval := false
		} catch e {
			retval := false
		return retval
; End:TryParse() ;}
; End:Methods ;}
;{ Internal Methods
;{ 	_isValidNumber
	; returns true if number if float represented by obj is valie; Otherwise false
	_isValidNumber(obj) {
		if (MfFloat._IsNaN(obj) || MfFloat._IsPositiveInfinity(obj) || MfFloat._IsNegativeInfinity(obj))
			return false
		return true
; 	End:_isValidNumber ;}
	;{ _cDoubleToInt64()
	Method: _cDoubleToInt64()
		Converts Double into Int64
			The Double var to convert to Int64 var
		Int64 signed var
		Internal Method
	_cDoubleToInt64(input) {
	    VarSetCapacity(Var, 8, 0)       ; Variable to hold integer
	    NumPut(input, Var, 0, "Double" ) ; Input as Integer 64
	    retval := NumGet(Var, 0, "Int64") ; Retrieve it as 'Signed Integer 32'
	    return retval
; End:_cDoubleToInt64() ;}
;{ _cInt64ToInt()
	Method: _cInt64ToInt()
		Converts int64 into Int32
			The int64 var to convert to int32 var
		Int32 signed var
		Internal Method
		This method does a Circular shift or Wrap Around bit shift operation
		In c# this would be the same as int myInt = (int)myInt64
		In c# Convert.ToInt32() is different then (int)myInt64
		The difference is Convert.ToInt32(int64) thorw overflow if int64 is greater then int.MaxValue or 
		less then int.MinValue
		Convert.ToInt32(int64) does not do a circular shift.
	_cInt64ToInt(input) {
	    VarSetCapacity(Var, 8, 0)       ; Variable to hold integer
	    NumPut(input, Var, 0, "Int64" ) ; Input as Integer 64
	    retval := NumGet(Var, 0, "Int") ; Retrieve it as 'Signed Integer 32'
	    return retval
; End:_cInt64ToInt() ;}
;{ 	_ForceFormat()
	; sets the underlying value to match the current Format
	; this can be destrucive. If for format was 0.9 and
	; it is changed to 0.5 for instance then the last 4 decimal
	; places will be lost can not be recovered.
	_ForceFormat() {
; 	End:_ForceFormat() ;}
;{ 	_GetFmtObjValue
	; static method
	; returns a var float formated to fObj format property
	; fObj - MfFloat instance.
	_GetFmtObjValue(fObj) {
		fmt := fObj.Format
		wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
		retval := fObj.Value
		fObj.Value := fObj.Value + 0.0
		; if (Mfunc.IsFloat(fObj.Value) = false)
		; {
		; 	fObj.Value := fObj.Value + 0.0
		; }
		wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; 	End:_GetFmtObjValue ;}
;{ _GetFmtValue
	; Static method
	; Returns var containing float formated to the fmt
	; f - the var float to format
	; fmt - the format to use
	_GetFmtValue(f, fmt) {
		wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
		retval := f
		if (Mfunc.IsFloat(f) = false)
			retval := retval + 0.0
		Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)
		return retval
; End:_GetFmtValue ;}
;{ 	_SetFormat
	; sets the values for TotalWidth and DecimalPlaces
	_SetFormat(Value) {
		_Value := MfString.GetValue(Value)
		if (RegExMatch(_Value, "^\s*(-?\d{1,15})\.(\d{1,15})\s*$", match))
				this.m_TotalWidth := match1
				this.m_DecimalPlaces := match2
		else if (RegExMatch(_Value, "^\s*(-?\d{1,15})\.(\d{1,10}[eE])\s*$", match))
				this.m_TotalWidth := match1
				this.m_DecimalPlaces := match2
			ex := new MfFormatException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Format_NotExpected"
				, "#.# or #.#e or #.#E or -#.# Eg: 0.6 or 0.2e or -04.3E"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			throw ex
; 	End:_SetFormat ;}
;{ _GetFormatFromArg
	; Gets the string value from an arg if it is var or instance of MfString
	; static method
	_GetFormatFromArg(arg) {
		if (MfNull.IsNull(arg))
			return Null
		if (IsObject(arg))
			if(MfObject.IsObjInstance(arg, MfString))
				return arg.Value
				ex := new MfArgumentException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Argument_Value_Error", "arg"))
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
		return arg
; End:_GetFormatFromArg ;}
; End:Internal Methods ;}
;{ Properties
;{ 	DecimalPlaces
	m_DecimalPlaces		:= 6
	Property: DecimalPlaces [gets/sets]
		Gets or sets the value associated with the DecimalPlaces part of the Format
		Value is a string. Can be instance of MfString or var containing string.
		Gets the DecimalPlaces as string var
		Sets the DecimalPlaces for the instance
		DecimalPlaces is the number of decimal places to display (rounding will occur).
		If blank or zero, neither a decimal portion nor a decimal point will be displayed, that is,
		floating point results are displayed as integers rather than a floating point number. The starting default is 6.
		Get returns a var containing integer.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfFormatException if Value is a bad format.
		get {
			return this.m_DecimalPlaces
		set {
			this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			_value := MfString.GetValue(value)
			if (_value ~= "^\d+$|^\d+[eE]$") {
				this.m_DecimalPlaces := _value
				this._ForceFormat() ; reset the format for the value
			} else {
				ex := new MfFormatException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Format_NotExpected"
					, "# or #e or #E Eg: 2 or 2e or 3E"))
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
			return this.m_DecimalPlaces
; 	End:DecimalPlaces ;}
;{ 	Format
	Property: Format [get/set]
		Gets the format associated with the format of the float value
		To set value must be in the format of #.# or #.#e# or #.#E# or -#.# Eg: 0.6 or 0.2e3 or -04.1E1
		Can be MfString instance or var containing string
		Gets the current fromat as var containing string.
		Sets the format for the instance
		Format contains TotalWidth and DecimalPlaces
		Alternativly you may set TotalWidth and DecimalPlaces instead of Format
		See Also: SetFormat()
		Throws MfNotSupportedException on set if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfFormatException if Value is a bad format.
		get {
			return MfString.Format("{0}.{1}",this.m_TotalWidth, this.m_DecimalPlaces) 
		set {
			this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			try {
				this._ForceFormat() ; reset the format for the value
			} catch e {
				ex := new MfFormatException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Format_NotExpected"
					, "#.# or #.#e# or #.#E# or -#.# Eg: 0.6 or 0.2e3 or -04.1E1"))
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
; 	End:Format ;}
;{ 	TotalWidth
	m_TotalWidth := 0
	Property: TotalWidth [get\set]
		Gets or sets the value associated with TotalWidth Format of Value.
		Value is an string. Can be instance of MfString or var containing string.
		Gets the current state of TotalWidth as string var.
		Sets the current state of TotalWidth to Value.
		TotalWidth is typically 0 to indicate that number should not have any blank or zero padding.
		If a higher value is used, numbers will be padded with spaces or zeros to make them that wide.
		Get returns a var containing integer.
		If TotalWidth is high enough to cause padding, spaces will be added on the left side; that is, each number will be right-justified.
		To use left-justification instead, precede TotalWidth with a minus sign. To pad with zeros instead of spaces, precede TotalWidth with a zero (e.g. 06).
		See Also: Format Property
		Throws MfFormatException if Value is bad format.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException on set if Readonly is true.
		get {
			return this.m_TotalWidth
		set {
			this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			_value := MfString.GetValue(value)
			if (_value ~= "^-?\d+$") {
				this.m_TotalWidth := _value
				this._ForceFormat() ; reset the format for the value
			} else {
				ex := new MfFormatException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("Format_NotExpected"
					, "# or -# Eg: 2 or -3 or 0"))
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
			return this.m_TotalWidth
; 	End:TotalWidth ;}
;{ 	MaxValue
	Property: MaxValue [get]
		Represents the largest possible value of an MfInt64. This field is constant.
		Var integer
		Gets the largest possible value of an MfInt64.
		Constant Property
		Can be accessed using MfInt64.MaxValue
		Value = 1.7976931348623157E+308
		get {
			return 1.7976931348623157E+308
		set {
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Readonly_Property"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			Throw ex
; 	End:MaxValue ;}
;{ 	MinValue
	Property: MinValue [get]
		Represents the smallest possible value of an MfInt64. This field is constant.
		Var integer
		Gets the smallest possible value of an MfInt64.
		Can be accessed using MfInt64.MinValue
		Value = -1.7976931348623157E+308
		get {
			return -1.7976931348623157E+308
		set {
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Readonly_Property"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			Throw ex
; 	End:MinValue ;}
;{ NaN
	Property: NaN [get]
		Gets the NaN value associated with the this instance
		Var representing the NaN property of the instance
		Readonly Property
		get {
			return MfFloat.m_NaN
		set {
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Readonly_Property"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, "NaN")
			Throw ex
; End:NaN ;}
	;{ NegativeInfinity
	Property: NegativeInfinity [get]
		Gets the NegativeInfinity value associated with the this instance
		Var representing the NegativeInfinity property of the instance
		Readonly Property
		get {
			return MfFloat.m_NegativeInfinity
		set {
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Readonly_Property"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, "NegativeInfinity")
			Throw ex
; End:NegativeInfinity ;}
;{ PositiveInfinity
	Property: PositiveInfinity [get]
		Gets the PositiveInfinity value associated with the this instance
		Var representing the PositiveInfinity property of the instance
		Readonly Property
		get {
			return MfFloat.m_PositiveInfinity
		set {
			ex := new MfNotSupportedException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("NotSupportedException_Readonly_Property"))
			ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, "PositiveInfinity")
			Throw ex
; End:PositiveInfinity ;}
;{	Value
	Property Value [get\set]
		Overrides MfPrimitive.Value
		Gets or sets the value associated with the this instance of MfFloat
		Value is a float value and can be var or object
		Set the Value of the instance. Can be var or any object that matches IsNumber.
		Setting float Value as var
		Throws MfNotSupportedException if when trying to set if Readonly is true.
		Throws MfInvalidCastException if unable to set property to value.
		Throws MfNotSupportedException on set if Readonly is true.
		The Value property can be set to any valid number without first setting the SetFormat values of AutoHotkey.
		Also getting the Value property does not require setting the SetFormat values of AutoHotkey.
		However setting the Value property using the +=,-=, ++, --, *=, /= operators requires setting the SetFormat values of AutoHotkey before using these operators.
		To avoid issues with having to SetFormat ust the Add(), Subtract(), Divide() and Multiply() methods.
		get {
			return this.m_Value
		set {
			this.VerifyReadOnly(this, A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
			wasformat := ""
				mStr := ""
				if (IsObject(value))
					; will throw an error if not instance of MfFloat and is Object
					ex := MfObject.IsNotObjInstance(value, MfFloat,,A_ThisFunc)
						ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
						throw ex
					else if (MfFloat._IsNaN(value))
						this.m_value := value.m_value
					else if (MfFloat._IsNegativeInfinity(value))
						this.m_value := value.m_value
					else if (MfFloat._IsPositiveInfinity(value))
						this.m_value := value.m_value
						wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, this.Format)
						this.m_value := value.Value
					_value := value ; MfFloat._DoubleToDouble(value) ; round trip to system to validated
					if (_Value == MfFloat.m_NaN)
						this.m_value := MfFloat.m_NaN
					else if (_Value == MfFloat.m_NegativeInfinity)
						this.m_value := MfFloat.m_NegativeInfinity
					else if (_Value == MfFloat.m_PositiveInfinity)
						this.m_value := MfFloat.m_PositiveInfinity
						mStr := MfMemoryString.FromAny(_value)
						if (mStr.Length = 0)
							this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_NaN
						else if (mStr.IndexOf("#INF") >= 0)
							if (mStr.CharCode[0] = 45) ; - symbol
								this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_NegativeInfinity
							this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_PositiveInfinity
						else if (mStr.IndexOf("NAN") >= 0)
							this.m_Value := MfFloat.m_NaN
							fmt := this.Format
							wasformat := Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, fmt)
							_value += 0.0
							this.m_Value := _value
			catch e
				if (MfObject.IsObjInstance(e, MfException))
					if (e.Source == A_ThisFunc)
						throw e
				ex := new MfInvalidCastException(MfEnvironment.Instance.GetResourceString("InvalidCastException_ValueToFloat"), e)
				ex.SetProp(A_LineFile, A_LineNumber, A_ThisFunc)
				throw ex
				if (wasformat != "")
					Mfunc.SetFormat(MfSetFormatNumberType.Instance.FloatFast, wasformat)	
;	End:Value ;}
; End:Properties;}

	End of class
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