Signing into Tableau Server

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Signing into Tableau Server

24 May 2017, 10:32

I am trying to create a script that signs into a tableau server (hosted on amazon EC2, but I believe tableau brings up the same sign in no matter where it is hosted). I followed the tutorial here: ... y-website/

Code: Select all

My_User_Name := "username"
My_Pass_Word := "hunter2"

web_browser := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")

web_browser.Visible := true


while web_browser.busy
	sleep 100

sleep 1000

username_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("username")

username_input.value := My_User_Name

password_input := web_browser.document.getElementById("password")

password_input.value := My_Pass_Word

however it appears tableau server only defines the username and password fields by name etc and not id.

Code: Select all

<input type="text" min="" max="" match-data="" placeholder="Username" title="Username" ng-disabled="disabled" ng-required="required" ng-model="textValue" ng-model-options="options || {}" ng-keydown="keydown({$event: $event})" tb-enter="modelCtrl.$commitViewValue(); onEnter({$event: $event}); triggerEnter()" ng-paste="onPaste()" tb-auto-select="autoSelect" tb-focus="focus" tabindex="0" tb-test-id="textbox-username-input" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" ng-trim="true" class="tb-text-box-input tb-enable-selection ng-not-empty ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-valid ng-valid-required ng-touched" name="username" required="required">
Is there another way to input information? I am also having trouble clicking the sign in button.

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