Mouse Speed Script

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Mouse Speed Script

24 Jun 2017, 09:50

I am Udit Agarwal from Kolkata, India

Today I saw evilc's Sniper mode script in the thread ... 19&t=10159 which is what I need but in a slightly different way, I want a script to speed up the mouse cursor and disable the middle mouse buttons normal functionality in windows 10 and games when the middle mouse button is held down.

I would be very grateful if anyone could help me because I am bedridden since 2003 with very limited physical movement as I suffer from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which has made moving even a 8200dpi mouse at max sensitivity very difficult.

Thanks in Advance.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2016, 01:02

Re: Mouse Speed Script

24 Jun 2017, 15:25

Hello Udit, try this. (slight modification of the mouse delta script, example 3)

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force

; ============= START USER-CONFIGURABLE SECTION =============

ScaleFactor := 4	; The amount to multiply movement by when not in Sniper Mode
; ============= END USER-CONFIGURABLE SECTION =============

; Adjust ScaleFactor. If the user wants 2x sensitivity, we only need to send 1x input...
; ... because the user already moved the mouse once, so we only need to send that input 1x more...
; ... to achieve 2x sensitivity
ScaleFactor -= 1

md := new MouseDelta("MouseEvent").Start()

*MButton up::md.SetState(0)

; Gets called when mouse moves or stops
; x and y are DELTA moves (Amount moved since last message), NOT coordinates.
MouseEvent(MouseID, x := 0, y := 0){
	global ScaleFactor
	if (MouseID){
		x *= ScaleFactor, y *= ScaleFactor
		DllCall("mouse_event",uint,1,int, x ,int, y,uint,0,int,0)

; Instantiate this class and pass it a func name or a Function Object
; The specified function will be called with the delta move for the X and Y axes
; Normally, there is no windows message "mouse stopped", so one is simulated.
; After 10ms of no mouse movement, the callback is called with 0 for X and Y
Class MouseDelta {
	State := 0
		;~ this.TimeoutFn := this.TimeoutFunc.Bind(this)
		this.MouseMovedFn := this.MouseMoved.Bind(this)

		this.Callback := callback

		static DevSize := 8 + A_PtrSize, RIDEV_INPUTSINK := 0x00000100
		; Register mouse for WM_INPUT messages.
		VarSetCapacity(RAWINPUTDEVICE, DevSize)
		NumPut(1, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 0, "UShort")
		NumPut(2, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 2, "UShort")
		; WM_INPUT needs a hwnd to route to, so get the hwnd of the AHK Gui.
		; It doesn't matter if the GUI is showing, it still exists
		Gui +hwndhwnd
		NumPut(hwnd, RAWINPUTDEVICE, 8, "Uint")
		DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "Ptr", &RAWINPUTDEVICE, "UInt", 1, "UInt", DevSize )
		OnMessage(0x00FF, this.MouseMovedFn)
		this.State := 1
		return this	; allow chaining
		static RIDEV_REMOVE := 0x00000001
		static DevSize := 8 + A_PtrSize
		OnMessage(0x00FF, this.MouseMovedFn, 0)
		DllCall("RegisterRawInputDevices", "Ptr", &RAWINPUTDEVICE, "UInt", 1, "UInt", DevSize )
		this.State := 0
		return this	; allow chaining
		if (state && !this.State)
		else if (!state && this.State)
		return this	; allow chaining

		;~ this.TimeoutFn := ""
		this.MouseMovedFn := ""
	; Called when the mouse moved.
	; Messages tend to contain small (+/- 1) movements, and happen frequently (~20ms)
	MouseMoved(wParam, lParam){
		; RawInput statics
		static DeviceSize := 2 * A_PtrSize, iSize := 0, sz := 0, pcbSize:=8+2*A_PtrSize, offsets := {x: (20+A_PtrSize*2), y: (24+A_PtrSize*2)}, uRawInput
		static axes := {x: 1, y: 2}
		; Get hDevice from RAWINPUTHEADER to identify which mouse this data came from
		VarSetCapacity(header, pcbSize, 0)
		If (!DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UPtr", lParam, "uint", 0x10000005, "UPtr", &header, "Uint*", pcbSize, "Uint", pcbSize) or ErrorLevel)
			Return 0
		ThisMouse := NumGet(header, 8, "UPtr")

		; Find size of rawinput data - only needs to be run the first time.
		if (!iSize){
			r := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", 0x10000003, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", iSize, "UInt", 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
			VarSetCapacity(uRawInput, iSize)
		sz := iSize	; param gets overwritten with # of bytes output, so preserve iSize
		; Get RawInput data
		r := DllCall("GetRawInputData", "UInt", lParam, "UInt", 0x10000003, "Ptr", &uRawInput, "UInt*", sz, "UInt", 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2))
		x := 0, y := 0	; Ensure we always report a number for an axis. Needed?
		x := NumGet(&uRawInput, offsets.x, "Int")
		y := NumGet(&uRawInput, offsets.y, "Int")
		this.Callback.(ThisMouse, x, y)
		;~ ; There is no message for "Stopped", so simulate one
		;~ fn := this.TimeoutFn
		;~ SetTimer, % fn, -50
	;~ TimeoutFunc(){
		;~ this.Callback.("", 0, 0)
	;~ }
Posts: 9
Joined: 24 Jun 2017, 07:11

Re: Mouse Speed Script

24 Jun 2017, 23:43

It works thanks a lot :dance: :bravo:

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