Color Detection and alert

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Color Detection and alert

18 Jul 2017, 07:26

I am having an issue with a script that allows you to select a color, area to detect and click start. The script after detecting the color then shows an image in a little popup gui. What happens is the color is not being detected properly in the selected area sometimes and thus eliminates the point of the script. I have put hours and hours into trying to find out why this script is not functioning normally.

Code: Select all

Global Color
IniRead, Color, Settings.ini, Settings, Color
IniRead, x1, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x1
IniRead, x2, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x2
IniRead, y1, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y1
IniRead, y2, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y2
Gui, Color, %Color%

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Caret, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Menu, Screen

Gui,Add,Button,x5 y8 w150 h23 gButtonRealTime,Set Color Detection
Gui,Add,Button,x5 y75 w150 h23 gSetWindowArea,Select Window Area
Gui,Add,Button,x5 y125 w150 h23 gStartDetection,Start
Gui,Add,Button,x5 y150 w150 h23 gStopBreak,Stop
Gui,Add,Edit, x5 y35 w150 h21 vColor,%Color%
Gui,Show,w160 h175,Alert

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Caret, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Menu, Screen
Gui, Submit, NoHide
IniWrite, %Color%, Settings.ini, Settings, Color

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SplashImage = small.png
SoundDelayer = 0
SoundDelayer2 = 0
IniRead, x1, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x1
IniRead, x2, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x2
IniRead, y1, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y1
IniRead, y2, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y2
r := 3

Loop {
        Sleep 3500
        0xColor:= "0x" . Color
		PixelSearch, Outx, Outy, %x1%, %y1%, %x2%, %y2%,%0xColor%,20, fast
			if (ErrorLevel=0) {
				if (SoundDelayer < 5) {
					SoundPlay, sound.wav
					SoundDelayer += 1
				SplashImageGUI(SplashImage, "Center", "Center", 500, true)
			else if (SoundDelayer>0) {
				SoundDelayer = 0
    if(stopbreak=1) {

LetUserSelectRect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
IniWrite, %x1%, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x1
IniWrite, %x2%, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x2
IniWrite, %y1%, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y1
IniWrite, %y2%, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y2
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Caret, Screen
CoordMode, Menu, Screen

SplashImageGUI(Picture, X, Y, Duration, Transparent = false)

Gui, XPT99:Margin , 0, 0
Gui, XPT99:Add, Picture,, %Picture%
Gui, XPT99:Color, ECE9D8
Gui, XPT99:+LastFound -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Border

SysGet, Mon2, MonitorWorkArea, 2
If (Mon2Left) {
Gui, XPT100:Margin , 0, 0
Gui, XPT100:Add, Picture,, %Picture%
Gui, XPT100:Color, ECE9D8
Gui, XPT100:+LastFound -Caption +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Border
If Transparent
Winset, TransColor, ECE9D8
Gui, XPT99:Show, x%X% y%Y% NoActivate

If (Mon2Left) {
Gui, XPT100:Show, x%Mon2X% y%Mon2Y% NoActivate
SetTimer, DestroySplashGUI, -%Duration%

Gui, XPT99:Destroy
Gui, XPT100:Destroy

RealTimeIsRunning = 1 ;stop HexEditBox label glabel from running when ControlSetText is executed
stopbreak = 0

  MouseGetPos , xpos, ypos, WinTitle1, ControlID,
  PixelGetColor , color, %xpos%, %ypos%, rgb
  ControlColor := (Digit1 Digit2 Digit7 Digit8 Digit5 Digit6 Digit3 Digit4)
  if ( Color1 <> Color and WinTitle1 <> WinTitle2 )
    controlsettext, edit4, %Color%
    Gui, Color, %Color%
    SetTimer, Mousetooltip2, 10
    loop 4
    Color1 = %Color%
  if stopbreak = 1
    RealTimeIsRunning = 0
    SetTimer, Mousetooltip2, Off
IniWrite, %Color%, Settings.ini, Settings, Color
stopbreak = 0

Control_Colors(wParam, lParam, Msg, Hwnd) {
    Static Controls := {}
   If (lParam = "Set") {
      If !(CtlHwnd := wParam + 0)
         GuiControlGet, CtlHwnd, Hwnd, %wParam%
      If !(CtlHwnd + 0)
         Return False
      Controls[CtlHwnd, "CBG"] := Msg + 0
      Controls[CtlHwnd, "CTX"] := Hwnd + 0
      Return True
   ; Critical
   If (Msg = 0x0133 Or Msg = 0x0134 Or Msg = 0x0138) {
      If Controls.HasKey(lParam) {
         If (Controls[lParam].CTX >= 0)
            DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetTextColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", Controls[lParam].CTX)
         DllCall("Gdi32.dll\SetBkColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", Controls[lParam].CBG)
         Return DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", Controls[lParam].CBG)


LetUserSelectRect(ByRef X1, ByRef Y1, ByRef X2, ByRef Y2)
    SetTimer, Mousetooltip, 10
    static r := 3
    ; Create the "selection rectangle" GUIs (one for each edge).
    Loop 4 {
        Gui, %GuiNumber%: -Caption +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
        Gui, %GuiNumber%: Color, Red
    ; Disable LButton.
    Hotkey, *LButton, lusr_return, On
    ; Wait for user to press LButton.
    KeyWait, LButton, D
    ; Get initial coordinates.
    MouseGetPos, xorigin, yorigin
    ; Set timer for updating the selection rectangle.
    SetTimer, lusr_update, 10
    ; Wait for user to release LButton.
    KeyWait, LButton
    ; Re-enable LButton.
    Hotkey, *LButton, Off
    ; Disable timer.
    SetTimer, lusr_update, Off
    ; Destroy "selection rectangle" GUIs.
        Gui, 2: Destroy
        Gui, 3: Destroy
        Gui, 4: Destroy
        Gui, 5: Destroy
        SetTimer, Mousetooltip, Off
         MouseGetPos, x, y
        tooltip, Click and drag to select area, (x + 20), (y + 20), 1
         MouseGetPos, x, y
        tooltip, Press CTRL E to select a color, (x + 20), (y + 20), 1

        CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
        MouseGetPos, x, y
        if (x = xlast && y = ylast)
            ; Mouse hasn't moved so there's nothing to do.
        if (x < xorigin)
             x1 := x, x2 := xorigin
        else x2 := x, x1 := xorigin
        if (y < yorigin)
             y1 := y, y2 := yorigin
        else y2 := y, y1 := yorigin
        ; Update the "selection rectangle".
        Gui, 2:Show, % "NA X" x1 " Y" y1 " W" x2-x1 " H" r
        Gui, 3:Show, % "NA X" x1 " Y" y2-r " W" x2-x1 " H" r
        Gui, 4:Show, % "NA X" x1 " Y" y1 " W" r " H" y2-y1
        Gui, 5:Show, % "NA X" x2-r " Y" y1 " W" r " H" y2-y1
Last edited by FrameMan on 02 Aug 2017, 11:50, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Jul 2017, 07:19

Re: Color Detection and alert

02 Aug 2017, 11:34

I am bumping this post because it could be really useful for other people if fixed.
Posts: 203
Joined: 17 Mar 2017, 22:06

Re: Color Detection and alert

02 Aug 2017, 19:03

Sorry I dont know how to help. the example gave me "error". try below;

Code: Select all

IniRead, Color, Settings.ini, Settings, Color
IniRead, x1, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x1
IniRead, x2, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-x2
IniRead, y1, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y1
IniRead, y2, Settings.ini, Settings, SetWindowArea-y2
Msgbox, % Color

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

edit: typo'd

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