Show Icon on compiled Script as a picture in Gui

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Delta Pythagorean
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Show Icon on compiled Script as a picture in Gui

22 Jul 2017, 21:25

I'm assuming there's a way to do it using DllCall or maybe PostMessage.
But the point is, I want to take the compiled script's icon and use it in a gui inside of said script.
If there is a way, please to tell or point me in the right direction, thank you!

[AHK]......: v2.0.12 | 64-bit
[OS].......: Windows 11 | 23H2 (OS Build: 22621.3296)
[DISCORD]..: tophatcat

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Re: Show Icon on compiled Script as a picture in Gui

22 Jul 2017, 22:56

A few years ago I used autohotkey basic and I was able to input bmp file into ahk files and even into compiled versions.
Unfortunately this method does not works now. Maybe the new autohotkey version, I'm using, does not support.
I used a tool called Get Hex of Bmp .ahk
and after conversion I put this hex chars into my script like below

Code: Select all

GoSub, LoadBitmap1
hBMP := DllCall( "CreateDIBitmap", UInt,hDC, UInt,(bmiHAddr:=&BMP+14)
       ,UInt,(CBM_INIT:=4), UInt,&BMP+NumGet(BMP,10), UInt,&BMP+14, UInt,(DIB_PAL_COLORS:=1) )       
SendMessage, (STM_SETIMAGE:=0x172), (IMAGE_BITMAP:=0x0), hBMP,, ahk_id %hPic%
Gui, Show, ,%MainWnd%

(	Join
... (the hex chars)
nSize := StrLen(BMPH)//2
VarSetCapacity( BMP,nSize )
Loop % nSize
NumPut( "0x" . SubStr(BMPH,2*A_Index-1,2), BMP, A_Index-1, "Char" )
The old compiled versions does show the image. The ahk versions does not.
I don't know why, maybe you know how to fix. I would be glad too, knowing a functionally method.
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Delta Pythagorean
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Re: Show Icon on compiled Script as a picture in Gui

23 Jul 2017, 00:49

Hopefully I find a way, it may be something as simple as a DllCall but I'd rather just take my time with it.

[AHK]......: v2.0.12 | 64-bit
[OS].......: Windows 11 | 23H2 (OS Build: 22621.3296)
[DISCORD]..: tophatcat

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Re: Show Icon on compiled Script as a picture in Gui

23 Jul 2017, 13:53

Here are some ideas re. icons and Guis. Cheers.

Code: Select all

q:: ;show icons (note: have Notepad/IE icons, to see their icons)
;see also:
;Crazy Scripting : Include an Icon in your script - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community

;method 1
Gui, Add, Picture,, % A_AhkPath

;method 2
hIcon := LoadPicture(A_AhkPath, "", vType)
Gui, Add, Picture,, % "HICON:" hIcon

;method 3
WinGet, hWnd, ID, ahk_class IEFrame
SendMessage, 0x7F, 1,,, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;WM_GETICON := 0x7F
hIcon := ErrorLevel
Gui, Add, Picture,, % "HICON:" hIcon

;method 4
WinGet, hWnd, ID, ahk_class Notepad
;GCL_HICON := -14 ;GCL_HICONSM := -34
vSfx := (A_PtrSize=8) ? "Ptr" : ""
if hIcon := DllCall("GetClassLong" vSfx, Ptr,hWnd, Int,-14, UInt)
Gui, Add, Picture,, % "HICON:" hIcon

;method 5
hIcon := DllCall("LoadIcon", Ptr,0, Ptr,32512, Ptr) ;IDI_APPLICATION (standard exe icon)
Gui, Add, Picture,, % "HICON:" hIcon

;method 6
vPath := A_AhkPath
hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str,vPath)
hIcon00 := DllCall("LoadIcon", Ptr,hModule, Ptr,159, Ptr) ;[green H]
hIcon01 := DllCall("LoadIcon", Ptr,hModule, Ptr,206, Ptr) ;S on [green S]
hIcon10 := DllCall("LoadIcon", Ptr,hModule, Ptr,207, Ptr) ;P on [red H]
hIcon11 := DllCall("LoadIcon", Ptr,hModule, Ptr,208, Ptr) ;PS on [red S]
vList := "00,01,10,11"
Loop, Parse, vList, % ","
	Gui, Add, Picture,, % "HICON:" hIcon%A_LoopField%

Gui, Show, w300 h400
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