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identifying a MSWord font to allot specific symbols to usual keys

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 16:21
by AmDeG 11
is there a way to identify a specific "Font" at MS Word 2016, in order to allocate keys to that specific keyboard?

Say you use SBL Greek Font in MS Word. When you press "a" the (usual) Latin "a" is given. Well I would like that when I'm using that SBL Greek Font when I type "a" the letter given is the Greek "a", the alpha

Re: identifying a MSWord font to allot specific symbols to usual keys

Posted: 09 Aug 2017, 20:29
by Vh_
Set word as an object. Give this a short try. (dont know why short was there..) Font context hotkeys, I'd reccomend it cross referencing to another script to run. Give this a try.

Code: Select all

Word := ComObjActive("Word.Application")

;Word.Visible := true 

;Msgbox, % IsObject(Word) ;to test if Word is an object, uncomment.

Var := Word.Selection.Font.Name ;Set what you want to test as a variable

Msgbox, % Var ;Find out what the font is, stored in the variable

If (Var = "Arial Black") ;These are just example font I chose.
	Msgbox, do X
Else If (var = "Calibri") ;this was the default.
	Msgbox, do Y
good luck!

Re: identifying a MSWord font to allot specific symbols to usual keys

Posted: 10 Aug 2017, 19:30
by AmDeG 11
thank you.
I think it works. However how can I set up that the script is constantly changing IF MS Word is open and also If I right now I'm using "Arial Black" so that if that is the case I want to make a change in the symbols (scancode, that one symbol will be at a specific key)

Re: identifying a MSWord font to allot specific symbols to usual keys

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 19:30
by TimeHorizon
I guess put it in a loop, that would be my idea. :)

Re: identifying a MSWord font to allot specific symbols to usual keys

Posted: 12 Aug 2017, 19:44
by AmDeG 11