Outlook contact mobile number link

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Outlook contact mobile number link

18 Aug 2017, 08:03

Hi, i'm new at autokey and i need some help.
I've created an outlook e-mail/calendar filler and I would like to had a contact mobile link using only the name of the person name.
My script goes like this:

WinWait, ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32,
IfWinNotActive, ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32, , WinActivate,ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32,
WinWaitActive, ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32,
Sleep, 1000
Run, OUTLOOK.EXE /c ipm.note
Sleep, 1000
Send, [email protected]; [email protected]; {TAB}
Send, %projectmanager% {TAB}
Sleep, 100
Send, %projectnum% - %projectname% - %listname% - %delivery% {TAB}
Send, PROJECT: %projectnum% - %projectname% {ENTER}
Send, SECTOR: %listname% {ENTER}
Send, DELIVERY DATE: %delivery% - %deliverytime% - %contact% {ENTER}
Send, PROJECT MANAGER: %projectmanager% {ENTER}
Sleep, 500
Run, OUTLOOK.EXE /c ipm.appointment
Sleep, 500
Send, {LALT UP}
Sleep, 100
Send, %projectnum% - %projectname% - %listname% - %deliverytime% - %contact% {TAB}
Sleep, 500
Send, %technicianname% - %TimeString%

What and where should insert something to make the link between the name select for the contact and the mobile number in the contact list of outlook?

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Re: Outlook contact mobile number link

18 Aug 2017, 17:31

You can create an Outlook contact completely programmatically through COM which is much faster and more reliable. Plus it can happen entirely in the background if you so choose.

Code: Select all

olApp := ComObjCreate("Outlook.Application")
olContact := olApp.CreateItem(2)	; olContactItem := 2
olContact.FirstName := "Fanatic"
olContact.LastName := "Guru"
olContact.MobileTelephoneNumber := "(123) 456-7890"

olContact.Display ; Remove this line to have it all happen in the background
;~ olContact.Save ; Uncomment to automatically save
This will start a contact and display it for the user to see without actually saving it. You could have it not display and save in the background if you wanted.

Below is a link to all the Properties you can set through COM which is probably pretty much everything.

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vba/ou ... ct-outlook

You can do the same thing with Appointments and Notes. Pretty much anything that Office has for that matter.

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